Wednesday, January 3, 2018

What is up with the Iraqi Dinar?

January 3, 2018

Can you believe we are still waiting???!!!

I never would have believed it.  I would have bet everything that it was going to happen last year and here we are still waiting.  It makes me wonder if it is ever going to happen.

There is good news though.  The cabal is going down.  Maybe that is why we haven't gone yet, but it is getting close if that is what they are waiting for because the cabal is going down!!!

I guess all we do is sit and wait it out.  

November 18, 2017

I dream of a world where people care about each other rather than abuse each other.  I dream of a world where peace and love reign rather than hatred and violence.  I dream of a world where everyone has enough of what they need to live comfortably rather than this debt slavery we live in now.  I dream of prosperity and abundance and love and peace and freedom.

My dreams feel like dreams because the opposite of my dreams seems to dominate the media and our government leaders are more corrupt than most of the criminals in our prisons.  I want a new world where children can play in the streets without fear of abduction or harm.  I want a new world where people can go anywhere they dream and they are not blocked by borders or corrupt governments.  I dream of prosperity for everyone where everyone has everything they need to live a comfortable life without fear of homelessness or harassment from collectors.  

There are times when I feel this dream world of mine is just around the corner but then I round the corner and find more corruption and greed and I am so disappointed.  I have been told on numerous occasions that this dream world of mine is coming and it is so near I could almost touch it but then time passes and it never arrives and I am so saddened.  How do I keep my dream alive when everywhere I turn is hatred and violence and corruption and greed and lies and every time I feel like progress is being made towards my dream world it is blocked by evil people who care only about their selves and do not care who they harm or how they harm them to get what they want?  

Will I live to see this dream world of mine?  Only time will tell but I pray every day that today will be the day my dream world arrives.  I get up every day with hope in my heart only to have my hope dashed against the rocks like giant waves from an angry ocean crashing against the shore.  I go to sleep each night with this prayer in my heart and wake every morning with hope in my heart and every day I am disappointed by what I find in this world and I ask myself, "when will it ever change?"  

This is why I have decided to call myself the Hope Ranger.  Because hope is what I live by each day.  Each day I put on my hope when I awaken and even though each day I am disappointed by what I find somehow I find the strength to put on my hope anew each new day.  I hope with all that I am that one day I will arise and find that my hope has been rewarded with this dream world I have dreamed of for so long and until I either give up the ghost and pass on or until I am rewarded with this dream world I will not stop hoping.

Hope Ranger

November 17, 2017

Just goes to show how much I know.  I thought we would have seen this by now and here we are still waiting.  It does look like the cabal scum is about to go down though.  There are over 1400 indictments and counting and it is looking like some high level government types are about to pay for their crimes at last.  We can only hope and pray.

So I am writing here tonight because I can't sleep so I thought I would just write and maybe that will help me clear my mind and finally sleep.  On this whole GCR thing.  A world where people have received an almost limitless amount of money, people who have been poor their whole lives, people who are generous and caring and who will now share that wealth with others without expectation of any recompense.  Imagine people going around giving out money like it is candy.  You see a homeless person who seems to be a good person just down on their luck so you hand them a million dollars.  You go to a restaurant and the waitress in conversation mentions she is a single mother with three kids at home with a baby sitter and more than half her wages goes to paying the sitter so you hand her a check for a million dollars and watch her break down in tears of gratitude.  Can you imagine such a world?  I can.  I would love to live in a world like that.  A world where the evil elite are rounded up and corralled like the wild animals they are and sent away to never hurt anyone ever again.  A world free of debt slavery and bankers who prey on the weak and poor and take advantage of them at every turn.  Yes I can imagine such a world and that is the place I want to live in from now on.  I want a world where there is a justice system that is true and correct and not run by corrupt judges and lawyers.  This is the world I want to live in and I hope with all that I am that is where we are headed.

I don't even want to consider that we are not headed for that world because the world we have been living in is not a place I want to stay in any longer.  So dear Universe if this is not the world we will see in the next days or at the most weeks please just take me now because I don't want to stay here if we have to continue to live in the world as it has been.  I am tired, emotionally exhausted from living in this world and I just don't want to continue to be here.  This past year has been the hardest in my life because I have imagined this new world and desired it and been waiting for it every day and it has just not manifested and I am just too tired to go on.  So please dear Universe I am begging you tonight to please manifest this new world now today because the world as it has been is just not a place we want to stay in any longer.  

November 4, 2017

So I know we are close but I don't know when this will happen.  What I do know is that the cabal is almost finished but those assholes keep putting out fear porn it appears they will not stop with their bullshit until the bitter end.  So let me just say a few things.  China and Russia are good guys now.  Anytime you see anything about them that is negative like bombings or election fraud it is the cabal with their bullshit fear porn because all that crap is behind us now.  Our government is probably the most evil government in the world until they get all the cabal assholes out and arrested so be aware of our government until you see high level political senators and congressmen being arrested then you know our government is on its way to being cleaned up.  Don't believe the fear crap put out by the cabal because they are just gasping their last gasp trying to do as much damage as they can before they are gone forever.  Trump is a good guy and trying to clean out the scum from our government so support him and what he is doing.  Beyond that just stay vigilant because we are so close you can almost touch this event we have been waiting for.

October 29, 2017

Dear family something has changed.  I don’t know what it is and I don’t have any contacts that have told me this but my internal mechanics are telling me that something has changed and that we are very near what we have been waiting for.  It feels different to me than I have ever felt.  I feel no need to read intel reports.  I feel no need to read anything.  I just “know” that something is up and it is good and it is close.  That is all I know. 

I have struggled my whole life because I am an empath and I have trouble with large crowds and I have struggled with feelings that were not my own but I thought they were.  I only discovered a few years ago that I am an empath and it answered many questions about myself and brought new light to many of the problems I have dealt with my entire life.  I am learning.  I am like a child where this is concerned.  New insights come to me daily and when they do it is like a light going on in my head.  That is where I am today with these feelings.  Until today I have felt like I was in a desert dying of thirst searching daily for new information to tell me where we are on this journey.  Today I am not feeling that.  I feel like my thirst is quenched and that all is well. 

I am sharing this because while I have been on this journey I have read posts from others who have had insights and those insights have given me comfort and hope.  People who have spoken with their higher selves, people who have spoken to spirit guides, people who have just had special insights have all given me comfort and I have read them and taken comfort in them.  I am sharing this today because I am having my own special insights today and it feels wonderful.  I can’t tell you when this is going to happen.  I can’t say if it will be before the end of October.  What I can say is that we are very close and that one day it will happen and this will all be over and we will begin the new leg of this journey, the one we have all been waiting for!  The feeling inside of me that this is coming very soon and that this is almost over is overwhelming today.  Why today?  I have no idea but I am thankful for it because I have longed for a knowing like this since I began this ride over 8 years ago and this is the first time that I have actually had it. 

That is all I have to say.  Take if for what it is worth to you.  Some will call this disinfo some will vote it negative.  That is your choice, whatever you get from this is your personal message but for me I know we are at the end.

Hope Ranger

October 25, 2017

Is this going to happen or not?  Your guess is as good as mine but there are still a few days left in October so I guess time will tell.  I have been on this crazy ride for over 8 years now and I still do not have any contacts or know anybody in high places that could give me any information.  I wish I did but I am a peon.  Nobody important wants to tell me anything.  So here we sit wondering and waiting.  

Beny is now saying it will happen this week again.  Whatever.  I don't know where he came from but he can barely speak English and he supposedly has contacts that are telling him information about this important event.  Do I believe it?  Naw not really.  My problem with him is that he is so fanatically religious.  I have a hard time believing anybody who is so fanatical about religion because in my opinion religion was created by the cabal to divide and conquer us.  God doesn't care what religion you belong to God loves everybody.  I'm sorry but I cannot believe in a God who will love one person because they went to one church and not love the person next door because they went to a different church.  That is not a God I can believe in nor do I want to so I refuse to believe in any religion that believes in such a God.  Thus my problem with all those gurus out there tying religion into this event.  

Anyway I don't want to get into a big religious thing I just wanted to say that I am tired of waiting on this but we have no choice so here we are.  I wish I had some fantastic information to share but I don't so we wait.

October 20, 2017

OK here is my take on this thing.  The gurus are wrong, every last one of them except Dr. Clarke and the jury is still out on him.  I said a couple days ago that this had nothing to do with Iraq and that they were stalling until the GCR is ready to go.  What if there is no GCR and this is ALL about Iraq?  Well then I guess we really are waiting on Iraq to get their shit together.  That is scary because they can't seem to get anything together so maybe we will still be here next year at this time waiting for them to get their shit together.

One thing I know for sure is that this has nothing to do with God.  I keep seeing Christians praying and making this a whole big religious thing and I think they are dead wrong.  I read this post today I am going to copy and post part of it here because it is so absolutely true.

"There can be only one God and said God cannot distinguish between all the different religions that exist on this earth.  God cannot care if a person is Christian or Muslim or Buddhist or any other religion because even though we humans in our limited linear thinking believe each religion is correct because it is the one we believe in, God cannot distinguish between them.  So while Christians believe "their" God will "bless" them with wealth from Buddhist or Muslim peoples, God is one being and cannot care about religion.  It can be no other way.  There cannot be multiple Gods serving each different religion.  Religion is just another way to "divide and conquer" and it has been used by those in power for millennia.  So while I do believe there is a God it doesn't seem said God is doing much to stop the evil doers from doing whatever they want to us here while we wait for this event to occur.  Does the God of Islam differ from the God of Christianity?  Does the God of Buddhism differ from the God of Judaism?  People quote the bible like it is the ultimate word but is it?  What about all the other religions that think their book is the ultimate word?  You do realize that there are more than 1 billion people that belong to the Muslim faith right?  It happens to be one of the fastest growing religions on this planet right now.  So quoting the bible does nothing for people of other faiths.  Just because you may be Christian does not mean everyone is.  Just because you think YOUR God is in charge doesn't mean every other person on this planet thinks the same as you do.  We humans in our linear way of thinking believe that the way we think is just the way everything is but in reality it cannot be so.  There has to be ONE way that is the way of the ONE God who is in charge of all and who is above ALL religions."

 I do not buy into any religion.  I left all religions more than ten years ago.  I used to belong to a religion and was deeply into it for my whole life until my eyes were opened and I had my name removed from the records of that religion and I have never looked back.  What is said above is the very reason I left religion.  I believe there is a God but I do not believe said God has anything to do with the day to day lives of us peons here on earth.  I believe we are here to gain experience and God leaves us to that gaining of experience.  Perhaps once in a great while God will intervene but not on a regular basis.  I believe we decide what our life will be like before we come here and we decide all the details of how it will go so when things are not going the way we like, well that was part of our "life contract" and that is just how it is.  Yes we have the power to change things to some extent but how much I am not sure.  I am still learning about all of this so when I figure it out I will let anyone who is reading this know but from the numbers of views that is very few.  Oh well that's life.  Anyway I don't believe God is going to intervene in this event unless it gets to a point that there is no other choice.  God has allowed the cabal to kill countless people with their weather machines and their wars so why would God intervene now?  It is up to us to make this happen or not.  We need to pull together and tell the cabal they are finished we have had enough of their bullshit.  We will never do that we are too divided.  Surprise me and prove me wrong I would love to see that!!!

October 18, 2017

Well it's end of day and nothing happened so I guess all those gurus who claimed it was going to be today are eating crow right now.  I know Dinar Chronicles is silent.  They posted earlier today that Reno was done and it was in the bankers hands but nothing since and that was more than 6 hours ago.  It sucks to eat crow doesn't it Patrick?  Oh here is one that is hilarious.  Beny Wilson Fake News said in a recording a week or so ago that the GCR would happen in October or he would shut down his show.  Now he is saying that the banks are not ready and it won't happen until maybe March of next year.  That is his way of pissing backwards and backing out of his statement that he would shut down his show if it doesn't happen this month because he knows he lied.  Good job Beny you are pissing backwards with the best of them now buddy.  Lies are lies buddy and you can hide behind religion and pretend to be religious and all your self righteous BS but in the end you are a lying guru just like Yosef and all the rest so don't try to pull those games with us we will call you out.  We are not buying it buddy.  It either happens this month or you need to shut your mouth and your program and we don't want to hear from you ever again after this month if it doesn't happen this month period.  No pissing backwards buddy when you piss in the wind you get pissed on!!!

As far as this event happening I am still on board with Dr. Clarke that it will happen in October and the month isn't over yet so we still have time.  Let's see what happens.

October 16, 2017

We are getting closer to Wednesday.  I wonder if it will really happen this time?  What really gives me hope is that folks like Ben Fulford who has never talked about a GCR is now saying it is close.  When I start seeing people who are not dinar gurus talking about this I start to get excited because that tells me volumes more than one dinar guru telling me it will happen soon.  

Let's keep our fingers and toes crossed folks that this is truly our week!!!

October 15, 2017

Well folks it looks like this is our week unless they are playing with us again.  Let's hope this time it is for real.  Word on the street is that we should see the GCR this week and that is what I am counting on.  Hear that Universe we are counting on it happening this time this week for sure!

If it does not happen this week then I give up and I don't know what to say beyond that.  If the cabal stops it this time then I don't know when we will see it.  Damn the cabal and all they stand for!!!  I hope God steps in this time and makes it happen and stops them from doing anything more to delay this.  Please God let it be this week!!!

October 14, 2017

I don't know if I have said this before so I thought I should say it now while we wait.

A lot of people are watching Iraq but in my opinion, Iraq means nothing to the GCR.  They are just stalling until they get the go from the rest of the world.  They can't do anything with the dinar until the rest of the world changes too because this is an one for all and all for one type of deal so they have to wait with the rest of the world for the GCR.  All of the news and crap coming out of Iraq is just stall tactics because they can't go until the rest of the world does.

Now that is just my opinion but think about it.  If this is a "global" event then why would Iraq be able to revalue their currency ahead of the rest of the world?  They can't but they know there are many people watching them waiting for them to revalue the dinar so they have to keep putting out crap that is just stall info until the rest of the world is ready to go.  

So in my opinion I stopped watching Iraq a long time ago.  I have not paid attention to news coming out of Iraq for over a year because when I realized that this was a global event I realized also that Iraq is just one player among many and they can't do anything until the rest of the world does.

There you have my opinion on what is going on in Iraq and although this blog is called "what is up with the Iraqi dinar" in reality it stopped being about the dinar when it started being about the whole world.  I feel like this is our week.  For whatever that is worth because I have said that before and it didn't work out but I am hoping with everything that I am that this time is it.  Watch the news this week.  Read between the lines.  Trump's statement about the calm before the storm in my opinion was about the GCR and when that breaks loose all hell is going to break loose for the cabal.  It will be a storm but it will be a good one for us because all those asshats are going to jail and we are all going to get our prosperity.  I am actually excited for the first time in a long time about this week so lets all put our hope on and hope for this to happen this week!!!

October 13, 2017

Friday the 13th.  It has always been a good day for me never unlucky as some believe.  Probably because my dad was born on a Friday the 13th so I have always believed it to be a good luck day for me.  The day is almost over and no GCR so not that lucky but still not a bad day overall.

Dr. Clarke put out a short post today and he still maintains that we will see this in October and I am still a believer.  His stuff has been right on so far so I have to think he knows what he is talking about.  That along with Benjamin Fulford saying that something big is coming and other non dinar big names saying things that lead me to believe we are oh so close.  I wish I knew when it was going to happen but that would spoil the surprise I guess.

I am so ready for this to happen.  I have big plans when it does and they include helping a lot of folks.  The people I plan on helping have no clue but they are going to be so surprised when I show up with a big check with their name on it.  I can't wait to do that more than anything else I will do with this.  Yes I plan to upgrade my vehicle and a few personal things but I am not going to go crazy on personal things.  I am just excited to help people out.  One boy I know will get his college education completely paid for along with a place to live so he doesn't have to worry about working while he studies.  One lady has been battling breast cancer and she will get the remainder of her life worry free.  An old high school friend who was in a terrible motorcycle accident 25 years ago will also get the remainder of his life worry free.  I have some big plans for people and I can't wait to do those things.  

Yes life is going to be good after this happens folks.  Let us all stay positive and keep those vibes high because I can feel it coming and it feels very close.  So close in fact that I hope I will never write here again other than to say farewell.  I guess time will tell.

October 10, 2017

On this day of 10-10-10 I feel the need to make a statement.  Since the new quantum computers used by the glactics know who we all are anyway I am not going to state my name because they already know who I am.

I hereby revoke any permissions anyone may have inferred to use my name for any purpose.  I revoke any permissions assumed or otherwise to use my identity for any purpose.  I am a sovereign person and I hereby take back all my rights that have been taken from me.  Let it be known from this day forward I do not subject myself to the fraud of the US government Inc. I do not subject myself to their fraudulent laws or policies.  I want it known that I want to stand as a sovereign individual not beholding to any government or state and that I will fight to keep my rights including those to possess guns to defend myself and family and my rights to all monies in my name under my identity anywhere in this world.  

I just thought I should make that known publicly in case this fake government wants to come take anything that is mine.  You will get my guns, money, property and anything else I possess from my cold dead hands but no other way.  Let it be known!

October 2, 2017

Well I found out who Yosef from Dinar Chronicles is.  Not surprised at his white people hating now that I see who he really is.  No wonder he is afraid to tell everyone who he really is.  Anyway now today DC is saying there is an intel black out but only on their site because other sites are putting out information.  I think they just wanted the day off so they said there was a black out so they didn't have to post anything today. 

Ya know this world is so screwed up.  We have people killing people then politicians trying to use that to boost their agendas.  How sad is that?  People are mourning the loss of loved ones and politicians are out there campaigning for their agenda of gun control or whatever it may be.  When is this madness ever going to end?

If you watch "The Hunger Games" you think that is insane that the rich live in such luxury while the poor live like slaves but folks we are not far from that type of insane BS if we allow the politicians to keep up with their insane policies.  WE have the numbers we out number them by a long shot but if we sit by and do nothing and allow them to keep putting laws in place that limit our rights or take away our rights completely we are going to end up just like the poor people on that movie and it is not far away with all the crazy shit going on today.

Is this GCR really ever going to happen?  I honestly don't know but if we are all sitting on our hands waiting for it to happen listening to all the pretty things we are told by the gurus about how wonderful everything is going to be once it happens we could just sit by and watch everything disappear and end up with nothing including the GCR.  We better take a closer look at what is going on in the world and stop depending on fake gurus like Yosef to tell us what we want to hear.  Patrick on DC is practicing censorship I know for a fact.  I have a friend who sent in a post that was anti Yosef and it did not get posted so beware not everybody is on our side not even those we think may be.  

Bottom line is that this GCR may be a distraction to lull us into a false sense of well being waiting for it to happen when it will never in reality happen while the cabal continues to grind us down until there is nothing left of us to grind.  It is obvious that the cabal still has plenty of power and the good guys evidence is really not visible anywhere.  So where are all the arrests of the cabal?  Where is all the good guy stuff we should be seeing by now?  Where is the fucking GCR for hell's sake???  Yep folks I am starting to question everything.  Start with the gurus.  Who are they and what is their agenda?  Yosef is a con man for sure and his website HAS is nothing more than a con game to get money and he will run like hell when he has gotten as much from poor stupid people willing to give him money for nothing as he can.  That is why he refuses to tell people who he is.  Well I know who he is I know his real name and I have seen his picture.  I know full well who he is now and I know he is a con man first class so watch out everyone the gurus are not out for you they are out for their selves only and nobody else.  At least most of them.  I can't say that for all of them I still think Bruce is a good guy but I could be wrong I have not done much research on him.  Mountain Goat is a man who pretends to be a woman.  Tony Renfro from TNT is in jail and RayRen took over for him so I would not touch TNT with a ten foot pole.  It seems there are a lot of criminals out there and not so many good guys.  Which sucks for us average folks because who do we have to rely on?  I had faith in Richard McKim but he disappeared.  Doesn't that make you wonder why?  He was calling out the cons and the cabal and then he disappeared.  Things that make you go hmmmm.  Just open your eyes and be careful who you give your loyalty to and who you give your money to.  I'm out for today.

October 1, 2017

Well here it is late night and nothing happened today.  I hope nobody was too discouraged.  We knew it was too good to be true.  Just stay positive it is coming just not when certain charlatan gurus say it is.  Stay away from gurus charging for their information or services folks when somebody wants to charge you to be a member of their special group that is the first sign it is a scam.  I refer back to the book How To Use Your God Power by Richard McKim.  It is still free on the internet to download and it is still one of the best books I have ever read.  Free and it contains fantastic information.  

This will come when the time is right but the fake gurus will not know when that is so don't listen to them.

September 30, 2017

Well tonight is supposed to be our night according to a couple of gurus.  Do I believe it?  Let me put it this way.  I won't lose any sleep waiting for it tonight.  I WANT it to happen more than I can say but after so many lies and false promises I won't hold my breath.

All I can say is don't expect to wake up to a GCR in the morning folks.  Go to bed, sleep well, and if it is there in the morning you will be well rested to celebrate and if not you won't have lost any sleep over another lie.  Why do they feel they have to continually lie to us?  Why do they feel they have to continually lead us on?  Do the elders or whoever is in charge of this think so little of us that they don't think they can tell us the truth at least once in a while?  That is insulting.  It also goes against the "do no harm" motto that is supposed to be the new law of the land.  In case anybody forgot or has not checked lately lying is harm and we have had nothing but lies since the beginning of this.  So there you have it elders.  Start telling the damn truth or pay the consequences yourselves because lying is harm and we will not forget all the lies and we will hold you responsible when all is said and done.  NO MORE LIES!!!  We want the truth period.

September 17, 2017

I don't think,  people realize how much money is involved with this GCR if even a fraction of what they are telling us is true.  Let me break it down for you.  If the ZIM comes out at 3 cents per ZIM and you have one 100 trillion ZIM bond note that equals 3 trillion dollars.  1 trillion is 1 thousand billions.  1 billion is 1 thousand millions so 3 trillion is 3 million groups of 1 million dollars.  That is a lot of money.  I don't think most people are ready to deal with that much money and the supposed gurus are saying the ZIM could have a screen rate of over 3 dollars per ZIM.  That is 300 million groups of 1 million dollars.  Let that sink in folks.  I can understand a million dollars.  Hell many houses cost several million dollars so I get that.  But 300 million bundles of 1 million dollars?  Can you wrap your head around that much money?  

I think a lot of people have been so wrapped up in all this talk about all this money that they have forgotten what this is all about.  There are over 5 million currency holders some estimate it to be over 6 million.  Lets just say that each of those 5 million people help just friends and family of say 100 people each immediately when they get their money.  They give each a sizable amount of money and tell them to go enjoy life.  Those people are going to help others but that immediate number of people helped as soon as this happens is 500 million people.  That is more people than are in the US.  If each of those people helps just 5 additional people that is 2.5 billion people helped within say a month or so.  That is about 1 third of the population of the planet.  

Folks you don't have to fix the whole world all by your self.  All you have to do is fix your little corner of the world and with all the other currency holders out there doing the same thing the world is going to get fixed real fast.  Don't let the numbers go to your head.  Just worry about fixing your little corner of the world and while everybody that has currency does the same thing we will have this world fixed in no time at all.  All these gurus talking about their projects and bringing people together to help with projects is not needed.  Just go out and help your friends and family then take on some projects that mean something to your heart and you will do just fine.  Don't get wrapped up in these gurus wanting to sign you up to their projects I feel like they have ulterior motives and they may not be around once this happens if they do.  The one thing we have heard over and over is that the universal law will be do no harm.  If these guys have ulterior motives they won't be around to do anything because they will be snapped up fast and put somewhere they cannot hurt anyone with their project proposals gathering money from all you newly wealthy folks.  Be careful what you do with your money and where you spend it.  Stay invisible.  Stay grounded.  Stay humble.  Help yourself first then your family then your friends then go outward from there.  Remember everybody will be doing the same thing and it won't take long before things are real good everywhere.  

That's just my thoughts on this but I have been reading some of these guru posts and I get a gut feeling that they do not have pure hearts.  At least not all of them.  Be careful, stay invisible, stay grounded and get professional help to handle all that money because it is more money than any of us have ever dealt with in our lives.

September 15, 2017

We have friends, a family, who live in Florida. They called today. They are OK thank god. They lost some personal things, a refrigerator, AC, and they are HOT without it but most of their belongings survived. They had purchased extra water and food and they are taking it to the people a few blocks away who lost everything. Good people! Better than the supposed elders who are so damn benevolent. These people lost A LOT and yet they are willing to give what little they have to those who lost more. More than I can say for the elders at this point.

They stayed through the hurricane. They were not in a section that needed to evacuate so they stayed, not so with most of their neighbors. They said they felt so alone because the place was like a ghost town. It was really scary for them the worst experience they have ever been through.

The kids are going back to school and things are returning to normal slowly but surely.

I live in a landlocked state that has neither hurricanes or tornadoes as a rule so the only thing we have to worry about is the big earthquake that they keep threatening us with. With all the activity under ground these days it could come and without any notice like the folks in Florida had for the hurricane. I don't think about it much I figure if its gonna happen it will happen and we will have to deal with it when it does.

So where is the GCR? Nobody seems to know. Lots of guesses but nothing concrete. Lots of crap being put out by some gurus that you have to use a lot of discernment to read or just skip over it like I do. The one thing I keep holding to is that I believe what we have been told that chaos will rule when this is close to happening and chaos is King right now so I figure we must be close. Either that or the world is going to hell and is about to end. Either way I guess I am ready. I just wish it would happen either way. Honestly! If it is the end then bring it and lets get this thing over with. If it is the GCR then same thing bring it and lets get this thing over with. I am tired of all these games being played by everyone. Gurus talk in cryptic BS that you need a decoder to understand and the chaos just keeps mounting. Maybe its time to step away for a time. Catch my breath and just breathe for a while. I don't care if Yosef shows himself or not because I just don't care. His posts are getting screwier by the day. He mingles religious BS with crap that is so garbled it is hard to understand sometimes. I wonder if he is the same person or if he is losing it. Either way I could care less if he shows who he is or not because I do not care.

In times like this people seem to turn to religion thinking they need to be saved before things get bad. I got news for ya, religion isn't going to help if things get bad. Go ahead and crucify me for that but I left the shackles of religion a long time ago and I have never been happier so crucify me if you need to but religion is man made and I have no doubt about that. 

I believe that what really matters is how we treat each other on a daily basis and religions are some of the most judgmental groups on the face of the earth so burn me at the stake but I refuse to go back under those shackles under any circumstances. Look at ISIS it is religion based. Look at any conflict most likely you will find religion somewhere in there. If not religion you will find greed and that is the cabal who is based on religion too, worshiping the made up persona of Satan. All based on religion. 

So yes I am tired of all the BS and I am ready to move on. With or without the GCR because at this point I am questioning even the supposed elders. Yeah they are supposedly benevolent but they have no problem watching people lose everything including their lives. Where is the benevolence in that? I don't see it so I am just calling everyone out tonight. Either make this damn thing happen or end the world either way I am ready for the end of this BS.


This guy makes a lot of sense.  You have to be following certain websites to know about some of the stuff he references but since I do I understand it.

I agree.  Universe we want this GCR but if you are not going to release it and give us what we have been promised then lets just end this misery now and get it over with.  

September 14, 2017

It really makes a difference how you think and feel.  A simple change of attitude can alter your reality drastically.  

Last night I had an epiphany and realized that I had been spending too much time sitting and waiting for things to happen so I decided right then and there that I was no longer going to sit around waiting.  I decided I was going to enjoy life and love life and LIVE life regardless of what happens and today I had the most extraordinary day!  I had a job interview that was the best interview I have ever had in my life and I can tell you I have been to MANY interviews.  It could not have gone any better.  Now whether I get the job or not does not matter in the least because I know that my life is going to be alright.

So I am putting this out there for anyone who reads it to know that what you think really does create your reality.  I have proven that to myself so many times and yet I still have a tendency to fall backwards.  I guess that is human nature but hopefully when we all ascend to 5D that will all change and we will become the true creators we were put here to be.  

Let us all let love guide our thoughts and actions and let us all hope for this GCR to come to us very soon.  Whatever happens I know we are gong to be fine but I have a feeling that maybe this time we will see something happen.  If not oh well I am going to enjoy life to its fullest regardless.

Hope Ranger

September 12, 2017

I hoped the GCR would happen yesterday kind of a positive revenge for what was done to our country by the Bush Crime Cabal 16 years ago but sadly it did not happen.  So then I hoped it would happen today, again nothing.  The thing is that I see evidence of this GCR everywhere I look so I no longer doubt that it is happening my question is when will the average person receive the benefits of it?

We have had destruction from the hurricanes we have had loss of life and property we have had so many things happen on the anniversary of the terrible hoax that was perpetrated on the USA by our own government 16 years ago and yet nothing benevolent for the average person to see.  It does make you wonder who is in control of this thing but then on the other hand until the cabal is controlled completely it doesn't make sense to release all that money to us because the cabal will just steal it legally.  So why don't they take those bastards out and fix things?  We the average folks know who is responsible so the powers that be have to know who they are in spades.  Why is this taking so long?  Are the NPTB being too nice to the old cabal people?  Are they giving them too many chances to straighten out their acts?  I know that if I made a mistake today driving my car I would have to pay the consequences immediately so why are they giving these people who have committed crimes so much worse than a traffic violation so many chances?  It surely does not seem fair.  

Take cannabis for example.  It is still classified as a schedule 1 drug.  That means is is highly addictive, which I know first hand it is NOT.  That also means it has no medicinal value and that has been proven false so many times by now that it is a joke that it is still classified as a schedule 1 drug.  How many lives have been destroyed because of this one harmless substance?  How many people are in jail because of this one harmless substance?  And yet the cabal who are pedophiles and murderers and destroyers of property and lives are allowed to go free continuing their ways while good people's lives are destroyed by those same evil people? We keep hearing about arrests but they never happen.  We keep hearing about changes that never happen.  When is this all going to change?  It needs to change yesterday!!!  

Whoever is in charge of this needs to step it up because the world is getting tired of this and we are waking up in droves now and soon they are going to have the entire world ready to rise up and take back what is ours.  Imagine 7 billion people saying we have had enough!  Imagine an uprising of 7 billion people worldwide! Maybe that is what we need to do.  Maybe we need to as humanity say we are done we will not pay another bill or work another minute until this is changed.  That would build a fire under whoever is in charge of this thing I guarantee it.  

Well let us see what happens this week.  If nothing happens then we will see what we as humanity will do but if I were in charge of this thing I would not wait until that day because it may not be pretty.

One Who Has Had Enough

September 7, 2017

Wow things are crazy in these United States of America these days.  Over 7.8 million acres of fire burning, Irma about to hit Florida with Jose close behind, gas prices going through the roof because of Harvey.  Man is there any help for us average folks? 

It seems that chaos is running full bore through our country right now and there is nobody to stop it.  Our government is as screwed up as ever so no hope there.  There are supposedly some elders somewhere in China who have control of the GCR who are not doing a damn thing but watching our country fall apart.  What are we to do?  

I don't have the answer what I do have is hope.  Thus my name Hope Ranger.  I have hope that things are darkest before the dawn.  I have hope that while things look hopeless they really are not hopeless but there is hope beyond the chaos and that somehow something will happen to save us from what appears to be the worst year this country has seen since its foundation.  We have our government fighting some supporting the president and others trying to take him out.  They are so busy with that they can't be bothered to worry about all the disasters going on around us and some believe they are responsible for those very disasters because of HAARP.  I have seen a video by a veteran of the Vietnam war who was part of weather control way back in the 60's who says our government has the technology to stop hurricanes or lessen them to the point they will do no harm and yet here we are suffering because of Harvey and waiting for the destruction of Irma.  What kind of government allows the people of it's country to be killed and destroyed when they have the means to stop it?  That is just pure evil and there is no other way to say it folks. 

So here I am tonight to ask the Universe or God or whatever you want to call the higher power most believe is up there for some help.  I want to put this out on the internet because I want it to be somewhere other than just my computer.  I want the Universe to see this.  I know I speak for a good number of people when I say what I am going to say.  We need help here!!!  Please do something!!!  Stop this madness now please!!!  Stop Irma.  Stop the fires.  RELEASE the GCR immediately so that we can do something ourselves!!!!!!!!!  DO SOMETHING FOR US RATHER THAN JUST WATCH!!!!!!!!!  Please!!!

It is my hope that the Universe or someone higher than a telephone pole will read this and communicate it to the highest power there is and that this plea will be heard and acted upon.  Hope is all we have left at this point.  I have friends in Florida who do not have the means to leave.  They are stuck there waiting the storm out.  Please be with them!!!  Stop this storm then stop the fires then release the damn GCR so that we can go do something to fix this mess the cabal has created.

In hope and love
Hope Ranger

September 6, 2017

Dear God,

I have lost my way these days.  Not long ago I knew exactly who I was and where I was going but today I do not and I need your help.  There is so much chaos in the world right now it is hard to know which way is up and which is down.  With hurricanes threatening us and wild fires and politics it is mind boggling.  The air where I live is so thick you could cut it with a butter knife and I am not even where all the major fires are.  The president threatening to send kids who have lived here their whole lives and know no other life back to the countries their parents came from.  Where is the justice in that?  Why must everything be a threat?  Where is the love?

God all I can say is please help us here on this planet because I know of no other time in our history when we needed it more.  We are close to a world break down I fear and if you do not step in today and set some things straight I do not know what will come of humanity.  I fear for my family I truly do God.  I do not fear for myself because I know if I were alone I could survive anything but my family is another story and I do not want to watch them suffer as others are watching their families suffer.  Why must they suffer?  Why must anyone suffer?  I thought we were on the edge of the 1000 years of peace but it seems all hell has broken loose and it has me afraid for my family.  Please step in and do something today!!!

Just one person 

September 6, 2017

A plea to the universe.

Universe, or God, or Goddess, or whatever you would like to be called by us humans here on planet Earth we have a plea we hope you hear.  We have been lied to and cheated and kept down by the elite few that hold all the money and all the power for longer than we have been alive.  In fact this has been going on for longer than our parents and grandparents were alive.  Those elite who consider their selves better than all the rest of us have stolen from us, and done things that we as normal human beings consider unimaginable to us for so long that many of us have grown blind to what they are doing.  

We are waking up now though and many of us are fully awake.  We know there is change in the air but it seems this change is taking far longer to transpire than we imagined.  Those elite in power are called by some the cabal or the Illuminati but whatever You call them You know who we are talking about.  There is one event in particular that we have been waiting on for many years now that we feel would tip the balance in our favor but every time we think it is going to happen the cabal somehow stops it or delays it because they know it will be their death blow.  We are speaking of the Global Currency Reset.  Once this happens we, the ones who have been held down for so long, will finally have the "means" to do something about all of this.  We will have the financial means to stop the elite from all the evil they have perpetrated on humanity for thousands of years.  

We beseech you today to look down upon us this day and see that our hearts are ready to do this thing we have come here at this time to do.  We ask you to please touch the hearts of those in charge of this event to release it today immediately so that we will be able to go out and heal the world.  We know that is why we are here in this place at this time and we are ready to go do what we have come here to do.  We ask at this time to please release the funds to us this day so that we can put a stop to all of this chaos and begin to make this world the beautiful place it is meant to be.  We are light workers and our hearts are pure.  We know all that has gone into this and it is ready so please no more delays, release the funds this very day and allow us to go forth and begin to make this world a better place for all to live.  There is nothing more to be said.  It has all been said a million times and now is the time for action.  So please hear us this day and make this the day of reckoning for the cabal and let us go forth like an army of light to change what they have done and clean this world and make it beautiful again.  

One final word we feel needs to be said.  If you do not hear us this day and do not release these funds to us immediately we will keep fighting because that is what we came here to do.  However we feel that You should know that we hold You responsible for every death from this moment forward, every heart broken, every child who loses a parent, every single thing that happens because the cabal is allowed to continue their evil on this planet we hold You responsible and we will ask for an accounting when we meet face to face one day.  You may be God but that does not mean that we will not require an accounting of why You have not done what You promised to do and why this has delayed so long.  There are atrocities taking place every minute this is delayed and we will require of You an accounting and an answer as to why this did not happen when we asked it of You plainly and simply with all our hearts.  So this day 9/6/2017 is the day we ask of You to release these funds finally and we will mark it in our hearts and we will know if You do not answer this plea today.  

In love and light
Light warriors

September 3, 2017

Well folks it looks like China announced at the BRICS meeting today that the yuan will be gold backed.  That should be the beginning of the GCR it will be the beginning of the end for the US dollar as the world reserve currency that is for sure.  I hope I never post on this site again because once the GCR happens I will be out healing the world and won't have time to be here so lets hope this is the last time I write on this page.

August 30, 2017

I don't think anyone doubts that the cabal exists.  We see evidence of the corruption in our government and other governments daily.  We know the big corporations have paid our legislators to pass laws to benefit them disregarding what it would do to the people of this country the biggest culprit of this is the pharmaceutical industry.  We know that greed rules our government and our world.  These things are plain to see everywhere you look.  It is not hard to believe these things unless you are living under a basket and simply refuse to look and see what is going on in our world today.

What is hard to believe is that all this is coming to an end.  It is hard to believe that these people in power with all the money today are going to give up this power and money and allow us to live in a world where they no longer have all the control and money.  It makes it even harder to believe when we are promised that the GCR is on course to go and nothing can stop it but then these same people still in control somehow stop it.  They still control HAARP obviously look at Hong Kong and Texas.  They still control everything apparently.  The world is in chaos and while we see this chaos daily we keep being told that this is all ending.  That is hard to believe while "seeing" everything that is happening in the world.  

We are tasked with believing in things that seem impossible, that are supposedly happening right now, while "seeing" the exact opposite things happening before our very eyes.  That is a pretty big task but that's why we are supposedly getting the big bucks, right?  Wouldn't it be nice if we could actually "see" some evidence of what we are being told is happening?  Wouldn't it be nice if we had some physical evidence that what we are being told is actually taking place?  Short of that the only thing that I see as any possibility is that in the middle of all this chaos we just receive our funds and then WE CAN HELP MAKE THE OTHER THINGS HAPPEN!!!  Why make us wait until all is in control when if we had our funds we could assist in making all the other things happen?  If we are truly seen as "chosen" or light workers then the trust factor should not be a problem, right?  Do the NPTB really trust us?  If so then why make us wait eternally until everything is perfect to release the funds? 

DO NO HARM!  That is supposed to be the new law we will be living under.  That is not the case just yet obviously because we see HARM being done to people daily by the OPTB(old powers that be).  When will this stop?  We could help with all of this if we had our funds!  Right?  We WOULD help if we had our funds! Right?  I know I would!!!

Well I know I will not get answers to these questions because I am just a peon.  I am just a lowly nobody light worker waiting to start doing the work I came here to do.  I just HOPE this happens soon because my heart is aching for the pain and suffering I am watching daily while the funds keep being delayed.  If my heart is aching how can benevolent beings who "feel" more than I do continue to delay this watching the pain and suffering?  I do not understand but then I am just a lowly peon.

Hope Ranger

August 6, 2017

My god are we still waiting for this to happen?  Apparently so.  Why?  Apparently our wonderful government has stopped it yet again.  Not only have they screwed us over our whole lives but they continue to screw us over by stopping this from happening.  Wow words fail me.  I just want this ride over period.  I am tired beyond words, emotionally, spiritually, and physically.  I just cannot do it any longer.  How many times have I said that?  Lost count.  Here I am still doing it.  Am I stupid?  Maybe.  Universe we demand that this end here and now.  No more waiting on idiots like our government who we know are all criminals or North Korea who is lead by the biggest imbecile on the planet.  No more waiting or you are going to have an uprising on your hands!!!

July 19, 2017

Note to Universe:  Please let this GCR happen now!!!  We are tired of living this life of servitude and slavery to debt!  We want to be free of the tyrants running the governments and stealing from us and doing everything in their power to kill us and keep us down.  We want freedom from lack and from lies and from everything this world has been for the last two plus millennia.  Please Universe deliver us from this NOW!!!  

June 13, 2017

It would be hilarious if it wasn't so sad that we are still here waiting for this damn thing to happen.  There are no words to describe the disappointment felt by millions that this has not happened yet.  They keep telling us to stay positive then they give us dates to expect this to happen that come and go with nothing happening and my question is how do you stay positive when you are constantly slammed to the ground like this?  I thought I had a handle on this whole positive thought thing but after this last bout of promises not kept my handle is slipping.  Not sure what more to say or think at this point.  Maybe I will be back and maybe not.

April 28, 2017

Still waiting like the rest of you so my source was no better than any of the rest.  My source is still saying any day now but he has been saying that since my last post so there you have it.  Nobody knows when this damn thing is going to happen!

March 26, 2017

So it was not the last time I would write here as fate would have it. As of today still no change in value of any currencies and people are on pins and needles for this thing to happen.  I actually have a source these days and a pretty high level one at that and he has told me that we can expect this to happen any time now through next week so I guess we will see if my source is any more accurate than any of the other gurus out there.

I read the book I mentioned in my last post and I have been living it since I read it the first time.  I have to tell you that my life has already changed for the better and I can only see things getting better and better!!!  Folks that book is for real I am living proof!  I have changed my reality and I am living a new reality that is amazing!  The final step before I completely enter my new reality that I have been creating since reading the book will be the change in value of the worlds currencies to all asset backed and all on a fair value par with each other.  When that happens I will have stepped into my new reality and I will no longer be writing on this blog so I wish you all the very best life has to offer and I urge you if anyone is reading this read that book it will change your life!!!!

Farewell to all and may life give you all that you desire!!!!!

January 29, 2017

Well folks this will probably be the last time I write in here and since I don't think anybody reads this anyway no biggy.  I do want to say a couple of things before I go.

First I discovered a book.  It is an amazing book and in my opinion the answer to everything.  The book is titled "How To Use Your God Power" and the author is Richard Lee McKim Jr.  I am not going to put a link here because links have a tendency to break.  Just search it on Google and you will find it on You Tube and in many places.  You can watch it on You Tube or find the PDF and download that to read it or you can download the audio book.  It is all there and all free.  Mr. McKim has figured it out and he shares it all in detail for free.  That is the sign that someone has found the true secret to success, they are not asking for money to learn that secret.  I have actually spoken with Richard on the phone on a couple of occasions and he is a very nice man and full of information.  You will change your life if you read this book with an open mind.

Which brings me to the reason for this last post.  I have read this book cover to cover and am in the process of reading it again while listening to it on audio book also.  I have changed my reality and I know without a doubt that this is going to be happening very soon so I will no longer have any reason to be writing here.  I wish you all well in your new lives because you will all be living a new life whether you know it or not.  Reality is changing and our world is not going to be the same from now on.  If your world continues as it has that means you didn't make the cut to the new dimension.  The world is going to get a lot better for those of us ready to move on up to the next dimension.  This revaluation is just the first step in a huge step for human evolution.  Things are going to start changing really fast now so hold on tight and fasten your seat belts.  See you on the other side folks!!!!  Good luck and all my love to everyone!!!

January 13, 2017

Today was my father's birthday and I wish he were here for me to give him a big hug and wish him happy birthday.  But alas thus is life and he has passed on to whatever is next after we leave this life so I will have to wish him happy birthday in my own way.

So a lot is going on with the dinar these days huh?!!!  It is looking like we are getting close.  I am thinking that this is it folks.  I am all ready for this to happen and then you will never hear from me again on this blog.  Not that it matters because I don't think anybody reads this anyway but hey in case anybody is reading this I am letting you know that I think the dinar is going to revalue very soon so I may not be writing on this blog ever again.  Lets hope we never have to come to this site again folks.  Here's to never seeing you again!!!!!

December 31, 2016

Last day of the year and regardless of all the guru predictions no RV yet.  Makes ya wonder if it is ever really going to happen.  Doesn't it make you want to just go "postal" on all the powerful elite who are keeping this from us???  Maybe that is what it will take for us to see this.  Maybe we the masses need to go postal on those idiots and let them know that the power is really in the hands of us not them!!!!

That brings me to what I wanted to say.  Trump is our president elect.  Why can people not just let it be?  I have never seen so much cry babying in my life!!!  Good lord people he won just accept it and let it go.  I am half expecting a big riot after the Super Bowl this year because it seems that people have forgotten how to lose with grace and dignity.  He isn't perfect but have you all forgotten that Clinton got a blowjob in the white house????  His wife is no better than he is so for all you wishing she had won I am afraid you would be much sorrier than you can ever imagine if she had won so just let it go and stop your whining for god's sake!!!!!  At this point it doesn't matter anyway because Mr. Trump won period....!!!!!!!

November 24, 2016

Happy Thanksgiving everybody!  I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday in spite of many gurus leading folks to believe the RV was going to happen before the holiday.  For those who are new to this and you are dealing with depression today because of that I am sorry for you.  I can relate I have been where you are believe me so all you can do is stop hanging your emotions on what the gurus say because if you do you are setting yourself up for a let down every time.

I have been following what the current gurus are saying closely lately because I wondered if perhaps we might just see something this time.  I didn't expect it I just thought that just maybe it might be this time.  Nope sorry folks now you will see a whole slew of excuses as to why they missed the mark yet again and then they will start with new predictions just like this big farce never happened.  The worst part is that most of the people out there will hang on their every word and believe them again forgetting all about this big let down.  It is almost like a religious cult watching how people follow some of these gurus.

Kind of sad really.  Makes ya wonder if humanity is really ready to ascend or maybe not just yet?  Well who the hell am I to say I'm just some ordinary "Joe" living life on the edge wondering if I will be able to survive with my family this coming year.  I guess time will tell us all.  Good luck folks.

November 5, 2016

So I have recently seen several gurus posting things that in my opinion are not going to happen and so I wanted to say something about this.

If you follow this at all you will know who I am talking about.  It has been said that there will be no elections that Obama will step down and the elections will be postponed and Paul Ryan will take over for the interim.  The problem with posts like this is that they are measurable and have a definitive drop dead date.  So once the elections have come and gone and we are all in shock with who our new president is, this prediction will go away quietly in the night hoping nobody remembers it.  I will.

October 22, 2016

Hello folks.  I have spent the last month out of the country and I have to tell you that we are not as free as we may think here in the good old US of A.  Where I have been for the last month a person can open a business at their free will without the need for business licenses, tax numbers or any of that other nonsense that is required here to start a business.  The people there are free to open a business and make as much as they are able to make.  There are wealthy and poor just like everywhere but there it is so easy to start your own business that I have decided to invest all of my money from now on into that country.  You see I can buy and sell property in that country easier than I can here and I have already started one business there.  I started it and I wasn't even there to do it!!!  How easy is that?

Anyway I was just reading some of the dinar forums and one fellow commented that he had been lately giving encouraging words to family and friends believing that the dinar was soon to revalue or something.  Poor guy must be fairly new to this roller coaster ride because anybody who has been in this for any length of time knows that to listen to the gurus and believe what they say is just setting yourself up for discouragement.  I have been on this ride for just over 6 years so I am not an old timer by any sense of the word because there are people I know who have owned dinars for over 11 years.  Anyway, I have been on the emotional roller coaster and been where that poor fellow is now.  It is not very fun to tell a loved one that everything will be fine very soon now and then watch them lose their home because the dinar that you thought was going to be their redemption tomorrow is still doing NOTHING!  I can relate to his plight and those of many others who have believed this was going to happen and are still waiting for the miracle.  

I still believe!  So do you or you wouldn't still be reading about the dinar.  Let's just hope and pray together that we are right and all the naysayers are wrong!!!

September 14, 2016

Are we still waiting for the dinar to do something???  Yep sadly we are.  If you are still on this roller coaster and you happen to read this welcome aboard.  I have been following the dinar for over 6 years now and it has not changed in that time.  There are always gurus saying it is going to happen any day now and those saying not for another two or three years.  It makes ya wonder how a country can exist for so many years without a currency of their own.  I guess the dollar works for them so why get their own.  

I have no opinions on when or if this will ever happen.  I just thought I would put something here since it has been so long since I put anything.  I honestly thought we would be cashed out by now so I have nothing to say.  What a ride this has been I wonder if it will ever end.

April 7, 2016

Hi folks if there is even anybody out there.  It has been a while and if you have been following along things look really good but there is one thing I think we are missing and I think it is pretty important.  Maliki was corrupt no doubt about it but he is still out there walking around causing problems.  So my prediction is that with everything that he has already taken from the country of Iraq they are not going to do anything to raise the value of their currency while he is at large because why would they want to give him the opportunity to cash in on all the dinars he has stolen from the country.  So until he is dealt with I don't think anything is going to happen with the dinar.  Unless they use it to trap him.  But no that is too risky.  They need to deal with him before they do anything.

October 12, 2015

What is going on in Iraq?  Maliki is still there causing problems.  I said a while back that until he is out of the picture completely the dinar will not change in value.  I still stand by that.  He is a self absorbed menace who thinks of only himself and cares nothing for the people of Iraq.  Until they get him out of power and out of the country or in jail they cannot afford to raise the value of the dinar because he still has more money than anybody realizes and he is using that money to create problems in Iraq.  He still has people on his payroll who are in Parliament and that is why some of these important laws have not been passed yet.  He is a major problem and still living in the Presidential Palace and until he is gone I am afraid the dinar will stay right where it is.

ISIS is still a problem and I can't see how Iraq can do anything with the value of their currency when they have this group of thugs there controlling even one small piece of real estate.  I mean this is a joke.  You have one small group of thugs that has been there terrorizing and killing and plundering and the whole world is helping Iraq and they can't get rid of them.  They must be well funded.  Hmmm I wonder where they are getting the money to keep buying weapons and munitions and feeding their soldiers?  Somebody with deep pockets is funding this little group of trouble makers.  Find the funding shut it down and ISIS is all over with.  Is it Maliki? I doubt that he would be willing to part with that much of his money he is too greedy.  He may be helping but the majority of money is coming from deeper pockets than Maliki because war is not cheap and this group has been there causing problems for a very long time now and they just keep going.  I say find where they are getting their money from and shut that source down and they will be done within a few weeks at most.

Zap had some pretty amazing things to say this week.  I wish I could believe him.  I read about the Keshe foundation several years ago and their plans.  They have fantastic intentions and what they are saying they are going to do would be something that would change the world.  If they honestly gave out the blueprints for a device that could power a home for free and the average person were able to build that device WOW!!!  But the reality of this is that I don't know if this device they are saying they have is something that could be built by an average person and I don't know if the components to build it would even be available to the average person.  So my jury is still out on what Zap has to say.  Time will tell for sure.  One thing about these folks that make claims like Zap did this week, their words are measurable and so we watch and wait to see if what Zap said comes to pass or not.

All in all Iraq has made huge progress with Abadi at the helm but it seems that his hands are tied.  He demanded that Maliki move out of the Presidential Palace and gave him a time frame.  I am pretty sure that time has come and gone and Maliki is still there.  They have proof that he has stolen money from the country and people of Iraq and yet he is still in power and still causing problems so what are they waiting for?  

One thing I can tell you is this.  I am tired.  I am tired of governments lying to people, hiding information, being controlled by big corporations for profit, and the whole game they are playing.  I am tired of the hate and intolerance I see every where I turn.  I am tired of the many religions causing division telling followers that other religions are wrong and the people believing them and the hatred and intolerance that follows that belief.  I am tired of not trusting any government because they have proven time and again that they do not care about their citizens only about how much money they can get from their citizens.  I am tired of it all folks and while I would love to see the world turn in the direction that Zap claims it is headed I hold very little hope because the people at the top, those who control this world we live in, are greedy and drunk on power and they have so much power and control that in my opinion it will take a major event to take those people out of power to open the door to what could be a better world.  So while I continually hold hope that this world could be such a beautiful place, that hope is diminished by the hatred and lying and greed that is so very apparent everywhere you look.  Hell even those people blogging about a better world do it for money.  Everything in this world is about money.  Money controls the world.  You can't give your little girl singing lessons because you can't afford to put food on the table so where is the money for her lessons to come from?  Everything is about money and the people at the top keep getting greedier and the average people, the 99% at the bottom of the food chain keep getting less.  We see more killings daily.  Why?  Because people can't afford treatment for their emotional instability so they forsake treatment and when they lose control they do something crazy and then the media and government blame the tools they use to express their anger when they should be blaming the actual cause which is their inability to get good quality treatment for their problems.  It is no secret that the world is a mess.  What is it going to take to change things?  I honestly do not know but I know that as long as we keep promoting war for profits, hatred, intolerance, and the like, nothing is going to change.  Even though the 1% is literally a very small group of people and the 99% is 7 billion plus strong, we keep letting them control us and that has to change before the world can be a better place.

August 3, 2015

It's lookin' really interesting in the sandbox folks!!!!!

June 16, 2015

Wow it has been a while since I had something to say.  Well I'm here today to admit that I am having doubts about this whole dinar thing.  I have been following this drama for over 5 years now and I have never seen anything like what is going on today.  I will never sell the few dinar I own because if nothing else they will look pretty in my scrap someday to remind me of all my follies.

I see Maliki is still there causing problems and if those idiots leading Iraq haven't gotten rid of that trouble maker by now they may never get rid of him and as long as he is in Iraq with the power to cause trouble Iraq will never get farther than they are right now.  Constantly bickering between the religious sects, childish really, and the corruption and BS Maliki has caused and is still causing just tells me that it will be many years before Iraq is anywhere near to being stable enough to be even counted among the world's countries and I mean not even organized enough to be classified among the third world countries.  Iraq is a joke for a country and it is sad because there is so much potential wealth there but of course the wealthy elite know this too so they are probably the ones creating all the problems in Iraq so that eventually they or one of the countries they already control will waltz in there and just take over the country of Iraq and all of its wealth.

So long folks I doubt I will write in this blog again.

April 23, 2015

I haven't had much to say lately so I haven't said anything but I just want to say something today.  As I have watched what is happening in Iraq and researching what I can regarding this whole dinar thing I am as unsure about what is happening as I was the last time I wrote. There is a guru out there who I don't agree 100% with everything he says but he is one of the most conservative gurus out there and he is excited.  If Adam Montana is excited folks I say that is a good reason for you to get excited too. 

That is all I wanted to say for now.

March 7, 2015

Well folks through all the years I have been researching the Iraqi dinar I have never met anyone who was involved, had ties to Iraq or was connected to this in anyway.  That has all changed now.

I went to a meeting with my company this week at our corporate offices and while there I happened to have lunch with a lady from our national warehouse.  I have communicated with her for the past year via email but we never talked about anything but work.  At this meeting I happened to be sitting next to her for one of our lunches and we were talking about general stuff.  She mentioned that she had spent over ten years over seas working for the government so at one point when the conversation lagged I asked her where she had been over seas.  She spent from 2003 to 2014 working in Iraq for the government.  She was in the heart of the action and knows a whole bunch of both military personnel and Iraqi government officials that she developed a very close personal relationship with while there.  I told her that I own dinars and she said she does too.  I asked her if she thought the dinar was ever going to change value from where it is to a higher rate and she laughed out loud.  She said that she knows people in Iraq who are working on this very thing and that because things can change from one minute to another she can't say with absolute certainty but she said that the plan has always been to bring the value of the dinar up to at least where it was before it was devalued and more probably it will be reinstated at a value higher than it was when it was devalued.  I am very happy to say that this lady is a genuine person who had nothing to gain by telling me this she simply shared with me what she knows from spending almost 11 years in Iraq working with our government and the Iraqi government and what she knows is that she owns a lot of dinars and she is just waiting for them to change value and she and her husband are going to retire and travel the world.

So there you have it.  I got this straight from a person working for the US government in Iraq and who owns dinars herself and who knows people in both our military and the Government Of Iraq who have told her that the plan is and always has been to give value to the dinar that is at the very least equal to what it was when it was devalued and most probably higher than what it was when it was devalued.  Take if for what it is worth but I was there and I can tell you this has given me new hope for the Iraqi dinar and for the people of Iraq.

February 23, 2015

So I have a bank story!!!!! You always see the gurus giving bank stories so here is mine.  My son went to WF to open a checking account unrelated to this in any way but since he owns some dinars he asked the bank guy if he has heard anything about the dinar.  The guy proceeded to spend the next 15 minutes telling my son what a scam the dinar is and all the reasons he should not get involved.  Makes you wonder where all these other people are talking to bank people treating them like royalty when they ask about the dinar doesn't it?

So there you have it.  Wells Fargo has no clue about the dinar and in fact they are telling people it is a scam.

February 15, 2015

I have no clue nor any opinions on the dinar.  From what I have been able to garner from my research it looks like if the dinar is going to change value upwards what is going on in Iraq currently brings that possibility closer than it has ever been, if that is what is going to happen.

I just have to rant for a minute.  If you research how many organized religions there are currently in the world and you group the splinter groups into the larger groups for simplicity you will find approximately 9 organized religions that the majority of the world's population claims affinity to or believes in if you will.  There are over 7 billion people on this planet and growing rapidly.  It is safe to say that the majority of the people who claim affinity to a certain religion do so because their parents did so and their parents probably did so as well.  In other words most people belong to the religion that they grew up going to with their parents.

OK so let me get to what I want to say.  Every person who claims affinity to a specific religion or religious belief feels in their heart that the religion they have chosen is THE ONLY TRUE RELIGION IN EXISTENCE.  Let me make clear what I am saying here.  Of the billions of people who claim affinity to a specific religion every single one of them feels that the religion they have chosen to follow is the only true church and that all others are false or not of their God.  But wait there is more.  In a very broad sense Islam, Judaism, and Christianity believe in the same God because all their holy books are based in one way or another on what Christians know as the Old Testament. I know that is a very broad statement but it is basically factual and the God that they all revere is basically the same God.  

So of all the religions in the world, and all the billions of people who believe in specific religions, how do they all know in their hearts that theirs is THE TRUE religion and all others false?  If you are reading this right now I want to ask you a question.  Why is your religion true and all those others are not?  They FEEL just like you.  They BELIEVE just like you.  They are COMMITTED to their religion just like you.  They attend their religion regularly just like you and in fact many attend their religions and perform their personal prayers or acts much more frequently than you do.  So why is theirs wrong and yours is right?????  Think about that.  Why is yours right and theirs wrong when they think exactly the same way as you do????

Now let me take this to an even more preposterous level. There are between 30,000 and 40,000 Christian denominations AND every single one of those people believes in their heart that their chosen religion is true and all others are false AND YET THEY ARE ALL CHRISTIAN!!!!!!!


Come on people can you not see how absurd all this is?

OK I'm finished for now.

February 2, 2015

I am here to ask you a couple of questions.  There are gurus like Kaperoni and Enorste and now this new one calling their self Mountain Goat that are saying that Iraq can't just come out with some arbitrary value for the dinar that it has to work its way upwards.  They act like they know everything there is to know about the subject and that they are the ultimate experts.  Let me just ask you a couple of questions.

First, why is the Iraqi dinar valued where it is today?  I will answer that for you.  Because when the world went in and punished Iraq for invading Kuwait the UN placed sanctions on Iraq and one of those sanctions was that they devalued their currency to around 4000 dinars to 1 USD.  It has gradually gained value since that time but it is nowhere near where it was when the UN devalued their currency. Now if the value of the dinar has climbed from 4000 dinars equal $1USD to 1166 dinars to $1USD.  That my friends is an increase of 243%!  I would say that has earned Iraq the right to value their currency at any value they choose.  No other country in the world has had that kind of increase to their currency in the same time period so Iraq is outshining the world in that regard.

Second, what was the value of the Iraqi dinar prior to this devaluation?  I will answer that for you as well.  Iraq used the Indian rupee until 1932 when the dinar was first introduced into circulation.  At that time it was valued at 1 dinar to 11 rupees.  The dinar was pegged to the British pound until 1959 when it was changed and pegged to the USD.  When this change was made the value of the dinar remained the same 1 dinar was equal to $2.80 USD.  In 1973 after the USD devalued twice once in 1971 and once in 1973 the dinar was devalued by 5% giving it a value of 1 dinar was equal to $3.2169 which value it maintained until the Gulf War. In other words the Iraqi dinar maintained a value between $2.80 and $3.22 per dinar for 30 plus years.

Now let me ask you this.  If the dinar has had a value of between $2.80 to $3.2169 from 1959 through 1989 and the value was artificially lowered by the UN after the end of the Gulf War, why would anyone think it would come out of the sanctions placed by the UN any lower than what it was when it was devalued?  In other words, the Iraqi dinar was worth right around $3 USD for over 30 years then as a punishment the UN devalued it so why when the punishment is completed would it not go back to where it was plus some for inflation?  Would any country in the world accept less than that?  I think not so why should Iraq?  These gurus claiming that Iraq has to bring the value of the dinar up slowly or claiming they have to earn the right to raise the value are not considering that since Iraq has had its own currency that currency has been one of the world's highest valued currencies and that the only reason the value is where it is today is because it was forced there by the UN. Iraq's currency is not valued as low as it is currently because of out of control inflation or spending by the government, like many countries, it was given its current value as a punishment.  When the punishment is completed, all sanctions should be lifted including the sanctions on their currency and when that happens their currency will go back to where it was before the UN devalued it and that was $3.22USD per dinar.  Adding for inflation from 1991 to current the value of the dinar should be over $3.50 USD per dinar.  Period.  No earning the value back, no BS about floating upwards from ten cents.  The value will go back to where it was when it was devalued period.  That is my opinion and I'm sticking to it!!!

January 27, 2015

Folks I am just here to say one thing.  All this talk about the budget is nonsense in my opinion.  Every year that I have been watching this the gurus all talk about the budget like it is the big deal and going to have the revalued dinar in it.  I just don't think so.  I think this year is going to be like every other year and the budget is going to get passed and the dinar is still going to be worth 1166 per USD. I hope like hell I'm wrong but I doubt it.  I guess time will tell.

January 1, 2015

Well folks here we are in 2015 and all those predictions by all those gurus failed miserably.  So are you still going to their sites and paying them money to tell you that the dinar was going to change value before the end of the year???  Yep you are because I go to those sites and I see all you people there worshiping them and hanging on every word they say even though they have been WRONG with everything they have said.  Oh sure Tony tweeted that there was a delay when he saw that this wasn't going to happen before the end of the year but that was a last ditch effort attempt to hide the truth that he has no more clue about this than any of you.  

So you just keep listening to those jokers and you keep getting disappointed.  I on the other hand do not ever get disappointed because I am watching this independently of any guru and I am doing my own research so I know what to watch for.  I don't have any predictions though, it will happen when it happens and not a second sooner :o)!

December 16, 2014

If you follow the dinar guru saga then you know that most of the more vocal gurus are now claiming that the dinar will change value sometime shortly after the first of the year.  I know that's a pretty broad statement that could feasibly lead clear to June of next year. Most of them though are saying it will happen in January so at least you have a measure to go by.  Myself I expected this and was waiting for it.  I am a little surprised it took until the middle of December until they started pushing it out to after the first of the year.  

Well since most people are still paying these jokers to tell them what they want to hear those gurus will just keep spewing their garbage.  Back in the real world nobody knows when this will happen except a very select few and they aren't talking so just sit back and wait to see what Iraq does next.

December 5, 2014

I haven't written here for a while because there really isn't anything to write about.  The gurus keep spewing BS while people with no sense keep paying them for bogus information.  It makes me really angry sometimes when I read the guru sites and I see gurus talking about the additional information you can get if you are a "premium member" or a paid subscriber.  People these gurus don't know any more than you do they are just good at spewing BS and making you believe they know what they are talking about.  STOP PAYING THE GURUS FOR BOGUS INFORMATION PEOPLE!!!!!

Ok well I feel better that I got that off my chest.  It is amazing the progress Iraq is making under the guidance of Abadi.  He has accomplished more for Iraq than has been done for the country in over 30 years in just a few short months.  He is a man on fire and his main focus is making Iraq better for all its citizens.  He will get this done, but it will be done when it is ready and no guru knows when that will be anymore than you do.

I am still fascinated by the difference in what certain gurus say. You have the gurus saying it will happen any second now and they have been saying this for over 10 years.  You have the conservative gurus saying next year sometime and that the dinar will start out at where it is at or at the most .10 cents per dinar.  Now I am no guru, I would not want to be classified in the same group as gurus, but I have studied this a lot and my opinion is this.  Iraq has a history going back to the 1940's of the dinar valuing between $2.50 to over $3 dollars per dinar.  That value was maintained before Saddam Hussein and during his evil reign.  Iraq has more natural resources than any other country in the Middle East.  They have gold, oil, and the potential for agriculture that blows the doors off any other country in the ME.  The dinar did not fall to its current value naturally as many countries that are compared with it by those gurus who claim the value will start very low or those claiming it will LOP (lop off the last three zeros and give the dinar a value that is 1000 times less than it currently is).  The dinar was assigned a value by the UN after Saddam invaded Kuwait as a punishment for what they did.  So you see folks, when Iraq's dinar is valued where it should be it won't start out at ten cents it will go back to where it was plus a little bit for inflation.  That is the fair thing to do because the UN took the value of their currency away as a punishment.  So when you see someone comparing the dinar to some other currency that DID LOP then you know they don't have a clue what they are talking about.  Of course that is my opinion and I guess we will see who has been right when this finally happens.

The bottom line is that anyone who is paying a guru or dinar site money to have access to some special information that supposedly nobody else knows you are throwing your money down the drain. You might as well have a bond fire in your back yard with that money because you would get more out of it doing that than paying these gurus for worthless information. 

November 21, 2014
I just laughed out loud and had to share with you.  I have been reading the gurus for my entertainment since I wrote here last and honestly it has been so much of the same old crap I just didn't feel compelled to write about anything.  

Well today that changed.  I am reading along and then I read the next post and I am not naming names here so you will just have to research to find it yourself. This guru says his "team" has discovered an "event horizon" or in other words they feel there will be an "event" at some time in the near future and when they see the "horizon" of this "event" then it will transpire.  Did I confuse you?  Let me put it simply.  They claim they will foresee this happening and when they see this happening on the horizon then they will know it is imminent.  Yeah even simpler when they see this happening it will be happening.  I lmao at that one!

November 4, 2014

Well folks I waited until November to write here because there were so many gurus claiming that Iraq's stock exchange was going live this past weekend so I wanted to wait until it didn't happen before I wrote anything.  Just as I suspected, and just like two previous times, certain gurus made wild claims stating that Iraq's stock exchange was going international on November 1st through the 3rd depending on who you listen to, and here we are on the 4th and nothing.  

When are these gurus going to learn that they can't lie about dates and verifiable claims because they will be made to look like idiots every time.  And yet...You people keep paying them, keep listening to their conference calls and keep visiting their websites where every time you do they get to count it and the more hits they have on their sites the more advertisers pay THEM.  You are making more money for them by doing these things and they can tell lies, make bogus claims, they can do pretty much whatever they want and you keep going back for more.  

I'm done trying to educate you people and help you stop with the emotional roller coaster because nobody listens they all want to hear what makes them feel good, not the truth.

Oh I believe the dinar will gain in value some day but I also know that no damn guru is going to have inside information that will tell anyone before it happens that it is going to happen and be right on. That just aint gonna happen folks.  Oh well here we sit waiting and for me at least getting entertained by the gurus clown show.

October 27, 2014

Well folks as I write this it is currently 4:45 pm in Baghdad which means their Monday is almost completed and here we sit still waiting to see if anything is going to happen with the dinar.  Gurus have been claiming for over a week now that this would happen by the 26th so I waited until today to see if any of them were wrong and this morning one of the first things I see from a guru is predicting a new date for this to happen which is November 3rd or 4th.  Come on already gurus!!!  When are you going to stop giving out false hopes and just admit that you have no clue when this is going to happen just like the rest of us?  Never because making those claims is making you boatloads of money.

So while the majority of us wait to see if we will ever be allowed to exchange our dinars for a fair market value and not some value that is forced to be low because the UN placed sanctions on the currency over a decade ago.  You gurus with your fancy websites making bogus claims telling people what they want to hear to keep them coming back to your websites and making boatloads of money off of people who are just hoping for a miracle.  Aw what a screwed up world we live in.  

The way I see it is this.  The Powers That Be don't want millions of instant millionaires running around because it will screw up their power base and they see it as a threat to their power.  So if they can figure out a way to screw everyone who holds dinars waiting for a new value to be placed on the dinar out of that exchange they will do it and they don't care who they screw in the process.  I think they are trying to figure out how to do it without creating a civil war and if they can do that everyone waiting for this to happen will be screwed.  I don't know if what everyone is waiting for is taking so long because of Iraq or if it is because of the wealthy elite assholes that run the world who are trying to fix this so that nobody but them gets to take advantage of this while the rest of those holding dinars get squat.  What I do know is that TPTB are evil selfish assholes who care only about themselves and their money and power and the "little people" they are supposed to be serving are the ones who are suffering while those elite bastards keep lining their pockets with OUR money.  The one thing they are not counting on though is that the people who hold dinars are mostly patriots to their country and if TPTB stop people from receiving this wonderful gift that should rightfully be theirs they will see what these patriots and good people are capable of when they get really pissed off.  Official notice to TPTB!  Don't mess with this or you will find out what these people are truly capable of.  They are not the mindless shills that you think they are and they will not sit by idly while you rob them of this opportunity. History is replete with examples of what a few people who are passionate about their cause can do when they feel cheated or taken advantage of by TPTB.  

For now all we can do is watch and wait and see what eventually happens.  

October 8, 2014

I was reading some posts by gurus and I was reminded of when I decided to purchase dinars.  I read about them about a year before I actually purchased some and at that time I was thinking about buying maybe a 10000 dinar note or something then a year later my best friend bought a million and talked me into getting some too.  When I bought them my son bought some too so we ordered them and there was so much hype going on at that time I wondered if my dinars would even be delivered before they RV'd.  I look back at that now and laugh my ass off.  So here I am 6 years later and still waiting.  I have been reading gurus since I first got in this and when I tell you to stop listening to them I say so from personal experience.

I remember very well that I purchased them in June and by that Christmas the gurus had me worked up into such a frenzy that I could not think straight.  I kept hoping and believing the gurus that there was NO WAY it would go into next year.  All the gurus, most of which no longer post(I wonder why after all those failed predictions), were saying we would have our exchange before Christmas.  I believed them!!!  So I had all these plans for that Christmas when it happened.  I planned and schemed and was all prepared and I didn't do much of anything to get ready for Christmas because I believed the gurus.  Well, Christmas came and no money and that was a miserable Christmas because I had to go out on the 24th to buy presents for my family.

That was not the only time the gurus got me either.  There were plenty more until I figured it out.  So, that is why I am always saying stop listening to the gurus.  I have been following this thing for just over 6 years now and I have seen gurus come and go, some never to be heard from again and still here I am waiting.  Now with that said I have to also say that what we are hearing out of Iraq right now and for the past couple of months is much more positive and looks like everything I have been looking for to happen for the last 6 years.  Iraq is making huge progress these days and I am so very impressed with Mr. Abadi.  Wow he has shown how completely inadequate Mr. Maliki was in just a few weeks.  He is a genuine leader and he is just what Iraq needed at this point in time.  Now if they can just get Maliki the hell out of Iraq you will see some REAL progress.  

Anyway I just wanted to share the cliff notes of my story regarding the dinar.  Don't listen to the gurus!!! Do your own research and find your own answers.  If you do that you will feel so much better about this whole ordeal.  Stay calm, live your lives and love each other.  If everyone would treat each other like they treat their most beloved pet this world would be a much much better place to live. Peace out!

October 3, 2014

So what is the deal with Maliki?  The guy just will not go away. He is in the Prime Minister's palace and he won't leave.  The government of Iraq needs to take away his immunity and issue an arrest warrant for his ass and I bet he high tales it out of the country like a flash of lightening.  The guy is mentally unstable to still be there trying to be a dictator.  Oh well, as long as they continue to let him play these games he will do it because he is an asshole without a conscience.

In other news, well there is just about everything you can imagine. The RV is today, no wait tomorrow, no wait next week, no wait by the 15th of October, no wait not for a couple of months. Who do you believe? I see amazing progress in Iraq but until I am in the bank getting my money I will not get excited. 

Maliki go the hell away and leave Iraq alone!!!  You have caused enough pain and suffering in Iraq for several hundred years at least!

September 30, 2014

Well folks if you are following just about any of the dinar websites you now know what I mean by, "none of the gurus know what the hell they are talking about."  I have never seen so much conflicting information since following the dinar about 5 years now.  The information coming from the gurus is all over the place and if you read it looking for answers or looking for anything really, you are just out of luck.  The worst part is that some of the gurus keep changing what they are saying like they see what Joe Blow said and they like that better than what they said so they change and start saying what good old Joe was saying.

It may not be quite that bad but its pretty bad and it will leave you more confused than ever.  I say just stay calm and stop reading what the gurus are saying unless you do it for its purely entertainment value like I do.  Just live life and enjoy every day that you have.  I have seen or heard of quite a few gurus and others who lived their entire lives waiting for this to happen and they are no longer with us waiting they are watching from above and laughing at us.  Don't go to your grave living every day waiting for this to happen.  How sad that would be.  Just live life and hold this in the back of your mind like some small secret.  Some day it may turn in to your dream come true but don't live every day waiting for that dream.  Live life to your fullest NOW and if this ever happens it will just be icing on the cake that is your wonderful life.

September 21, 2014

I just read a post by a guru that I agree with one hundred percent. Rather than butcher it rewording it in my own words I will post what this guru had to say and the link where I read it. 

"9-21-14 SpecialAgentGibbs: Will the Iraqi dinar (and others) ever actually REVALUE.... Global trade & economics infers that surely they MUST.... That surely Iraq cannot continue to exist with a currency valued so LOW... Well, they've been doing pretty damned good at it so far now haven't they!

The truth is there's both good & bad factions in this WORLD... The bad have controlled every minute aspect of your lives for hundreds of YEARS... They have enjoyed making, and keeping the populace friggin' slaves for eons while they have enjoyed the most wonderful lives of wealth and fame imaginable. The depth and complexity of it all is nothing short of mind boggling!

The populace has become numb to it all, they just do not care anymore, and that had led to ignorance on a massive scale. When people give up caring, they no longer have the desire to "know". As long as they can pay their rent, drive their car, and have their Friday night beer fest, they just do not care!

Despite all of that, the good factions in this world continue to fight the good fight. Even though they realize that the masses could care less what is being done to make this a better world, they still fight the good fight. Ask yourself why they do it?

Is it for some hoped upon, end game accolades? I think NOT... More likely they do it because it's the right damned thing to do!!! Wow, what a concept eh?

Will you ever see this revaluation??? I sure as hell hope so, for the sake of our world. But not because millions will suddenly become wealthy... Because it will represent that the good factions have succeeded. Succeeded in setting all the wrong ways to RIGHT...

Succeeded in thwarting the bad factions, hopefully forever...

I firmly believe that when that occurs, you all will see your coveted revaluation. You will also see so many other changes and benefits to & for MANKIND.... The eradication of diseases... The termination of oppression globally.... The end of an era of dictators & madmen slaughtering millions... The end of starvation... Yes, all of those things that should have never existed in the friggin' first place!

So people, pray, count numbers, wish upon a STAR.... Do whatever it is that makes you feel good about things in whatever way you so choose, and someday soon we all may be living in a world free from strife. Label me in any way you wish, I do not care. I only care that this world turns itself around, and humanity has a chance at surviving itself! ok, off my soapbox." "

Now I have read SpecialAgentGibbs before and this guru has not stood out to me as being much different from most of those that I tell you all the time not to listen to.  BUT it's like I always say also, you have to have discernment and you have to know in your mind and heart how you feel about this journey you have chosen to participate in.  If you know how you feel and you discern what you read and don't believe every word you read you can find little gems like this in the most unlikely of places.  

I agree with what SAG said here one hundred percent.  I could not have said it better.  In fact as I was reading it I felt as though I were reading my own words at some points.  Maybe that is why I agree with it so much but if you look at what it says logically you will see that it makes sense and it has the right spirit and the right attitude and it is not just about selfish desires but for the whole world.  In case you haven't noticed our world is in BIG trouble right now.  It is in trouble because the bad guys running things right now are heartless, ruthless, cruel, and feel entitled in that they feel superior to the rest of the world. Pharmaceutical companies are suppressing cures to cancer and a host of other diseases ravaging our populace right now and they are doing it because they have two agendas.  First is depopulation of what they see as an over crowded world, and second, the more people that are ill the more profits they make.  If they allowed these cures to come out they would lose the constant stream of income that all the millions of ill people around the world provide.  They are heartless and have no conscience.  So until these elite assholes are taken our permanently this world will never have a chance.  Wake up people!!!!!  This is not fiction this is your life and happening right now!  Wake up and start doing something about it!  If you have read this you now have the knowledge to begin making changes and doing your own research.  If you do nothing now and the evil bastards running this world continue to make it worse until one day you finally wake up and realize that you allowed them to turn you into a literal slave by then it will be too late and you will have only yourself to thank for it.

September 10, 2014

Well its the 10th has anyone exchanged their dinars for more than they paid for them????

No I didn't think so.  Isn't it funny how all the gurus making predictions that the dinar would change value by the 10th are now either singing a different song with a new date or else quiet.  Right now mostly what you see are gurus talking who did not make any ridiculous predictions about the 10th.

So what to expect?  I have no idea.  The guru American Contractor is now saying nothing on the change of value for the dinar until 2015 while others continue to prattle on about some date in the near future.  It's like I have always told you.  Stop listening to the gurus and hanging your hopes and emotions on what they are charging you good money to trash your hopes and expectations constantly for.  If you would stop paying them by purchasing memberships to their sites, or paying for conference calls, or any number of other ways they are making money off of you.  Think about it folks.  If they are making a ton load of money from you paying them are they ever going to tell you the truth even if they knew it?  Of course not do you really think they are all doing this out of the goodness of their hearts?  Absolutely not!!!  They are making money off of you and if you all stopped paying them what a difference in the information about the dinar you would see! Why?  Because why would they tell you the truth which could mean you not pay them any longer?  They need you to keep making their money and if you all went away all the crap information we see out there would go away too.  

So I'm finished bashing gurus for now.  Just keep grounded live your lives and stop believing all those gurus.  The dinar may never change value or not significantly at least.  When you purchased your dinars you should not have spent any more than you were willing to lose.  This has always been a speculative venture at best and when you bought your dinars you should have considered it very carefully and not spent more than you were willing to never see again.  If you did not do that and you have spent your life's savings or your retirement then I feel very sorry for you because you may have screwed your life up royally.  If the dinar ever changes value Iraq will be much more stable than they are today. Sure, don't get me wrong, Iraq has made strides in leaps and bounds these past months and especially weeks.  That doesn't mean they are stable by any means and it surely doesn't mean they are ready to revalue their currency.  Let me tell you a few things to watch for.  These are in no order of importance just as they come to mind.  Watch for ISIS to be completely gone and all threat of ISIS reappearing within the next hundred years completely gone.  Watch for Iraq to settle down and stop being the talk of every news station.  As long as they are in the spotlight like this there is very minimal chance of that happening.  Watch for Iraq to be almost forgotten by the world eye.  When Iraq is doing their thing, making progress but quietly and they are running like a well oiled machine you may see them finally revalue their currency to a value it should be.  I honestly don't see it coming any time this year.  That's just me and my opinion.  I have no "sources" in Iraq or Kurdistan or anywhere in the entire Middle East.  I have no deep "sources" in the White House or anywhere in the entire Eastern US.  I just have a gift for understanding what I read especially if it is translated from another language.  I have more than my fair share of logic and it is almost to a point of being a disorder.  So I read, I think, I watch, and then I apply my logic and make my own conclusions.  I am no guru I am just someone interested in this drama playing out on the world stage.  So if you are at a point of accepting some advice then listen up.  Stop paying the gurus for their opinions because they are just telling you what you want to hear to keep you coming back so they keep making money off of you.  Do your own research, come to your own conclusions, then live your life based on the conclusions you have come to.  Sure read the gurus for entertainment value but don't ever again hang your hopes or emotions on something they say. That's my advice take it or leave it.  I will be back when I have something to say.  

September 9, 2014

Well folks tomorrow is the big day that was predicted a couple of weeks ago.  The GOI is seated, no wait it isn't, oh yeah it really is... Which is it?  I think it probably is seated with some minor adjustments and a couple more seats to fill but overall it is seated I think. 

So I already see gurus hedging their bets and starting to say by the end of this week or within 10 days to two weeks.  They just can't make a prediction and stand by it can they? 

Well I just wanted to say hey tomorrow is almost here so lets see which gurus that predicted by the 10th the dinar would change value start back peddling and where the next date predicted falls.

September 2, 2014

I know it isn't the 10th yet but I had to make a point.  Many of the gurus have been saying that this will only happen on a weekend where there are three days.  Like this weekend that just past us by and no change in the value of the dinar.  So if they are correct the next window of opportunity is Thanksgiving because there isn't another 3 day holiday weekend between now and then.  In all honesty I just wanted to point out how these gurus don't know what they are talking about.  They spew gibberish by the truckload telling people what they want to hear and if you are listening to them you just had another major disappointment.  

All I can tell you is stop listening to the gurus.  Aside from that just stop having expectations about when this will happen and you will find your world a much nicer place to live in.  When it happens is anybody's guess but if you hang your hopes and dreams on what the gurus are saying you are just setting yourself up for disappointment.  I know one of these days they are going to be right but that won't be because they know what they are talking about it is because they predict every single day that this could possibly happen and eventually they are going to be right just because it is finally time for this to happen, but it is just that and NOT because they know what they are talking about.  If you guess at something enough times you are going to get it right no matter what it is you are guessing at and that is exactly what these gurus are doing.  

So I hope everyone enjoyed their long weekend and I hope not many of you are disappointed or discouraged because you listened to a guru who told you it would happen this long weekend.  Don't expect it to happen on a long weekend, don't expect it to happen at all.  Just sit back and wait without any expectations and one day you will be rewarded for your patience.

August 31, 2014

Well folks since it is now 8pm or there abouts in Iraq I think it would be safe to say that that illusive RV that everyone is waiting for isn't going to happen in August.  So as time has gone on have you noticed that the gurus have now switched to sometime before September 9th or 10th depending on which guru you happen to be reading or listening to.  All the magical days in August came and went and if any of you had hung your hat on one of the gurus claiming it would happen any day in August you are at this time very disappointed.

As for the rest of you well where have you hung your hats and emotions?  If you have hung your hat with any of the gurus claiming it will happen any time before September 10th well then you are still on this crazy ride and still waiting for your mystery guru to be right.
Now, let me ask you a question. What will you do when the day you are hoping for comes and goes and you have nothing to show for it except some major disappointment and a full dose of "I told you so"!

So am I saying the dinar is not going to change value by September 10th?  NO I am not saying that.  What I am saying is that if you are hanging all your emotions on a day between now and September 10th based on what some guru has said you are doing the same thing the people in the first group did and you are setting yourself up for major disappointment.  I on the other hand don't have any expectations about when the dinar will change value.  It could change tomorrow or a year from now and I will not be any more disappointed than I am right now.  Because I believe the dinar will change value some day, when that day is I have no idea and I don't sit around with one day in mind and all my emotions riding on that one day so that when it comes and goes and nothing happens I will not be depressed or disappointed or sad or frustrated or any of those negative emotions that many of you deal with on a regular basis.

I have no expectations about when this will happen so I don't experience negative emotions about it like many of you do almost daily because I don't listen to some guru who does not know any more about this RV than he knows rocket science telling me when it will happen and why it will happen that day, which is all nonsense he has made up in his head to give you what you want and tell you exactly what you want to hear.  Have you ever seen the movie, "The Invention of Lying"?    If not watch it and take note of the main guy in the movie and liken him unto your beloved guru.  Now how do you feel?  If you don't feel ashamed for listening to these gurus all along and messing up your life and emotions in the process then I have nothing further to say to you. But on the other hand if you do feel embarrassed and ashamed of your self then read on.  

To you I say just believe in your investment and stop listening to gurus telling you what you want to hear but not telling you the truth because they don't know the truth any more than you do.  I say just sit back and be patient and know that when this happens it will happen and there is nothing you or anybody else can do about it because it will come when it comes and not a second sooner no matter what anybody does or says.  

So lets just sit back and watch and wait and see now the next ten days goes.  We may be back here reading after those ten days and we may be out celebrating but either way have a good life folks and be happy because no matter how long you get to live it is still too short.  Love those close to you without condition or inhibition. Love freely and often and in as much abundance as you can.  Treat all people as equals and treat the creatures of this earth as you would want your most beloved pet treated.  Be kind to each other and you will find that this earth is a much more pleasant place to be.  If we happen to come back here in ten days and we are still waiting for the dinar to change value we will see what we will see at that time.  Until then remember what I said and just see if this world isn't a better place to live just because you are in a better place yourself. If we meet again then I will be happy to see you here.  If not then wow I wish you all the happiness and love possible for you to have in 1,000,000 lifetimes  in just the remainder of this one for you!  Fare you all well!!!!!

August 23, 2014

I have something to say about all the crap being spread around.  I may not be happy with the way our government runs this great country and I may talk about corruption and dishonesty and big corporations owning politicians.  That may all be true you would have to research on your own and develop your own opinions about that.  What I see being said right now by some is what I want to talk about.

While I know through my own research that one thing that has kept the USA on top of the world financial heap until recently has been that the US dollar is the default currency for trade around the world.  If BRICS does what they are working at doing that could change things for the USA for sure because the dollar will no longer be the default currency for world trade, and it would hurt the US financial stability for sure.  But the one thing you have to keep in mind is that all countries in the world produce products and their currency is valued by their gross domestic product(GDP) volume.  What does that mean?  Well it means that every country in the world values their currency by their GDP and that means their currency is valued at how much they produce and sell worldwide.  With that said know this.  The USA is the number one consumer country in the world.  In other words the USA buys more product than any other country in the world.  Now, if the BRICS countries create their own default trade currency and cut the US out what they are doing is cutting off their noses to spite their faces because if they destroy the value of the US dollar they are cutting off the main source of purchasing of the products that they sell worldwide and by doing that they are going to reduce their GDP by at least half.  So if the US dollar loses 50% to 90% of its value which is what some people are claiming the world will go into a major depression in very short order.  All countries of the world may not like the way the US government is run and some of the stupid things they do, but they DO like the money the US spends on their products every year.  We are a consumer nation and although that is not the best situation to be in, the world depends on the money we spend every year.  So if these countries destroy the value of the US dollar they are at the very same time destroying the very country that spends the most on the products that they produce and they are killing their own GDP in the process.

We here in the USA buy lots of stuff.  All those Hondas and Toyotas and Volkswagens and all those millions of products that are made in China will no longer be sold here because we as a nation will have absolutely NO purchasing power.  Now that includes all the oil and gas sold to keep those cars running and to keep the products we purchase moving across the country by trucking.  That would have a chain reaction effect on everything produced in the world.  If you take any retail store and in one fell swoop cut off 50% or more of its sales volume how long do you think that retailer could stay in business?  Not long I guarantee you.  So these countries that are threatening to cut off using the dollar are at the same time threatening to cut their GDP by 50% or more and you have to ask yourself why would they do that?  They know all of this too and so you have to look for some other reason they would be making these threats.  The problem that I see is that they may just be doing this to try to get the US government to stop doing stupid things and start playing nicely with the rest of the world.  Perhaps that is what they are doing, but it probably won't work because as ridiculous as our government is they know this too and so they are calling the bluff of those other countries and saying, "go ahead and destroy the dollar and then lets see how long it is before you go bankrupt yourself because you will lose all the purchasing the US does as a nation."  

I will admit that if the value of the dollar is destroyed our nation will be bankrupt and screwed in a very short time.  We would see massive unemployment and the entire country would go bankrupt, not just the government but most businesses and most people.  It would probably create riots and looting and massive upheaval within our country but the same would happen worldwide as well. It would put the entire world in upheaval and I don't think that is what they want to do.  So I will give these naysayers one thing. The US could become a third world country if this happened but since we are the top of the financial heap of the world, if we become a third world country the rest of the world becomes fourth and fifth and sixth world countries right behind us.  We would see the world go into a situation where we are living like they did 200 years ago without motor vehicles with everyone growing their food and technology a thing of the past.  Do you really thing that is what Russia and China want to see happen?  Naw I don't think so either.  Just some things to think about.

August 22, 2014

Well where do we stand regarding Iraq and the value of the dinar? I can't answer that question but I can tell you a few things.  Maliki has stated that he will step aside and let Abadi be the PM, but good old Maliki is still there stirring up trouble.  He just will not go away.  Apparently all of his family has fled Iraq fearing prosecution for all the horrible things they have done but Maliki is still there.  Now I think his main objective is just to stir up as much trouble as he can before he has to get out himself.  He now knows that his dream of being a dictator has gone up in smoke so in my opinion he has decided that he will cause as much trouble as he can for as long as he can.  He still has a boatload of money so he can still purchase mercenaries to cause trouble.  I still think he was behind the start of the whole ISIS thing and it has now gone way beyond anything he thought it would.  He is probably tickled pink that it is as big a problem as it is.

On the bright side Abadi is a man to be reckoned with.  He is moving forward and making changes and I am very impressed with him.  I am very much looking forward to Iraq making this new government official so that we can really see what Abadi will do.  

When Maliki fired Dr. Shabibi and put Turki in his place I was very concerned about the future of the dinar but Turki has proven to be a man of honor and principle and he is doing a very good job. I think he will lead Iraq's monetary reform to a successful conclusion and Iraq will become the financial giant they have the potential to be under his guidance.  I could be wrong but I don't think so.  I saw a report yesterday that stated that Iraq now has 67 million tons of gold in their reserves.  WOW!  What more can be said about that.  I have seen some very impressive things from Iraq these past couple of months and it has become very clear to me that Maliki was the problem all along.  He had too much power and money and he threatened everyone with that power and used his money to control everything that was going on in the government there.  Now that he has lost his power and control over the military of Iraq he has lost a lot of the threat he posed over people.  He still has his money though and that money can still buy a lot of trouble for Iraq.  Let's hope that Iraq gets their government settled very soon and that Maliki is either prosecuted or driven out of Iraq once and for all so that Iraq can continue with the positive momentum they have shown the last couple of weeks.

I will not even venture a guess as to when the dinar will change value or when the government will be completed because when looking at Iraq there are too many variables and too many potential hiccups and anyone who does claim to know what is going on or what will happen (gurus) is either completely deluded or lying through their teeth.  All I can tell you is sit back and watch what happens and wait.  Nobody has the power to make this go faster than it is and nobody knows for sure when this will happen except for perhaps Turki who may know when he wants to flip the switch but that can't be engraved in stone either because of the possible hiccups always sitting in the background there in Iraq.   

August 18, 2014

Well folks if you were holding your breath hoping to see something today based on what the gurus were saying you have either given up by now and taken a deep breath or you have passed out from lack of oxygen.  And the best part is that after all the hype that this was going to happen by the 15th of August then changed to this past weekend, now they are saying September 15th.  I'm not surprised and if you are you are giving too much credence to what the gurus say.  

It is like I have said since the beginning of this blog.  None of the gurus know what they are talking about and if you believe any of them you are setting yourself up for disappointment.  Just stop believing them, sit back and wait to see what happens in Iraq.  I firmly believe that the value of the Iraqi dinar will raise in value someday.  When that happens and what that value will be is anybody's guess because nobody in the Western world can understand the mind of an Iraqi and nobody knows what they are thinking any more than they know what is outside our galaxy.  Their minds are so different from those of us in the Western world that we will never understand how they think.  All you can do is sit back and wait for this to happen.  We can logically look at Iraq and all their natural resources and know that they should have a very strong currency, much stronger than what it is now.  How strong is a guess that the gurus make constantly but the key word here is "guess".  Beyond guessing nobody knows what the value will be or when it will happen.  So just relax and wait for it to happen. That is all that can be said at this point.

August 16, 2014

Well folks it looks like it is official.  Maliki has left the building as it were.  I haven't posted until now because I wanted to be sure it was true and I have done enough research to finally believe that it is true.  Although his son led an assassination attempt on Abadi's life earlier this week which failed, thankfully, he is now playing the concerned politician and saying that he is stepping aside for the betterment of the country.  That would be funny if he hadn't caused so much damage to the country and killed so many people in the process.  Anyway, it is a new dawn for Iraq and the people of Iraq. They should be celebrating because Maliki is out.  Perhaps the country can now move forward without all the drama.

As far as the dinar is concerned I am still on the sidelines as to whether it will change value any time soon.  Although this is a very positive step in the right direction, it does not automatically mean the dinar will instantly change value in the positive direction.  There is still a lot of work for Iraq to do and although I see that work moving forward at a much faster rate now that Maliki has stated that he will step aside for Abadi, he is technically still the Prime Minister of Iraq until they go through all the steps to make Abadi the PM.  So he is still in control and he could still pull some shenanigan that could put the whole country in chaos once again.  It is and has always been my opinion that this whole ISIS problem was started by Maliki and they are not going away as easily as Maliki apparently has.  He still has his dirty hands in the pot stirring up trouble and until he leaves the country and Abadi takes control I will be suspicious of him and his motives.

Many of the gurus are already celebrating claiming the revaluation of the dinar is this weekend and that you will be at the banks exchanging your dinars for dollars on Monday.  Please don't be so fast to believe them because they still do not know what they are talking about any more than they did last week.  They are just spreading hype based on the news that Maliki has made a public announcement that he will step aside.  Until you see the dinar listed on Forex or until your bank makes it public that they are now exchanging dinars at a specific rate do not believe what they say because they are just telling you what you want to hear so that you will continue to pay them and visit their websites to line their pockets with advertising dollars from all your visits.  They definitely have ulterior motives and those are to line their pockets with as much money as possible before this is all over and they cannot take advantage of you wanting to know what is going on with the dinar any longer.  Be smart folks, do not let your emotions get the better of you.  Be patient and do not do anything rash.  Just sit back and watch this unfold and wait until the time is right.  Do not put all your emotional hopes on this because that is when you get the biggest let down if it doesn't happen.  Yes you can enjoy the fact that positive things are happening, but be smart with your feelings and do not let yourself get too involved because if it doesn't happen you will be in for a huge let down.  It is closer than it was last week to be sure but we are not at the finish line yet so just stay smart and wait and see what happens.

August 9, 2014

Does anybody remember when the gurus were saying this is going to happen before the first of July, then the 15th then the end of July and now they are saying by the end of August?  It is never ending with them.  And what the hell is up with Maliki?  That guy just won't go away!  Iraq needs to tell him he is finished and give him 24 hours to leave the country or face justice for all the crimes he has committed.  He would disappear in a big hurry if they would get serious about it.  They all act like they are afraid of him.  One little old man with more money than he knows what to do with that he stole from the people of Iraq and they are all afraid of him. Sad.

August 1, 2014

Well folks July came and went and all those gurus with all their contacts who predicted it would happen in July were DEAD WRONG once again.  Are you still paying them for their opinions???  Well I guess it's your money if you want to throw it away making them rich that's your business.

Maliki is still there causing problems.  That guy just will not go away.  What is his deal anyway?  I mean he is as old as dirt, he has more money than he could spend in ten lifetimes, what more does he want?  I guess he's a dictator at heart and dictators never just go away.  The last dictator Iraq had is now burried 6 feet under and that is what is going to happen to Maliki if he doesn't get smart real fast.  Power is addictive just like drugs and he is addicted to power.  Poor guy can't see the writing on the wall.  He's gonna end up just like his previous boss and all that money he has is going to be spent by his kids while the worms have a party with his body.

I have said this so many times I have lost count but you can't believe the gurus, you can't believe the news out of Iraq as long as Maliki is there, and you can't believe our lame stream media because none of them are telling the truth.  Our own government doesn't want so many people getting so much money all at once because they will lose control so if this ever happens I will be very surprised.  We have allowed our government to take too much control over us and they don't want to lose that control by us having a lot of money because there are enough of us that we would make a difference in this world and they just won't allow that to happen.  It is the sad truth.  The new world order is alive and well in the good old US of A and we let it happen.  So don't be surprised if our government makes laws preventing anyone from taking advantage of the dinar then the dinar revalues and everyone in this country and all those countries that are part of the NWO do the same thing so that nobody benefits from the dinar.  At that point the dinar will RV and we all get screwed.  

When I started watching this thing so many years ago I would never have believed we would be here in August of 2014 still waiting for it to happen.  I am amazed it has taken this long.  At this point I just don't know what to think or expect except that our government will try to screw us.  Let's all hope I am dead wrong!!!

July 30, 2014

So how many of you believed your sacred gurus when they said there would be a new Prime Minister of Iraq by today?  I keep telling you but you never listen.

So, there is a flurry of news like I have not seen since watching this thing and it could be good news for those who hold dinars, but I refuse to believe what I am reading because most of what I read comes from gurus and you know how I feel about them.  I have done some research and read some news that has come out of Iraq, but there again I have told you that the mass media in Iraq is controlled by that evil bastard Maliki so you can't really believe that either.  I saw one guru post today that he has confirmed that Maliki has stepped down.  Yeah right, I will believe that when I see his evil ass either in prison or in another country permanently. It's still amazing to me how he keeps hanging in causing problems. It is obvious to everyone but him that nobody wants him there any longer but he refuses to believe them.  Man what is it going to take to get rid of this guy???

Well folks just keep waiting and watching.  This is nowhere near as bad for you as for the people of Iraq I guarantee you that. If governments of the world would start caring about the people they are supposed to work for and stop lining their pockets with money from big corporations this world would be a better place. Big corporations are the scourge of this earth and until we put them in their place they will continue to make our lives hell.

July 20, 2014

Back on the roller coaster again.  It's gonna happen this weekend, no wait not until Wednesday, no maybe not until a few days past Wednesday...  Yup, it's the roller coaster all over again.  One of these days it IS going to happen, but when that day is is anybody's guess.  Is Maliki really gone?  That would be the best thing for Iraq but I hate to see that evil man get away with all the murdering he has done.  If he is leaving as the reports say, he will leave with immunity and that means he literally gets away with not just murder but mass murder.  Oh well he isn't the first and won't be the last so what ya gonna do?

All I can say is just keep waiting and don't do anything stupid like give your dinars to some clown claiming they will give you some super big payout at some future date.  Don't pay those gurus charging for their opinions that have been wrong 100% of the time so far.  Just be patient.  Don't pay attention to the mass media news either because they are all owned and controlled by big corporations and they report what they are told to report.  I was talking to my elderly mother the other day and she just can't believe the truth of some things that have happened in our world. She can only accept what she has seen on the mass media news. She has been brain washed for too long to see past the programming.  The majority of people in the country are just like her and that is sad.  Open your eyes folks, look past the obvious, read between the lines, and like my dad always told me, don't believe anything you hear and only half of what you see and you'll be ok.   

July 17, 2014

Well will this be the weekend it happens?  I don't know does anybody?  Some think it may be and if the reports that Maliki has finally resigned are true we could be very close.  Don't hold your breath though because Maliki could still have some evil tricks up his sleeve.  He is a dictator at heart and dictators don't go down that easily.  Just hope that if he tries something they can stop him before he does something the whole world will regret.

On a side note I want to rant about pharmaceutical companies for a minute.  Do you realize that all doctors currently being trained and all doctors trained for at least the last 20 or 30 years have all been trained in schools funded by pharmaceutical companies?  What does that mean?  Well, when was the last time you went to a doctor for any ailment and got treatment rather than prescriptions? Doctors are trained in medical school to write prescriptions, not heal.  Now it has gotten so bad that you can't go to the doctor and talk to them about more than one problem because they want you to come in for an office visit for each of your problems so they can charge you for each one.  What a joke!  I am so sick and tired of the health industry in this country that I am ready to flush them all down the toilet.  Doctors don't heal any longer they write prescriptions and that is all they do.  Those prescriptions cause more problems than they fix.  You take metformin for diabetes and you get high blood pressure.  You take lisinopril for high blood pressure and you get diabetes.  You take statins for high cholesterol and you get diabetes or muscle damage or liver damage.  It is endless and for every prescription you take there are a list of side effects as long as my arm.  Pharmaceutical companies are killing people faster than any person armed with a gun and by the millions a year.  They kill more people than alcohol and tobacco combined.  They should be prosecuted and all thrown in jail and the key thrown away but because they have so much money they buy governments and they buy laws and we let them get away with it.  When will we stand up and stop them?

Ok I'm off of my soap box.  Have a great day and throw your prescriptions away and stop paying the pharmaceutical companies to kill you!!!!

July 12, 2014

Doesn't it make you wonder about these gurus who claimed that Maliki was gone from Iraq?  I mean that isn't something that is so hard to verify but they were claiming that he was gone and now it has been proven that he has in fact NOT left Iraq and he is still there stirring up trouble.  So what will you people do?  Will you continue to listen to those same gurus who said he was gone because they tell you what you want to hear even though what they say is absolute bullshit?  I think you will.

Then there is this guru calling himself Doc.  Hmmm I have asked this before and I have to point this out.  On his last post he said, "...political landscape is entirely to risky."  Now I'm not a doctor nor an English teacher but I know that his use of 'to' was grammatically incorrect.  He should have used 'too'.  Then later in his post he said, "...maintain current levels must less look for appreciation."  The word 'must' should have been 'much' so he completely missed the boat on that one.  Now, if a guru calls himself a Doc, and can't even use proper English, how much of a guru can he really be let alone be a Doc?

As far as Iraq and that whole joke I just don't know what to tell you.  Maliki needs to go that is a given.  As long as he is there stirring up trouble the dinar will never do anything because he is a major problem.  ISIS is his goons stirring up trouble, I feel very sure about that, along with who knows what other private interests. Have you noticed the price of gas these days?  Could the oil companies have a hand in that just to drive the price of gas up?  Of course they could and they are probably paying Maliki to stay and stir up trouble to keep the price going up.  Who else would benefit from this?  I'm sure that this whole ISIS thing is just a ploy by certain people/groups to get some ill-gotten additional wealth that they don't need because they already have more than anybody should have.  It was reported that Maliki just bought a 3 million dollar house in the UK.  That guy has more money than he knows what to do with and if this is fact it just proves my point.  All his money is stolen from the country of Iraq and there he sits stirring up trouble making it impossible for the country to move ahead.  He is no better than his predecessor who taught him too well it seems. His loyalty lies first to himself and second to Iran and he has no business running Iraq.  I'm afraid we will be here next year at this time still waiting for something to happen in Iraq with the dinar. It is looking like the dinar may never gain the value it had for most all of its history prior to all this happening.  Sad really because they honestly are a country very rich in natural resources but the power mongering money grubbing elites that run the world will not allow them to just do their thing.  

Will this world ever change?  Will we ever be rid of the evil powerful elite that run the world and create all this havoc that makes misery for the multitudes of the world while they sit in their crystal castles enjoying the luxuries of wealth and power?  We outnumber them, but the people of the world have to stand united and oust them and we can't seem to pull our heads out of our asses long enough to stop bickering and believing their propaganda to do that so I don't hold much hope for the world at large.  Don't hold your breath for the dinar to change value upwards anytime soon because there is just too much confusion and bullshit going on over there for this to end soon.  As much as I hate to say it I don't hold out much hope for anything happening this year and if Iraq can't get their shit together not next year either or maybe ever for that matter.  I blame the big oil companies who are the ones maneuvering and creating problems over there to keep gas prices up.  If Iraq ever gets free of all this crap they will flood the market with cheap oil and the oil companies don't want that because it will cut into their profits.  Screw you big corporations!!! I wish someone would come along to stop you and put you out of business, and that includes oil companies, Monsanto, and all the pharmaceutical companies who are pumping the world full of their poison.  

July 3, 2014

Folks I'm afraid that the dinar people hold and hope for a dream to come true is shortly going to be worthless.  That murdering bastard Maliki is still there and holding on to his position and nobody in Iraq seems to have the balls to get rid of him, or in the UN or the USA either for that matter.  The Kurds are going to walk and split off and create their own country and that is going to leave the dinar worthless, even more so than it currently is.  Maliki is going to become the dictator he dreams of being only with half of Iraq because the Kurds have the power and money to split off and tell him to go screw himself.  This dream is about to come to an end my friends.  

I owe guru Kaperoni an apology and an acknowledgement that he has been one all along who has not been saying the dinar will RV tomorrow at some outrageous rate.  He has been a steady voice of reason through this whole thing.  Nobody knows what is going on in Iraq, but from what we can see they are nowhere near ready to have a currency worth what the other gurus are saying.  That poor country is so screwed up that it may never get straightened out.  Maybe one of the neighboring countries should go in and take over leadership of Iraq and stabilize it because the people of Iraq can't seem to get their shit together.  Iraq has so much potential but they are so screwed up that they will never realize their potential.  It would be sad for the people but they had their chance in the elections and they are as screwed up as the leaders so I say lets just let one of their neighbors take over Iraq and run it like it should be run. OK that isn't the answer either but I don't see anything positive coming out of Iraq for a very long time unless somebody over there has what it takes to step up and lead the country into unity and prosperity.

June 29, 2014

I hate to say this folks because I wish it weren't so but I honestly do not think we will see anything as far as a change in the value of the dinar on the 1st of July, nor will we see any government organized in Iraq, nor will we see Mr. Dictator Maliki gone.  They are moving at a snail's pace just like they always do in Iraq and I think they are afraid of Maliki.  With good reason, he is a murdering thieving imbecile who refuses to step down and relinquish power just like Hussein did and it is looking like the only way he is going to leave Iraq is the same way Hussein did, in a body bag.  I'm sure he will get his wish because after all the world has been through to save Iraq nobody is going to allow him to become another dictator and do to Iraq what Hussein did.  So all that money he has stolen from Iraq is going to do him no good because he is going to be in a body bag and it's pretty hard to spend all that money when you're dead.  He's just not very smart.

Aside from that I am seeing the gurus who predicted this would be over by the 1st back peddling a little hedging their bets because they can see it isn't going to happen by Tuesday.  Some are still hanging in there and sticking to what they predicted but many are already changing the date to the 15th.  I don't know why they always make it the 1st or the 15th like those are some magical dates but that seems to be their pattern.

Iraq hasn't even finished their budget for 2014 and it is more than half way over but all the focus is on the elections now so people have forgotten about that.  Oh well, nothing to be done about it but sit back and watch the comedy unfold.  

June 25, 2014

So I saw a headline today that said that 76% of Americans believe the IRS lost all those emails.  Wow I am amazed at the gullibility of the American people.  Anyone who knows anything about business computing knows that there are backups to backups to backups and that redundancy is the name of the game.  Those emails are NOT lost, they are conveniently hidden so that the IRS doesn't have to answer for their crimes.  Now the EPA is playing the same card and they will probably get away with it just like the IRS.  WAKE UP PEOPLE!!!!!

We are getting closer to that predicted day many of the gurus are talking about.  July 1st.  My bet is that July 1st comes and goes with no change in the way things are in Iraq.  I guess we will just have to wait and see.

June 23, 2014

OK folks the roller coaster ride has begun all over again.  Let me just give you a couple of things to watch for.

First the gurus are saying the ISX, the Iraqi international stock exchange, is supposed to go live July 1st.  If you will think back a few months, this was supposed to happen in March of this year as well according to the gurus.  So watch for the ISX to go live internationally.  If it doesn't you will know that the gurus are all full of BS. Now the ISX could very well go live and that would be a very big step in the right direction but it won't automatically mean the dinar has increased in value.

Second, according to the gurus in order for the ISX to go live the Iraqi dinar has to be an internationally recognized currency with a live rate worldwide.  So if by chance the ISX does go live but the dinar has not become internationally recognized nor does it have a live rate worldwide, once again you will know that the gurus are full of BS.  Just because they got one thing right in the last 10 plus years doesn't mean they know what they are talking about.  Look at how many times they have been WRONG over the last 10 plus years and one right call next to thousands of wrong calls doesn't make them the experts they claim to be.

Believe me I wish as much as any of you that the dinar would increase in value but just because I wish that doesn't mean I go around believing every guru that pokes his head up and starts talking.  There are some good things happening in Iraq but there are also some bad things.  I have said this before and I will say it as often as it applies.  DO NOT listen to the mainstream media.  You cannot believe one word that comes out of their mouths.  They are owned lock stock and barrel by the wealthy assholes that run this screwed up world and they report ONLY what they are told to report.  No honest news ever comes from them except if it benefits their wealthy owners and you can take that to the bank.  Things in Iraq are not as bad as our media would lead you to believe.  Maliki is the worst thing in Iraq and he has definitely put his goons to killing people to attempt to create a state of emergency so that he can stay in power.  Maliki is a dictator plain and simple and until he is out of Iraq for good he will continue to create misery and commit evil deeds for the people of Iraq.  When you see Maliki gone from Iraq for good that is when you can start really hoping something good will happen for the people of Iraq and for those holding dinars.

So watch for the ISX to go live.  Watch for Maliki to be driven out of Iraq or arrested because that is the only way he is going to leave, well that or be assassinated.   Watch for the PM to be named that will be a very good HUGE foot forward for Iraq.  When you see these things happen you will know certain things are afoot.

June 22, 2014

I was just reading some guru posts and a thought hit me.  Have you ever thought about the names some of these gurus have chosen? Let's just look at a few:
Jester - A professional fool or clown, especially at medieval court. 
That isn't a name I would choose if I wanted to be taken seriously.
Millionday - Ok so we know this person is all about money.  I can respect that since money is what this is all about.
Okieoilman - This one is pretty good as well because anybody who knows anything about Okie knows that he has spent his life working the oil drilling operations of oil companies all over the world.
Doc - Ya gotta wonder if this one is really a doctor or if they just wanna be one.
Poppy3 - Sounds like a little old grandpa to me.
Chattles - Names that make you go hmmmm.
Mountain Goat - Now this one is interesting.  They talk like they live somewhere in the Alpine mountains, but the once in a while they let it slip that they are in New York.  Interesting?
Wmawhite - Makes me think they want to say Wilma White. What do they really mean?
Then you have to wonder what ever happened to some of the gurus that were so prevalent a year or two back and who you never hear from now.  Did they really just go away or did they change their names and are now posting as one of the gurus you hear about now?
I guess Jester is the one that I thought most interesting.

The bottom line is this.  Why would you use an anonymous name to talk about something that you want to be considered an expert on?  I never understood that.  If I really knew what I was talking about and I was truly an expert on that subject I would use my real name and be proud of it.  Oh well, one thing you can bet your bottom dollar on and that is that they are making a boatload of money or they wouldn't be doing it day after day.  I say they are making a lot of money from advertising and from you people who are paying subscriptions to them to hear their "secret for members only" information.  Let me ask you this.  Has that paid off for you so far???

As far as the dinar goes we are back into a cycle that has happened so many times before I have lost count.  The gurus predict a date such as the 15th of June and when that day comes and goes they move their prediction up to the 1st of July and when that day comes and goes they will move it to the 15th of July and so forth. They will do this until it becomes painfully obvious that they have been wrong all along and that nothing is going to happen any time soon and then they will change tactics for a while.  While it is true that a lot of positive things have happened in Iraq, there is one BIG negative that just will not go away and that is Mr. Maliki.  He has now started killing the people of Iraq with his hired goons trying to create a state of emergency so that he can keep control.  He is a dictator plain and simple and until he goes away I highly doubt anything positive with the dinar will happen.  That is just my two cents worth. 

June 20, 2014

I just wanted to drop a short note.  Today all day gurus have been saying it will happen Friday.  I just read one that said there is still time it is still Friday.  Folks at 4pm Eastern time today it was midnight in Iraq.  Friday was over and done with and these guys that keep saying there is still time are either idiots or leading you on.  Wake up and see what these gurus are.  They don't know anything more than you do they just talk like they do.  They are true conmen!

June 15, 2014

So today is the 15th, the day Iraq is supposed to have their government seated according to certain gurus.  Since they are 9 hours ahead of us (MST) it is 5am in the morning of June 16th, as of this writing, in Iraq so I guess they didn't get it done and the gurus who said that are now cleaning egg off their faces or having a nice dinner of crow.  I am so tired of these gurus making claims like they know everything in the damn world and their claims are proven bogus and they just keep on going like nothing happened.  I would say the "Eagle" has crash landed if you get my meaning.

It is obvious to me that Maliki is responsible for the problems Iraq is experiencing right now.  He has called in his goons and started this conflict so that Parliament would call a state of emergency because he knows he has lost the election and since he has been responsible for mass murder within his country for the past 10 plus years he knows that if he isn't reelected he is in big trouble.  So since he is a murderer and has stolen countless millions from his country and is a criminal that should face the rest of his life in prison if not the death sentence, lets reelect him for another term so he can continue his evil dealings.  What a joke, and yet, how many of our own politicians are no better than he is?  Yeah, if you're a major criminal, get elected so that you can keep doing what you have been doing and be protected by the government.  God I hate politics!

Is the world ever going to see Iraq as a valid and genuine country and not some grade school playground being run by the playground bullies?  I don't know but unless they can make some major changes with this new government that they are trying to create they won't be seen as anything but a joke to the world and the dinar will never be worth more than toilet paper.  Oh wait, I just bought some toilet paper and it cost more than the dinar is worth so it isn't even worth the paper I wipe my butt with!  How sad is that for a country that could be one of the wealthiest in the world with all their natural resources?

As usual, do not listen to the gurus because they do not know anything more than you do, they are just good at making it sound like they know what they are talking about.  We are in a waiting game with the dinar and the end results could be just around the corner or years from now and nobody knows for sure.  In the end if you hold Iraqi dinars you could be very happy or just have some colorful souvenirs to show for your time watching the small country of Iraq.

June 5, 2014

So the "big news" now is that the ISX is supposed to go live July 1st.  Correct me if I'm wrong here but didn't the "gurus" claim the ISX was going live several months ago and it didn't happen?  So do I believe them this time?  Nope.  If it does great but I'm not holding my breath.  Also now we have gurus saying that it will happen around June 15th and some saying July 1st.  Well which is it???

Maliki thinks he will be the next Prime Minister for a third term after all the robbing of Iraq's money and the horrible things he has done to Iraq and the sad thing is he just may be.  What will that mean for Iraq and those holding dinars?  I don't know, but I do know that nothing could be worse for the country of Iraq than Maliki staying in as PM for another term.  It doesn't matter if you hold dinars or not, you have to feel bad for the people of Iraq because their life has been hell for a long time.  They were ruled by a horrible dictator for decades and then the US stuck our noses in and went over there and blew the country up to take him out and ever since then they have struggled with poverty and the whole world looking down on them because of what a dictator did to them.  They don't deserve what happened to them because of an evil asshole but they got it just the same and then Maliki took over and he did much of the same bullshit to them that Hussein did and he was supported by the US government and the UN and all the other idiot governments of the world. What a shame.  Will this ever end for them?  For the people of Iraq I surely hope so.

May 31, 2014

Have you noticed how many alternative news sites and dinar sites have been talking about how the dollar is going to lose its value in the near future?  If not I suggest you check a few out just for your personal information.  Just read what is being said, don't get all panicked over it, just read to inform yourself.  So much is being said about how the revaluation of the dinar is tied to some global currency reset, or how it is tied to the value of the dollar.  I have said this before and I am saying it again, I am not an economist, so with that said let me make a few observations.

First it is pretty common knowledge that the US is the number 1 consumer nation in the world.  That means that we purchase more goods and services from all over the world than any other country. I have no doubt that greed and power are the two most abused emotions among the elite wealthy jackasses that rule the world.  So if greed, described as; intense and selfish desire for something, especially wealth, and power, is one emotion that is controlling the wealthy elite that rule the world behind the scenes, then wouldn't it make sense that they would want the number one consumer country in the world to continue consuming so that they can continue filling their pockets with the wealth that consumption creates?  And if power is the other emotion that controls them, well what gives one power?  Wealth.  So they go hand in hand and to my logic that tells me that they don't want the US to become a third world country because that would take away much of their wealth and power.  So all the gurus and people claiming that the elite want to crash the US just don't make sense to me.

I had to travel for my work this past week and I visited Phoenix, AZ and Houston TX.  The first thing that I noticed was that every plane I observed was filled to capacity.  That is thousands or even tens of thousands of people paying several hundred to thousands of dollars every single day to fly all over the US and the world many for business but just as many if not more for pleasure.  Now if the US economy crashes, what is going to happen to all that money that is being spent in just this one industry?  It is going to dry up and the losses will be in the billions of dollars in just the first six months in just this one industry. 

I have read articles about the big box retailers losing money hand over fist.  I have read the articles about the new cars being parked in lots all over the world because no one is buying them.  I have even seen the pictures of cars and gone to google earth and looked up a couple of the lots mentioned in some articles and see thousands of cars parked.  But could those just be cars waiting to be delivered to dealerships rather than cars that are sitting unsold while the manufacturers continue making more cars just to be added to those lots?  The internet makes it very easy for anyone to write anything they want and have it seen by millions of people without having to prove what they are saying is true or having to provide any concrete evidence that it is true.  The same goes for the dinar gurus, the political naysayers, and all the other negative commentators you can find all over the internet.

It is up to you, reader, to decide for yourself if what you read is truth or bullshit.  You have to use logic and discernment to determine for yourself if what you read is based on truth or if it is based on some other agenda.  I know we have big problems in this old world we live in.  Corruption runs rampant in most governments and large corporations control government agencies and leaders with money in the pockets of those holding positions of trust.  Little is being done to control pollution because to control the pollution would cost those big corporations creating it a lot of money to control it and that would cut into their profits so they buy governments to look the other way so they can continue polluting. We have big problems in this world, but crashing the US dollar would be foolish for those wealthy people who crave wealth and power because the US is one of the richest nations in the world and we spend money like there is no tomorrow and money is the thing that gives them the power they crave.  We need to worry about the big corporations that own the governments of the world that are killing our planet for profit.  We need to worry about governments that are supposed to be looking out for our best interests who don't, and who instead allow the big corporations to continue to kill our planet so they can continue to make outrageous profits.

Yes there are big problems in our world, and the problems are caused by greed and the craving of wealth and power by the few individuals who control most of the wealth and power already in the world.  Are those wealthy elite individuals working to crash the US economy?  Why would they?  The US is one of the main players that gives them their wealth and power.  If that is what they want more than anything else in this world, why would they kill the one economy that gives them most of the things they want, namely wealth and power?

As for the dinar, will it ever revalue?  Who knows?  If the wealthy elite can find a way to make it work to their advantage probably, but that is just a guess.  Only time will tell for sure.  The one thing that is certain is that the game continues.  According to the gurus the RV was for sure going to happen before the elections in Iraq. When that didn't happen then it was going to be the middle of May.  That came and went and now it is for sure going to happen by the middle of June according to some or the middle of July according to others.  Like I have said before.  Not one of those supposed gurus knows any more than you or I so stop believing them, stop hanging on every word that comes out of them, and for HELL'S SAKE STOP PAYING THEM TO TELL YOU LIES!!!!! Just relax, live your life, and wait and see what happens.  If nothing ever happens, at least you haven't wasted months or years of your life waiting for something that was never going to happen in the first place, and at best, you will live your life and find something that will make you really happy and you won't care if the dinar revalues or not.  

May 26, 2014

How many people who hold dinars thought we would see this day come and go without any change in the Iraqi dinar?  Back when I first got some dinars I surely didn't, and yet here we are. There are a few countries in the world who don't have a national currency and they use the US dollar or they use some other country's currency but those are very few.  Iraq has a currency, that historically was valued at close to or over $3 dollars per dinar up until the UN devalued their currency as part of sanctions placed on them for invading Kuwait.  They have had a currency that is worth less than toilet paper since that time.  Because their currency is worthless and it takes a wheel barrow full to purchase groceries for the week they have been using the US dollar since theirs was made worthless.  

It seems logical that as proud as the Iraqi people are, they can't be happy about having to use the dollar as their primary currency and that at some time in the future they will want to begin using their own national currency.  When that will be is anybody's guess. I don't think anybody knows exactly what they have to do in order to get their currency to a point that it is internationally recognized and at a value that is indicative of the wealth and natural resources of their country, but it seems that it is a huge challenge for them.  They can't pass a budget for their country, they can't have elections, they can't seem to do anything without fighting among their selves.  One of the big problems is the prime minister Maliki.  He is a problem and has been since the day our government put him in as PM.  He wants to be a dictator just like his old boss Saddam Hussein. I don't know why because his old boss had a less than glorious run and ending, but that seems to be what he wants to do.  

Oh well, whatever the problem is with Iraq it is beginning to look like they will never be free of the controlling factors of the US, the UN, and the IMF because they don't seem to be doing anything to get out from under that control.

Meanwhile, those who hold dinars hoping that some day Iraq will get their shit together and act like a country that wants to control their own destiny rather than let the US control it, just keep watching Iraq make fools of their selves day after day and never seem to get any closer to controlling their own destinies.

I feel sorry for Iraq.  I am sure the country is full of wonderful people who are suffering because their leaders are greedy idiots who don't care for them and only care for the money that is lining their pockets. That sounds like the governments of most countries in this world.  Most governments are corrupt, greedy and care only for their individual wealth and power and nothing for the people they are supposed to be working for, the citizens of their countries.  I guess Iraq has no more hope than the rest of us.  What a sad world we live in.

May 10, 2014

Well folks the elections in Iraq have come and gone and no change in the value of the dinar.  If you follow the gurus you see everything from it will happen any second to nothing until at least 2015.  I read one article last night by a guy claiming to only ever tell the truth who is convinced the dinar will never value at more than ten cents.  He says there is not enough money in the world for the dinar to value at over $3 dollars.  If that's the case I wonder how it was valued at $3.22 before the UN devalued it to punish Iraq for invading Kuwait.  Oh well, nothing has changed regarding the dinar.  Opinions all over the place and they are all widely differing in what they claim.  The bottom line is that the dinar is still not an internationally recognized currency and until it is nobody knows what it is going to do until the day it actually becomes internationally recognized.

Regardless of what all the gurus and supposed experts are saying, I will hold out hope that it will be what I hoped it would be the day I purchased it.  I have not wasted money on any other currency because I believe in the natural resources of Iraq but as far as other currencies I do not know anything about them or their countries.  I have known about the dinar for over 8 years and to me that was the currency that held the promise of a possible dream come true.  I will never invest in any currency other than the Iraqi dinar, but if you have I wish you luck.  I will hold onto my dinars until the end and if I receive a dream come true with them I will be forever grateful.  If some elite wealthy asshole blocks that dream from coming true, well I will let karma take care of whoever that is and I will move on with my life.  

There is so much craziness in this world we live in that the hope of something truly amazing like the possibility of what the dinar could do for millions of people is worth holding onto.  I do not watch the news, I do not want or need to hear the negative crap reported by the news.  I just live my life trying to avoid the negative crap happening in the world and hoping to just have a decent life with my family living in the midst of all the bullshit happening in the world.  If the dinar makes a dream come true for us then I will try to spread the happiness to my little corner of the world and try to make life better for as many as I can.  If nothing ever comes of it, oh well.  There is a saying.  "It is better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all."  I feel the same about the hope the dinar has given to millions of people.  I will hold onto that hope until it either turns into my dream come true or until it is taken from me.  Either way I feel that I have had the good that the hope of that dream has given me.  I don't know if I will write in this blog again so if not farewell fellow dinar holder and dreamer.  May life treat you well and if our dream comes true may we use it to make the world a better place.  If I do write again it will be because I have something I feel strongly about and need to share with whoever is reading this blog.  May the Creator of all look upon you kindly and may you remember gratitude for all the good you have in your life.

April 27, 2014

What is going on with the Iraqi dinar?  I think the better question would be. What is going on with the world?  I mean It is hard to believe that the world isn't connected to the dinar in any way. There is sooooo much corruption in the world that it is almost impossible to look anywhere at anything and not see some evidence of corruption in it.  I know there are good things happening in the world but they are not nearly as common as all the corruption.  The mass media news outlets, all of which are owned by the corrupt corporations that own and rule the world, and as such they only report what their owners allow them to report, which is nothing but fear and lies to keep the people scared and confused. What amazes me is how blind most people are to what is going on.  Perhaps it is them being blind or perhaps it is just that they don't want to believe the truth starring them in the eyes.  They would rather believe what they are told than to accept that corruption runs deep in this world and that most governments are corrupt and doing things that are in the best interests of the big corporations that are lining their pockets with money and not in the best interests of the people they are supposed to be taking care of.  

One thing for sure is that this world is in a very sad state of affairs. Chemtrails poisoning our air and our earth and water supplies, killing the trees and ruining the crops that we need to live.  I saw a report recorded live from the United Nations and this doctor who has been studying chemtrails for years reported that the trees that look as though they are dying of drought are actually dying because of chemtrails and that our crops are not growing like they should because of the chemicals from chemtrails are getting in the soil and stunting their growth.  The chemtrails create false clouds, man made clouds, that block the sun and even affect solar panels. That is just one of the many things our government is doing to kill us rather than protect us.  But people can't bring their selves to believe that our government would kill it's own citizens so they write it off as a conspiracy theory.  I guess that is human nature, to have a hard time accepting something so completely evil as a government killing it's citizens that they just cannot accept it as truth. 

So with all this shit going on in the world, why is it so hard to believe that corruption is blocking the dinar from revaluing?  It isn't really if you think about it. Each day that goes by I become more convinced that corruption is blocking the dinar from revaluing.  I still hold some small ray of hope but it is diminishing daily as this goes much longer than it should have.

April 12, 2014

Do you know what I find interesting/amusing?  There are all these supposed "gurus" who act like they know what they are talking about.  They talk like they are the absolute expert on whatever random subject they happen to be spewing BS about at the moment and then a few days later something comes out to show that they didn't have a damn clue what the hell they were talking about.  So they just change direction and start talking about something else, never ever admitting that what they spouted as fact just a short time back was proven to be nothing more than stinky bullshit.  

Folks if you read or listen to these "gurus" and you believe them you are setting yourself up for disappointment.  Not one "guru" has been right so far, NOT ONE, so don't let them con you into believing that they are the one to listen to, AND FOR GOD'S SAKE DO NOT PAY FOR THEIR WEBSITE!!!!!  The worst thing you can do is to put money in their pockets for telling you lies.  I mean hell if you want to pay someone to tell you lies there are any number of people out there who will gladly take your money just to lie to you but why would you do that?  Would you visit a website that said, "We Will Lie to You For Only $1 Dollar Per Lie"?  Of course not!  So why would you pay some self proclaimed "guru" who has not been right one time in the past 10 plus years and pay them to tell you lies?  Get smart people, none of the "gurus" know what the hell they are talking about so stop paying them to tell you lies.

Nobody knows what is going on with Iraq or the dinar and if they tell you they do they are lying.  Plain and simple.  Nobody has contacts in high enough places that they know what is going on and if someone does have a contact that is that high, they are NOT going to tell the world what they know.  If everyone would stop paying these jokers maybe they would stop spouting their lies and at the very least you would stop making them rich by paying them for their lies.  It is the most ludicrous thing I have ever seen in my life.  People paying someone to tell them lies.  Wake up people!

April 8, 2014

Well folks sorry I haven't written here much lately but to be honest there hasn't been much to write about.  If you follow the dinar you have noticed that it seems to be the same old thing regurgitated for about the ten thousandth time.  One thing that is always puzzling if not down right amusing is the disparity between what the gurus are saying.  You have gurus like Enorste and Kaperoni saying that when the dinar finally does change value it will start out in the range of pennies per dinar and then gradually float upwards in value all dependent on market demand.  I'm no economist but to me that is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard.  In the first place releasing the dinar for international trade and giving it a value of pennies or even ten cents per dinar does absolutely nothing for the country of Iraq or its people.  It accomplishes absolutely nothing and leaves them with a currency that is worth less than it was for the previous 50 plus years before the UN artificially lowered the value of the dinar as a punishment for what they did to Kuwait.  The current value of the dinar is a value that is controlled by the UN and the IMF because Iraq is still under sanctions due to the punishment imposed on them by those same agencies.  That is one of the few sanctions that has not been lifted as Iraq rebuilds after decades of struggling.

So why are there gurus out there saying that the dinar will do this and on the other hand there are gurus saying it will revalue at a rate closer to what it was when it was artificially devalued by the UN two decades ago?  I don't know because I don't know what agenda those gurus have but don't you find it interesting that good old Tony who was for a time saying the dinar would revalue any day now at $31 dollars plus has completely changed his tune?  He wasn't the only one but he was one of the most vocal several months ago.  Now most of the gurus who are claiming that the dinar will revalue with a significant value are in the $3 plus dollar range while there are still those like Enorste and Kaperoni saying it will come out at pennies and slowly make its way upward. 

As usual folks one thing you can be absolutely sure of is that none of these people has the slightest clue as to what is really going to happen.  If you own dinars you are among a group of people who have gambled that when all the sanctions are finally lifted from the country of Iraq and they are finally in control of their own destiny they will assign a value to the dinar that is much greater than what it currently is and you will see a windfall profit from what you own.  We are gamblers folks and that is the bottom line because nobody has a clue what is going to happen except those few high placed people controlling this situation.  If those in control possess an ounce of compassion for human suffering they will allow the dinar to revalue at close to what it was two decades ago when it was forced into a worthless value as punishment.  If they don't possess any compassion like most leaders of most governments in the world today then we will lose.  I don't hold out much hope because most governments today are controlled by big corporations who care about money and power and who care nothing for the general population of the world.  These same corporations and governments are literally killing the general population to reduce the overall population of the world because they feel the world is overpopulated.  I will hold my dinars until it has been shown that they are worthless and then I will wallpaper my den with them but until that day I will hold them and maintain some small measure of hope.

March 3, 2014

There was a comment on this blog that the dinar is a scam.  Well that may be, but the fact is that the Iraqi dinar is a valid foreign currency, and if it ever becomes international, like all the other world currencies, it will be internationally trade-able and when it was international last before the UN devalued it as a punishment for what they did to Kuwait it was valued at somewhere around $3.55 dollars per dinar and trading internationally.  So when it becomes international again, which it must unless they want to continue to use US dollars, which they don't, it will again be trading on the international market, and when that happens it doesn't matter what the exchange rate is, it will no longer be just pieces of pretty paper and whoever holds dinars will be able to exchange them at the international rate whatever that is.  So it would be hard for this to be a scam, and my belief is that the agencies who publish that it is a scam are the same ones telling the world that 911 was perpetrated by Bin Laden, when anyone who has eyes and half a brain to do research knows it was done by our government to start a war for profit. So if you believe the dinar is a scam that's just great with me, don't you dare buy any!!!  I will still hold onto mine and see what happens.  If the day ever comes that it is raised in value again and begins trading internationally I won't say I told you so, I will just exchange mine and move on with my life with a lot more money in my pocket. 

Thanks for reading my blog though and for taking the time to post a comment.

February 4, 2014

Well folks today I have more hope in the dinar than I have had in a long time.  Why?  Well, one of the gurus who has been very negative for a long time and goes by TD stated today that he/she cashed in 95% of their dinar last week and that the RV or RI or whatever you want to call it is never going to happen.  I have thought that this TD was no guru all along and what they said today tells me that they are a plant by someone, government or bank or some other entity that has been trying to get people to sell their dinars and get out, and what they said today convinces me 100% that this is for real and that it must be right around the corner.  Now, I am no guru but logic tells me that something this big is going to have some big players, namely our government, who don't want so many of us cashing in on this opportunity of a lifetime.  What good old TD said today has me happier than I have been in a long time.  So, hang on to your dinars and whatever you do DO NOT listen to TD because that person is working for someone who does not want you to take advantage of this opportunity.

January 29, 2014

Well did you watch the State of the Union talk last night?  What did you think?  I think that it was a very good theatrical performance. "Nuff said" as Okie would say.  Some gurus hoped that he would announce the RV last night.  Dream on.  Our only hope at this point is that there are enough people who own dinar that the government is afraid to screw us for fear that we will revolt.  But with all their plans to install martial law and take away all our rights I doubt that is in the cards for us.  

Something is going on in the world because countries are changing the value of their currencies.  The problem that I see is that most of the changes I have seen are lowering the value of the currencies not raising them.  I guess time will tell if anything positive is going to come from this or if the criminal elite are going to get their new world order in place very soon.  If they do that we are all screwed anyway so you might as well decide right now what you will do when they create some major disaster so that they can implement martial law because that my friends will be the beginning of the end of life as we now know it, as screwed up as it already is. They have their HAARP working overtime freezing out the Eastern US. Next will be the Super Bowl false flag.  Of course the Olympics is coming up and they have been talking about what is planned for that.  

Let's face it folks, unless the criminal elite are eliminated we are screwed no matter how you look at it.

January 28, 2014

Well I haven't had anything to say for quite a while because there hasn't been anything TO say.  This has not changed and the same gurus are saying the same things except Tony has stopped calling the RV every day and has stopped with the ridiculous rate of $36 plus.  Aside from that it is pretty much the same.

So why did I decide to write today?  Because I feel pretty certain that the reason this has not happened is because of the US government.  Back when I first started writing on this blog I said that our government was holding it up for their own political and personal gain and now I feel even more certain about that fact.  I don't pretend to know what game they are playing or who is playing it but I would bet my bottom dollar that every congressman and just about every employee in the White House has cashed in their dinars and are enjoying the spoils of that cash in while the rest of the world sits and waits.  My question is this. Why are we letting them get away with it?  We should be pissed as hell that our government is doing this to us.  But then our government is screwing us every way we look so why is this any different?  

Just be aware that our government is as corrupt as any government has ever been in the history of the world and they are not working for the benefit of the citizens of the US but for their own political and personal benefits and they could care less about what is happening to us.  They lie about the unemployment rates, they lie about the so called nonexistent financial recovery, they lie about everything and the majority of the people of this country just sit back and believe them because it is easier to do nothing than to risk everything to try to put a stop to this madness.  I won't lie to you, I am in this category along with most of you.  I am not willing to risk everything when I know that the majority of people in this country will not risk anything.  

Just look at what happened at the World Trade Center.  It has been proven beyond any doubt that those planes, if they even really did hit the towers, did all that damage, and that there were explosives that created extreme heat to pulverize the structures of those buildings and that it was a controlled demolition NOT a couple of planes flying into them, and yet who is being held accountable for that?  Who is asking who was responsible?  No one.  That is the bottom line and that is why I won't risk everything to do anything about the joke that this country has become.  It makes me sad that this once great country has become what it is.  It makes me sad that we are sitting by and allowing the politicians in DC to lie to us and screw us blind and we do nothing about it.  But what can one person do?  Nothing.  

So as far as the RV of the dinar goes, it may happen but only when our government has figured out how to screw us out of it by taxing us so that there is nothing left, or by simply not allowing us to exchange the dinars we hold, but I will be very surprised if we ever see any gain from the dinar because our government is trying to put us under their complete control and it will be much harder to control us if we have a sudden influx of wealth.  So folks don't expect to see this happen any time soon and if it does expect our government to screw us out of it as much as they possibly can.  I blame the US government completely for the fact that the dinar has not risen in value and I fully expect them to screw us out of it if not completely, to the point that we will barely make our investment back.  Sad but that's how our government is rolling these days and until we do something about it things will just continue to get worse and worse until we are the poorest country in the world and living in conditions worse than most third world countries.  So either sit up and take notice or sit back and get ready to be screwed beyond your wildest imagination.

December 19, 2013

Well Tony and Exogen are at it again.  Both are saying that the dinar has changed value in other countries but not here.  That is virtually impossible.  Check out the website  They have over 70000 members all over the world and not one of those members has confirmed that the dinar has changed value in any country.  Tony and Exogen are not telling the truth and if they are passing along information that one of their sources has given them then they should confirm that information before they post it.  They are not confirming anything and that tells me that they are just saying what they want, what you people want to hear, to keep their bank roll full.  They are making money from telling their lies and you can bet on that.  How I don't know but they just keep on lying every day and never retracting their lies but just keep putting out new ones.

Doc is still the most sensible guru out there and Doc is saying no go on the RV until Iraq passes some more laws and I believe that because Iraq moves at a snail's pace doing anything. 

Bottom line...don't believe a word you see from Tony, his group or Exogen because they are all on the same page and they are all wrong!

By the way, if they are right and this happens tomorrow like Exogen is saying I will post a formal apology but so far every time I have called out a guru for spewing crap I have not had to do this.

December 15, 2013

Well I haven't written here in a while because I just get tired of the same old crap from those idiot gurus and I haven't felt like saying anything.

With that said I just felt like calling some gurus out today.  Tony is still playing his same old game.  He has called this RV for so many days straight that I have lost count and he is still calling it.  When the day that he calls it for comes and goes he just changes course and puts a different day in and continues on.  As far as I know he has never apologized for his lies or con games or whatever it is that he is doing.  He just makes claims and when they don't happen he just makes new claims.  I don't even read his crap anymore because you people just keep believing him and he keeps on lying so what is the use?

Mt. Goat is another one.  That person, man or woman who knows, is as bad as Tony.  They just popped up out of the blue and all of a sudden this person who lives somewhere in Germany or at least that is the claim they have made, knows more about the US government than anyone living here in the US.  How?  Well my guess is that this person doesn't live in Germany at all and they are just one of the old gurus who has changed their name and is posting under a new ID.  Bottom line is that this person has been wrong almost as many times as Tony but they keep spewing their BS and people keep believing them.

Let me tell you something.  I used to belong to a religious cult.  At the time I didn't realize it was a cult, I was raised in it and so I didn't really know any difference for a long time.  But at a point many years ago I started studying things about this cult and I discovered the many lies I had been taught all my life up to that point and when I did I left the cult.  It was hard at first because I had been brainwashed for so long that my cognitive dissonance fought my logic and I had a very hard time letting go of some of the teachings I had been brainwashed with from the time I was born.  Finally I was able to let it go and reprogram my brain and now I am free of that cult and its lies.  What I see some of you doing with these gurus is much like what members of this religious cult do.  You continue to believe them because you are afraid of what the truth may really be.  Until you come to grips with the fact that they are lying to you you will never be free of their lies and you have to face hard reality that they ARE lying before you can begin to see their lies. 

These gurus who keep saying that the RV is going to happen any day now and who have been saying that for so long that many of you don't remember when they weren't saying it, are liars and they have some hidden agenda that only they know.  They are not looking out for your best interests and they are NOT providing a wonderful free service.  They are making money some how by telling their lies and until you realize that and stop listening to them they will continue to lie to you and make their money laughing at you all the way to the bank.

I am not saying that the dinar isn't a valid investment nor that it will never change its value.  I am saying that these gurus who keep telling you every day that the dinar is going to revalue today or tomorrow and when it doesn't they just change course and say it will happen tomorrow but tomorrow never comes and as long as you continue to listen to their conference calls and visit their sites and give them money whether through the calls or through the advertising on their sites or where ever they are getting their money from they will continue to lie.

As much as I dislike thinking this, I think the guru who calls their self Doc is closest to the truth.  Doc says that we won't see a change in the value until next year and the last time I saw something from Doc they said that possibly we would see something by June of 2014.  The way things are going that seems to me to be the most sensible talk about the dinar that I have seen in a long time.  I honestly don't think we will see any change in the value this year.  There is a slim chance we may see something in the first quarter of next year only because Iraq will have elections sometime in March or April.  I have seen both months mentioned but I haven't seen a date that I could trust yet out of Iraq so plan on sometime before the end of April for the elections and maybe we will see something with the dinar by then.  If we don't then it could be anytime next year and if Iraq doesn't get their shit together it may go into 2015 or later.  

I won't go into my thoughts on who may really be in control of this or why it may not happen at all because I don't want to be flagged as someone who needs to disappear like one of my favorite stars, Paul Walker.  So I will just leave it at what I have said and let it go at that.  Don't plan on the dinar changing value this year and if it doesn't happen before the Iraqi elections, it may never happen. That is just the sad truth of the matter.

December 2, 2013

Well Tony and group are still at it.  All day they have been claiming that "today is the day".  Here we are at almost 7pm EST and nothing.  To be honest I don't know why these guys do this crap and I don't understand it.  They just keep making claims like this and their claims NEVER pan out and yet they just keep right on doing it.  I guess as long as people visit their websites and keep believing them they will keep doing it.  Most of the time I don't even read what they have to say because I am tired of their lies but occasionally I will read what they are saying just for entertainment and today was entertaining to say the least.  They have claimed everything from calls from the highest levels of government to bank presidents calling and telling them that this will go down today and yet nothing has happened.  Go figure.

December 1, 2013

Have you been following the clowns, I mean gurus?  Last night there were some saying that Maliki is gone that he has been replaced.  That is not so folks and if you believe these idiots I feel sorry for you.  Maliki is there until the elections and nobody is going to just "fire" him.  He is the Prime Minister of Iraq, you don't just fire that position.  It is similar to our president and you don't just fire him either.  It takes an act of Congress, literally, and then he isn't fired he is impeached.  The process for Iraq is similar only it takes an act of Parliament.  They are all on vacation right now so that would require them all coming back from vacation and then voting a majority which would be hard to get because most of them are afraid of Maliki and his mafioso tactics. 

Moving on to more hilarious guru news.  Those jokers who said we would see an RV before Thanksgiving have been proven to be liars and yet some of you still believe them.  What is your problem?  Then those same idiots said we would see this by today.  Well today is here and still no RV and not looking like it will happen today.  I honestly don't know what these guys get from constantly lying but they must be getting something because they just keep right on lying and you people keep believing them and putting wind in their sails.  

The new lies being spread by these idiot gurus is that now we should see this by Tuesday or Wednesday.  They just keep moving their dates out and when that date comes and goes with nothing they move it a few more days out.  If you would just stop believing them and visiting their websites they would have no one to lie to and maybe they would just shut the hell up.  

Since Parliament won't be back from vacation until the 15th of this month and it takes them a month or so to get moving once they return from their vacations, I don't expect anything on the value of the dinar until next year.  As always, I hope like hell I am wrong, but I don't think I am.  The Iraqi Parliament takes more vacations than any other government I am aware of and one of their vacations is longer than most people get all year.  No wonder Iraq is still sitting in poverty, at least the citizens of Iraq, while the government fat cats live like kings with all the money they need and barely working to earn that money.  If I were a citizen of Iraq I would be mighty pissed off by now and I would do something about it.  But then look at our own government.  They lie to us, take away our constitutional rights, commit horrendous crimes against humanity, and sell their souls to the highest bidder(big corporation) and we don't do anything about it so why should I expect the people of Iraq to do any different.

All in all this year has played out exactly like last year did only the names of the gurus have changed and not to protect the innocent.  I suspect that the gurus who were so very vocal last year calling the RV for at least every weekend and who we have heard nothing from in about a year are the gurus we are hearing from this year under new fake ID's.  I have been in this thing for several years and it seems that every year there are a few gurus who are calling the RV weekly and who have no shame when their claims of an RV this weekend never happen and who never step up and say they were wrong and that they are sorry, as Okie has done on numerous occasions, simply change their names, start a new website and start all over doing the same thing.  I could name some gurus who we have not heard one word from since last year around January, who were just as vocal as Tony and his group this year.  Let's just see if Tony sticks around or if he disappears after the first of the year when all his ridiculous predictions fail.  Watch for predictions from these gurus like "we will for sure see this by the 15th" or "no way this can go past the 25th" or my favorite that I have seen for several years now, "we will have a very happy new year because this will not go into 2014".  Once all their predictions have failed and they have no more big dates to tell you to look forward to is when they will disappear if they are going to.  Well folks I just had to vent about some of the ludicrous crap these guys are spewing lately so now I am done for today.

November 28, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving!  So I just had to take a moment to talk about the gurus spewing bull**it (I am trying not to use unattractive words today) all over the place.  Tony and group et al Loechin and those who like Tony claimed that we would see this by today, and that includes Poppy3.  I said back when they started with this crap that the holidays in the US mean nothing to Iraq and that we would not see anything before today just because it is a big holiday here. Today Loechin is spewing his crap even thicker than before.  Folks, these guys are outright liars and I don't know what their game is but it is not in your best interest.  

On another note, poor old Okie Oilman was given bad information again.  I feel bad for Okie because I have known of him for many years and he is genuinely just trying to help and he has a boatload of contacts from his years in the oil business.  It is sad that his contacts are always wrong because he shares what they tell him and when it is wrong he has to go publicly and apologize.  At least he admits when he is wrong and apologizes for it unlike those other jokers who keep making claims and predictions and when the days that they claim this will happen comes and goes they just keep right on putting out more bullshit and never admit they were wrong or apologize to those people they are putting on an emotional roller coaster ride.  TerryK has been fairly quiet lately but he did claim that we would see this before now but he is being overshadowed by Tony and his merry band of liars.  

Millionday keeps reading the news out of Iraq and commenting on it like he knows what he is talking about.  Millionday I have a news flash for you.  THE NEWS OUT OF IRAQ IS CONTROLLED BY MALIKI AND ANYTHING YOU READ FROM THE MEDIA OUT OF IRAQ IS EXACTLY WHAT MALIKI WANTS YOU TO READ!  You are not gaining anything from all the time you spend quoting the news and commenting on it.  You are wasting your time and the time of anyone who is crazy enough to read your posts.

OK folks I am going to go spend the day with my family.  My bet on this whole fiasco is that we won't see any change in the value of the dinar until close to June of next year.  If we don't see anything by then we may not see anything until 2015 and in all honesty if we don't see an RV by June of next year this whole thing may just be the biggest scam perpetrated on mankind in the history of the world.  Well there is one other scam that is bigger but I won't go into that because I don't want to offend everyone who reads this. So just keep your hats on and don't believe anything you read put out by supposed gurus because if it isn't obvious to you by now it never will be, none of them has the slightest clue what the hell they are talking about.

Have a nice day with your families or doing whatever it is you will be doing today.  Forget about this idiotic dinar crap for a day and just try to relax.  All this will still be here tomorrow so it won't hurt to just forget about it all for one day.

November 24, 2013

Well folks have you noticed how the gurus are changing their stories now?  Yep it had to happen because Tony and group along with TerryK have been saying the RV will happen today for so long now that they either had to change their stories or look...well they already look like fools.  Anyway, now the story is that we won't see anything until after the first of the year.  To be honest I am beginning to wonder if we will EVER see a change in the value of the dinar.  I am very glad that I didn't invest more than I could afford to lose because it is not looking like we may never see anything come of this.  

Also I noticed another guru talking LOP again.  LOP means they drop the last three zeros and a 25000 dinar note becomes worth 25 dinars.  If that happens it doesn't matter what the value of the dinar comes out at we will barely break even.  So I hope those of you reading this didn't invest more than you could afford to lose either because it is looking like we may not lose everything but we may be lucky to break even.  That is ok I guess, I would rather break even than lose it all.  In all honesty I am tired of this bullshit ride and I am about ready to get off.

November 23, 2013

Well seems like I'm not the only one calling the bullshit for what it really is Tony and group.  I have seen a few other posts calling these guys out for their bullshit.  They have been telling you this has happened for two weeks now and yet here we sit with no change in the value of the dinar.  These idiots will stop spreading their bullshit when people stop believing them and start calling them out and making them accountable for the shit they spew.  I am tired of their lies and I am tired of the fact that they keep getting away with it.  Put a stop to these idiots!

November 20, 2013

I have to be honest.  I wish like hell Tony and his group were right because they say the RV has happened and that today is the day. Well, since it is now 7pm MST do you really think we will see anything today?  I doubt it.  It's 9 EST which means the business day is long over with and bankers have all gone home.  So folks, Tony and his group are still blowing smoke and all of you who believe them and put your hopes and faith in him and his group are going to be very disappointed in the morning.

Like I said I wish they were right, but they have been wrong soooooo many times before why would this time be any different? I feel bad for those who believe these people and have to live through disappointment after disappointment but hey, you choose who to believe so if you ever get tired of all those disappointments maybe you will stop believing those clowns.

Iraqi Parliament is on vacation.  Do you really think Iraq is going to change the value of their currency while Parliament is on vacation?  Who would get the credit if that happened?  Not Parliament that's for sure.  Not looking good for anything happening this year period.  Don't buy into the whole "it will for sure happen before Thanksgiving" crap because they have played that con game for as many years as I have been watching this.  No US holiday is going to matter to them especially NOT a Christian holiday.  Don't buy into Christmas either.  At this point I am just hoping that it happens by June of next year because if it doesn't we may very well be waiting until 2015 for this.

November 19, 2013

I just wanted to say a few words today.  First off Tony and his group are constantly saying it has happened in Iraq.  Have you checked the news for Iraq lately?  Bombings, killings, unsettled to say the least.  I looked for quite a while and did not see one thing about the currency.  It is easy to make claims like Tony and his group do because there is no way for an average person to verify what they are saying.  There are other gurus who are claiming that it has happened and we will see something this week.  Don't count on it.  

What really pisses me off is that these guys just keep putting out their crap and nobody calls them on it to their faces.  I tried but got banned from their website.  They don't want anyone stating the truth or challenging them on their own website.  If you try to say something negative on Recaps you will get banned there too, I know I am banned there too.  So the moral to this story is if you have something to say that isn't blind faith in what the gurus are saying don't bother because you will get banned.

When someone doesn't want you speaking the truth or challenging the leaders watch out.  That is what cults do and this dinar thing has become somewhat of a cult where these guys are concerned.

Did anyone notice the article on Recaps today from some Marisol Luna?  Yep she said what I said back when Baghdad Invest first put their crap on the internet.  It was all a farce.  They call it an "experiment".  I call it a pack of lies.  Call it what you want the bottom line is that they lied just to see what kind of response they would get.  I don't know folks, is the dinar ever going to change in value?  I'm not counting on it happening any time soon.

November 17, 2013

I haven't posted in a while because there just isn't more to say than I have already said.  Tony and his group are still calling for the RV every single day and when their predictions fail they just keep on going claiming the same damn thing.  I saw a poll a few days ago asking which guru people believed most and the statistics were pretty interesting.  Tony and his group have the highest number of people believing in them.  What the hell is wrong with you people???  I guess people would rather hear what they want to hear than the truth.  Idiots!  Oh well if you want to be on an emotional roller coaster then that's your choice.  

The conservative gurus are now saying we should see this by June 2014.  What a contrast from Tony and his group of merry clowns claiming it will happen every day to the conservative gurus claiming we should maybe see it by June 2014.  The REAL truth is that none of them has the slightest idea when it will really happen they just have their opinions and that is it.  No facts just opinions because nobody knows what that bunch of idiots running Iraq is doing.  The poor people of Iraq are suffering in poverty when they should be some of the wealthiest people in the world and that is what is really sad.  Somebody, you can bet it is someone with more money than God, is stopping this from happening and that is the real travesty in all of this.

I get tired of all the crap in this so I won't post every day.  I am tired of reading all the bullshit put out by the so called gurus who don't have one damn fact among the whole bunch of them.  The guru who popped up earlier this year calling herself Wife In the Know.  Wow what a name!  She claims that her husband exchanged his dinars a long time ago and she maintains that claim. That's convenient since she maintains anonymity because she is supposedly wealthy but all that does is make her claims suspect to say the least and probably a bunch of lies to be closer to the truth. That new website called Baghdad Invest made their claims for a week or two and then they have disappeared again.  Why? Because they were lying and they made claims that did not happen and their claims were very specific so once their claims failed what more was there for them to say.   

Well I'm done for now.  I will post again when I have something to say or when there is something worth writing about more than another guru saying the RV will happen today.

November 8, 2013

Ok folks no RV today and I will bet that we won't see one tomorrow either.  The website claiming that it has happened,, now has put up some updates.  They claim they have been reporting about Iraq for 3 or 4 years and that in the beginning they reported and claimed that the dinar was a scam but now they say they were wrong.  They also claim that they don't sell dinars nor do they have affiliation with any dinar dealer or bank.  I just wanted to put that up here because yesterday I said that they had one purpose and that was to sell dinars.  So now that they have cleared that up I still don't believe them.  I will tell you why I suspect them of something shady.  They have a place where you can sign up to receive their news letter.  That just screams of list keeping and I would not enter my name or email on there for anything.  Just a warning to the wise.

In other dinar news...  Tony is still claiming that the RV will happen any second now, the same story he has been telling for months, and yet we still have no RV.  Do people still believe this guy?  I guess so he seems to have a lot of visitors to his website.  Good old Millionday is still reading and reporting on the news out of Iraq.  What a total waste of time!  Pastor Ed is still praying in public, the exact thing Jesus Christ preached against, but I guess it's ok these days because he does it by phone rather than on the street corner.  NOT!  Praying in public is praying in public regardless of whether it is on the street corner or on the phone or on the internet.  Public is public not in the privacy of your room and that is where Christ said you should pray.  So what does that tell you?  Then to make matters worse he is praying to get rich off of the dinar.  Doesn't this make sense to anybody but me?

Other than that it has been pretty quiet.  Look I wish like the rest of you that this would happen.  I have some dinars stashed away in my gun safe.  I don't have many but enough to make the rest of my life comfortable and leave my kids a little something.  That is all I need and that is all I want.  I don't want to be a billionaire because I don't want all the headaches that go along with that much money.  I just want to be comfortable and not have to worry about money or paying the bills and honestly I would like to situate myself off the grid somewhere and just live a quiet life without all the crap being thrown around by governments and wealthy individuals that own the governments.  I just want to disappear and never be seen again by any wealthy person or the government that they own and control.  So I don't talk crap about these people because I am a hater, I do it because I am tired of seeing guys like Tony claim the RV is any second now for months on end.  So believe me or not, I don't care.  Just keep your eyes open and be sure that if you do believe someone they are worth believing.

November 7, 2013

Well folks have you seen the latest?  There is a website called "Baghdad Invest" that has posted an article stating that the dinar has revalued.  Well, well, well isn't that interesting?  I did a little digging and this website doesn't look like it is all on the up and up.  I found one link stating some nonsense about the dinar being a scam and when I clicked on that link it said the link was not available and took me straight to the page that has the article stating that the dinar has revalued.  Now I can't state with any certainty but in my opinion this site has one purpose, to sell Iraqi dinars.  What better way than to make a claim like this so that people will run out and buy a ton of reserves?  

Don't do it people!  I have been following this dinar roller coaster for many years now and I have never heard of this website until today.  They do have a Facebook page as well, but how easy is it to set up a Facebook account?  Don't trust this and don't lose any sleep over this because it is doubtful that what they are printing is anything more than bullshit!  Now, if they are right I will gladly eat a whole flock of crows and state publicly on this blog that I was wrong and they were right and I will be happy about it all the way to the bank.  All I am saying is DO NOT run out and buy more dinars thinking it has happened and maybe you can get some right before the change.  You will be wasting your money I feel fairly certain about that.  Nothing has changed with the value of the dinar.  Hell Maliki, that asshat, didn't say what he was supposed to say in his big speech.  He is making Obama and Biden and our entire Congress look like fools, which I'll admit isn't very hard to do, but he is doing it and spitting in their faces at the same time.  Maliki needs to be taught a lesson, but nobody in our government has the cajones to do it.  

So folks just sit tight tomorrow will come and go and Saturday will come and go and we will not be exchanging dinars, we will be sitting right here reading and wondering why nothing has happened yet.  I am sorry, believe me, I wish they were right because I am tired of this game and I just want it to be over, but it isn't so just sit tight.

November 6, 2013

Well folks I'm at that point again.  This has become so completely ludicrous that I just don't want to talk about it any more.  The gurus are all crazy I think.  TerryK is saying in the $20 dollar range, Tony is still saying in the $30 dollar range, then you have TD and some of the other ultra conservative gurus are saying it will never be that high and that it won't even happen until next year and if it doesn't happen before the elections in Iraq next March or April then it may not happen for another 5 or 10 years.  The reason I am not going to write any more for a while is because honestly I am tired of reading what these idiots are saying.  So if I don't like what they are saying, I won't read it any longer which means I won't have anything to say so bye for now.  Good luck!

November 4, 2013

I stopped writing in my blog for a while because I just get frustrated and tired of the disparity between gurus.  For example you have guru Doc who only gets his/her information from the mass media coming out of Iraq.  That right there makes his/her information suspect to me, but Doc keeps saying that Iraq is nowhere close to changing the value of the dinar.  Millionday is another guru who gets their information strictly from the news coming out of Iraq.  I won’t even go into why this is crazy to me other than to say that Maliki owns or controls the majority of the media in Iraq and we all know what a tool Maliki is so I guess to use a phrase coined by Okie Oil Man in this crazy venture, “nuff said”.

Then you still have the gurus like Tony, TerryK, Loechin, and Exogen claiming an RV is seconds away and some are still claiming exchange rates in the $30 plus range.  One thing to note is that Loechin and Tony are from TNTDinar, the same dinar intel website.  So anything one of them says will be duplicated by the other. 

Then there is Mt. Goat.  I don’t know what to make of her.  She is from Germany or somewhere over there and I have to wonder how she can know so much about what is going on here in the US that 99% of us living here do not know.  Her style of writing really reminds me of a guru who used to post and her posts were published on Dinar Recaps.  She called herself “Wife in the know” or something like that.  She was supposedly married to some big whig who had intimate knowledge of what was going on with the dinar but after some people commented on her posts and pointed out some errors in what she said she has not posted in quite a while.  Anyway, I just have to ask the question why does someone living in Europe somewhere have such intimate knowledge of the goings on here in the US government and why does she supposedly know so much about what is going on with the dinar?  I don’t have an answer for this one but if I ever find out I will for sure let you all know.

The only thing that is for certain about this whole dinar adventure is that not one person who posts as a guru has the slightest clue what is REALLY going on with the dinar.  That has been proven by the fact that they have all been wrong 100% of the time except the gurus claiming that Iraq still has a long time before they can do anything with the value of the dinar and you can’t really say that those gurus know what they are talking about, they have just taken the stand that it will never happen and their posts reflect that by saying that Iraq still has a long time before they can revalue their currency.  Nobody has given any information about the dinar that has been 100% correct period.  So you choose who you want to believe, but for me I believe none of them.  What do I think then about the dinar and when it will do anything?  I think that I will just hold onto my few dinars and if they ever change value and if and when they do anybody is allowed to exchange them I will exchange mine too.  My suspicion is that the powers that be are holding this up trying to figure out how they can stop anyone but a select few from exchanging dinars and once they figure out how to do that without causing a mass revolt they will make the changes and the dinar will have a new value, but nobody but the bum buddies of the powers that be will get to take advantage of it.  This is why I am very happy that I did not invest more than I could lose in this thing.  Oh I have some acquaintances who have invested tens of thousands of dollars in dinars and I have to tell you I would hate to be them right now.  One guy I know is a chiropractor and he has all but let his practice go to nothing waiting on this stupid thing.  In my opinion that is just crazy.  He has close to 20 million dinars and his practice has all but died.  There are others I know of who hold over one billion dinars.  To me that is just insane but I guess if you think you can afford to lose it, then go for it. 

November 2, 2013

Well everyone who said this was going to happen on the 1st has been proven to be full of shit.  Sorry for my French but I am tired of these gurus making claims and saying things and never having to be held accountable for their lies.  I do not buy that whole story that their intel is only as good as the people they receive it from.  Bullshit!  If you keep getting false information from the same contacts and you keep posting it then you are responsible for it just as much as they are.  I don't want to hear crap like "I guess my contacts were ahead of the curve" or "my contacts are saying they don't know why this did not happen like they said it would" because that is nothing more than rationalizing away their lies or half truths. If a guru receives information from some unknown to us contact and that information is wrong twice in a row and that guru keeps posting information from that contact then the guru is as guilty as the contact for spreading incorrect information and who knows whether they are purposely lying or just not smart enough to see that they are being lied to.  One of the lies that keeps being circulated is that some contractor they know has exchanged his or her dinar for "x" dollars per dinar.  I couldn't even tell you how many times I have heard that one over the years I have been watching this.  How many times are the contractors going to be exchanged?  Yeah, that is what I mean. 

Stryker has joined the other conservative gurus saying this won't happen until 2014.  I remember late last year there was someone, and I can't remember who now I will have to do some research, who said that this would not happen until 2014.  Everybody jumped all over that guru and beat them up so bad because it was just late 2012 and every single guru absolutely knew the dinar would revalue long before 2014.  Well folks here we are almost into 2014 and still nothing happening with the dinar.  Who do we believe now?

Maliki's meeting with Obama and Congress is over and he is on his way home.  Anyone who thinks he is going to be a good little boy now is delusional.  Maliki served under Hussain and he wants to be a dictator just like Hussain.  He is in bed with Iran and he is more loyal to Iran than he has ever been to Iraq.  He has absolutely no business being the Prime Minister of Iraq, but guess who put him in power in the first place?  Yep the good old USofA.  So they are the ones who have kept him there because they didn't want to be embarrassed by having to pull him out after they made such a big deal about putting Maliki in that position in the first place.  They are not mature enough to admit that they made a mistake and get rid of that idiot but instead they just leave him there and let him screw the poor people of Iraq year after year hoping he will change his ways.  This whole thing is such a big joke that if it weren't so sad for the people of Iraq it would be laughable.

Folks I can't tell you if the dinar is ever going to raise in value.  It should but since this is being controlled by the forces that control the world, it won't happen naturally it will happen when the money grubbing greedy thieving murderous assholes that control the world are ready for it to happen and that will be when they can make the most profit and screw the most people at the same time.  All we can do is wait and watch but please stop putting your hopes and dreams on those gurus who keep putting out lies and false information. 

November 1, 2013

Well today was supposed to be the big day according to Tony, TerryK, Loechin, Frank 26, Okie Oil Man, and numerous other gurus.  Looks like they all have the same sources for their intel doesn't it?  On the other hand you have Doc saying it won't happen until next year, and then there is TD saying that Iraq still has a lot more to do before they can even think about changing the value of the dinar. 

So who do you believe?  That folks is the 64 million dollar question. On the other hand, all that talk about rates from $27 to over $30 has pretty much disappeared.  I wonder why?

Let's face it folks, not one guru talking about the dinar has a clue when it will happen.  The thing that just amazes me is that these gurus who are all into the "news" out of Iraq, reading it and quoting it and basing their predictions on it are the same people who will tell you that you can't trust the mass media here in the US.  So if you can't trust the mass media to tell the truth here in the US, why in the hell would you think you could trust the news coming out of Iraq. At the very least you have to give the same credence to Iraq's mass media as you do here in the US, and in all honesty, their mass media is more controlled than ours so they can force the media there to print and say anything they want to and nobody will know the difference.  I still say if you are watching nothing but the news coming out of Iraq and that is what you are basing your decisions on then you are lost because you will never hear the truth from the media in Iraq.

I am not a guru and I do not have any contacts in the IMF or the World Bank or the US Treasury or the IRS or any banks or anywhere in the world for that matter.  I don't have friends or family in Iraq as contractors or otherwise.  What I do have is a brain and common sense and I have done my share of studying economies and currencies and what I have discovered through my own research tells me that Iraq will have a currency value on par with what it was historically and if you go all the way back to the 1930s the Iraqi dinar has always been worth over $3 dollars except for a couple of minor dips below $3 dollars into the high $2s.  That combined with the fact that Iraq has more gold than anyone realizes, that they have agriculture with the two largest rivers in the Middle East running right through the middle of the country, they have one of the world's largest oil reserves and one of the worlds largest natural gas reserves so with all those resources they should have one of the most highly valued currencies in the world.  If you take inflation into consideration gas prices were between $1.20 and $1.60 when the dinar was devalued by the UN and it is now between $3.30 and $3.60 that is an inflation rate of around 175% so adding that to what the value of the dinar was when it was devalued by the UN, which was $3.38 per dinar, you get a potential value of the dinar at $9.30USD per dinar. In my opinion it is not out of the realm of possibilities that the dinar comes back at what it was when it was devalued plus some amount for inflation to put it very close to what the Kuwait dinar is valued at when the Iraqi dinar does regain its value again.  Again, this is my opinion based on the research I have done and these figures are approximate not based on anything more than more of my research and I didn't put these numbers together to be the most accurate just to show the point I was trying to make.  Just because they have had an artificially devalued currency devalued by the UN after they invaded Kuwait doesn't mean they will never be where they were before.  There are many unstable governments in this world and just because Iraq has their share of problems doesn't mean they can't have a currency that is worth what it should be worth.  There are more murders and killings in the US every day than there are in Iraq but because our mass media focuses on that and points to it and says, "see Iraq is unstable and violent".  So is the US.  I mean good hell, our government shut down for a couple of weeks this year and caused states to lose billions in tourism money and there are constant murders and killings all over the country here so what is so different between the US and Iraq? There was a group of senior citizens on a bus that went into Yellowstone Park when all of this happened and those people were humiliated and treated like terrorists simply because they happened to be in the park when the ridiculous government shut down happened.  They were escorted by armed guards to a hotel in the park and forced to sleep there one night with armed guards outside their rooms to make sure they didn't escape and run into the park in the middle of the night.  How ridiculous is that?  These were SENIOR CITIZENS FOR HELL'S SAKE!!!!!  So, if you think Iraq is any more screwed up that the US is I suggest you think again.

When will we see any change in value of the Iraqi dinar?  My guess is that we will see it when the evil powers that run the world have gained as much from waiting as they can.  Perhaps they are trying to figure out how to stop all of us peons from getting all this wealth. That to me is stupid because most of the people who get a lot of money from this will have it spent and back in the hands of those evil jerks within a year or two anyway.  Maybe they are trying to figure out how to tax the hell out of us and that is the delay.  Who knows what is going on or when this will happen?  All I can say is that my research has shown me that they SHOULD have a currency valued close to what Kuwait's is at the very least.  If they can break away from the assholes controlling their every move maybe they will be able to have a currency worth what it should be and their people will not have to suffer any longer.  When that will happen is anybody's guess.

October 29, 2013

Tony is still spewing crap all over the place.  Now he claims Maliki is here in the US and has been for 2 days.  How do you explain that he was LIVE on Iraqi TV yesterday then?  Maybe he can teleport back and forth? Whatever if you haven't figured out by now that Tony is full of crap you never will.

There is a website that posts what different gurus say and they recap what the gurus say on their website.  I just have to say that if you post something in their comments section that they don't like or don't agree with they will simply ban you from posting any longer.  It doesn't matter if you are speaking the truth if they don't like it they ban you.  Then they claim to be honest and forthright and doing good for all.  They are also a Christian bunch of people and are part of this group praying in public, exactly what the bible teaches not to do, and they are part of the group I was talking about bringing religion into all of this.  If you want to see what the gurus are saying and get an objective view without crap or religion or any of that bullshit that has nothing to do with the dinar go to  That is a website that does exactly what you want to see and they don't publish a bunch of crap that nobody wants to read.  Screw that site that recaps the posts because they are not fair or honest or forthright and they have their own agenda which is to preach Christianity rather than report what is going on with the dinar.  Oh sure you will find information about the dinar intermingled with religious talk that has no place when talking about getting rich from a speculative investment.

Aside from that nothing new.  Gurus calling for the RV any second now and gurus saying it will go into 2015.  Nothing you can really believe because it is still ALL opinion and none of it is based on fact.  So just sit tight and don't believe any of the gurus because none of them know what they are talking about.

October 27, 2013

Well surprise of all surprises!  Tony is now saying that everything is back on track and that he is just waiting for a new timeline.  Let me guess, RV by next Friday or at the latest Saturday morning.  That is how he has called it every week for as long as I can remember thinking back over the recent weeks.  

I like Okie so I will never say anything about him because he has been in this thing for as long as anybody I think and he is elderly and a fine gentleman so I will never say anything about him.  He has been known to call the RV before but with him when he was wrong he admitted it and stopped calling the RV.  Tony and TerryK on the other hand call the RV every damn weekend and never retract they just keep going forward calling it every week.  So I guess you can see who I respect and who I don't have much respect for. 

As far as any other news, zilch.  Today has been as quiet in dinarland as I have seen in a long time, but that doesn't mean anything so don't go reading anything into that because it has happened before.  I am still not convinced that there is any kind of global reset that is going to happen.  I think the dollar is going to crash at some point because the Fed. Res. are a bunch of criminals and their only agenda is to get richer and more powerful before the dollar crashes.  What can we do about it?  Nothing unless the entire country is willing to stand up to them and tell them we have had enough.  Yeah that's what I thought, nobody is willing to do that so we will just continue as we are until the dollar loses it's place as the worlds reserve currency and then we will be paying $100 dollars for a loaf of bread.  That's when the real fun will begin!

October 26, 2013

Well all I have to say is that TerryK and Tony are bullshit liars.  This is the second time I have called Tony out and the second time his bullshit claims have been nothing more than him slinging bullshit all over the place.  I have called TerryK out before too and if you people still want to keep following these idiots and believing them then I guess you get what you deserve.

I have something to say about all the people who have brought religion into this.  I am not against religion but I think religion has a time and a place and when people are talking about getting rich from a speculative investment I don't think that is the time or the place.  For example in the bible you will find in Mark 10:25 it says, "It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich person to enter the kingdom of God."  Or what about 1st Timothy 6:17-19, "As for the rich in this present age, charge them not to be haughty, nor to set theirhopes on the uncertainty of riches, but on God..." So folks if you are one of the people praying for this to happen or expecting God to put His hand forth to make this happen so that you can be rich I am afraid you are simply out of luck.  It doesn't matter that you say you will do good things with it or that you say you will help others because God very plainly said not to seek for riches.  There are so many gurus and so many people who have turned this into a religious fest that every time I read something from one of them I just cringe because I am as certain that God is NOT going to help anyone get rich as I am that the sun will come out tomorrow.  Now that is just my opinion, but I used to be a leader in a religion and I have spent hundreds of hours studying religion and the bible in my past life and I am pretty sure that I never heard of God helping someone get rich especially on something like this.  So perhaps God will bless the people of Iraq, maybe He will do something in that regard, but to make the dinar revalue just because some people are praying for it so that they can get rich, regardless of what their plans are or their good intentions, because isn't it also said that the pathway to hell is paved with good intentions?  Yep that's what is said, so don't count on your good intentions to persuade God to make this RV come to pass just because you "intend" to help others if it ever happens because according to what it says in God's book, the bible, God doesn't like rich people very much and He knows that good intentions are not good actions and they rarely turn into good actions.

October 25, 2013

Well Mr. TerryK you and Tony are next on my list.  TerryK you said just last night that the world would see the RV for sure by today.  Tony you also claim it will happen today.  I am writing this at 4pm MST which means it is 6pm on the East coast.  If it hasn't happened by now I will be really surprised if it happens at all, but I will give you the benefit of the doubt and wait until tomorrow to say anything.  I just wanted to document that you claimed we would see it today and if tomorrow arrives and no RV, I will be calling you both out and I won't be nice about it.

Have you noticed that there are gurus like TD who is very conservative and is still saying Iraq has more to do before they raise the value of the dinar while at the same time you have gurus like Tony from claiming it will happen today and TerryK claiming the same thing.  These gurus are basically opposing each other with their claims and to be honest I believe TD a lot more than the gurus who are constantly claiming it will happen today and then it never happens.  This is the second time I have called Tony out now the first time he said for sure it would happen and it didn't and now here we are a week later and he is claiming the same thing.  Does he have no feeling for the people he keeps giving false hope to?  Does he not care about the hopes and dreams he keeps trashing every time he makes a claim like this and people believe him and then have to live with that huge disappointment that they believed him and it didn't happen?  Well I do care for those people and that is why I am writing this.  So tomorrow we will see what the rest of today brings and what I have to say to Tony and TerryK.

October 22, 2013

OK Mr. Bluwolf I am calling you out today too.  I posted your exact words on the 19th and here we are at Tuesday and no RV and YOU said we would see it no later than Monday.  Liar!  I don't want to hear any of your crap about your information is only as good as your sources because this has gone on long enough.  I call bullshit on you and the rest of the gurus who keep calling the RV daily and your predictions never happen.  I am going to continue to call you gurus out when you make predictions that don't come to pass like you and Tony did last week.  If you don't want to be called a liar then don't lie.  If you don't have 100% proof of what you are going to say then you better not say it or I will call you out for what you are.

In other news dinar related there is nothing.  Not one damn thing.  The same old crap from the gurus who keep calling the RV that never happens, bogus news articles from the bogus mass media that I have never trusted, a few gurus saying Iraq has more to do before the RV and it won't happen until next year some time and then those who are now saying we will see it by Thanksgiving.  Yeah right I have been around long enough to know that this is the time of year when the gurus who don't know what the hell they are talking about start finding dates that are significant to them and since it is significant to them they assume it is significant to the rest of the world.  NOT!  Thanksgiving means absolutely nothing to Iraq or the rest of the world and since the rest of the world is tired of the games the US has been playing with their money for so long that the US is pretty much hated by a lot of countries in this old world so don't go thinking that just because Thanksgiving is a holiday here it will mean one damn thing to the rest of the world because it won't.

I have seen nothing that leads me to believe that we will see the dinar change in value any time soon.  I hope like hell I am wrong but I don't think so.  

October 20, 2013

Isn't it interesting the big difference between some gurus?  For example you will see the guru called Enorrste saying " The RV will not happen until Parliament passes the economic reform law, period."  Then you see Tony calling it almost daily.  Tony is on my shit list because he claimed the RV would happen no later than Saturday morning last week and his words were very clear.  It did not happen and that is why I am calling him out.  Why is it that there are a few gurus who claim the RV is any second now while others keep saying it isn't going to happen for a while?  Well, it hasn't happened while the gurus calling for it daily have been wrong 100% of the time so far so I think it might be worth listening to the gurus who are telling us it isn't ready yet.  They seem to know more about what they are talking about than the ones calling for the RV daily.

You decide it is up to you but logic tells me there is something about these gurus calling for the RV daily that isn't quite right if ya know what I mean.

October 19, 2013

Well here we are Saturday morning and no RV.  Tony and all you other gurus saying we would see it by this morning are all full of shit and I am saying it right here and in public!  I am sick and tired of the lies and bullshit put out by you guru pumpers and I am telling everyone who reads this right now that you are all full of bullshit and you are all liars!

Yeah I know you only tell us what you hear from your sources.  Bullshit!  You tell us what you think we want to hear so we will keep coming to your damn website and keep your hits high so that you make your money off advertising or whatever your game is but the bottom line is that I am tired of you guru pumpers getting away with calling this thing constantly and nobody calling you out when you are wrong every single damn time so I am CALLING EVERY ONE OF YOU GURUS OUT who said we would see the RV by this morning.  There I said it.  On all the dinar sites you can't say anything bad about anyone well I can say anything I want here because it is MY blog and I am calling you gurus out once and for all.  Liars!  Pumpers! There I said it and I hope all you gurus who called the RV for today see it and I hope others who go to your sites see it and I hope you are all called to face your followers because you are the biggest bunch of con-artists I have ever come across.

While I'm at it I am calling guru Bluwolf out as well.  He just said today that we will see this by Monday.  Here are his words, " one is stopping, delaying, holding up or controlling this international release, it will just lock into the system and shall be seen on our Monday... it has a protocol, a time frame... it is up to the commander in chief to press that plug when it is appropriate to do so..."

OK Bluwolf let's see now about your prediction.  You claim we will see this for sure by Monday morning.  Well let us just see.  I will remind you Monday about this and I won't have anything kinder to say about you than I did about Tony if you are wrong too.  Be prepared all you gurus because I am going to start calling you out when your predictions fail like they have done 100% of the time in the last ten years.  

October 17, 2013

Ok I'm calling out a guru.  I am calling him on his prediction right now today.  Tony from TNTDinar has claimed that the dinar will revalue sometime between this morning, Thursday the 17th through Saturday morning October 19th.  So I am going to watch and see and if nothing happens by Saturday morning everybody who reads this page will know that Tony is full of crap.  If something does happen I will proclaim Tony king of the world in my book and be one of his biggest fans for the rest of my life.  So folks let's just see what happens.

October 16, 2013

Where do all the gurus come from?  Well some are genuine but some are paid shills doing the work of some group or agency spreading discord and disinformation.  Let's just look at one post I saw today.  

First let me say that if you have been in this for any length of time you know that Prime Minister Maliki has been nothing but trouble for at least the last two years and maybe longer.  He has blocked progress, stolen from the people of Iraq and he is loyal to Iran only and should not even be in a political office in Iraq because he is the one who has been helping spread counterfeit dinars into Iran to help them do things underneath the radar of the sanctions placed on them by the UN.  So here we have a guy who has done absolutely nothing for the people of Iraq except steal their money.  Today a guru posted this, "I tend to agree that Maliki in office is good in regards to stability and much has been accomplished as of late under his watch and ...he was placed there by the US...the only intangible here regarding timing of the dinar revaluing is getting security under control."  Now I have to ask myself who would call their self a guru and then post crap like this?  This is the type of crap people are listening to and believing and this is the problem with all these supposed gurus spreading bogus information.  

Aside from this crap there isn't much being said worth talking about in dinarland.  The same old crap that we will see the RV any second now that they have been spouting for months.  Who knows what the hell is going on in this crazy screwed up world we live in?

October 15, 2013

Dinarland was quiet as a church mouse today.  Well maybe not that quiet but there sure wasn't much being said by the gurus.  Kind of surprising since so many of them have put their necks and reputations on the line claiming one thing or another most of which must happen this week or they are eating crow....for the millionth time.  Anyway, making predictions that fail seems to be the norm for dinar gurus so no big deal right?

Folks I would not be surprised if the US government finds a way to steal this from us.  Either by making it so that we cannot ever cash in or by taxing us so heavily that we have nothing left.  I have said this before and as time goes by with nothing happening I am beginning to think that our government is holding this up trying to figure out a way to stop us from taking advantage of this.  They know they will have millions of irate citizens so they have to be really sneaky.  That is what is taking so long. Or at least it could be. 

Well, quiet day all around so not much more to say.  People we need to wake up to what is being done to us and to the freedoms and rights that are being systematically taken away from us.  It started with 9/11 and has continually gotten worse every day since then.  They are taking our freedoms and rights afforded us by our Constitution and in the process they are walking all over that Constitution and making it worthless.  We the people have to stop them because if we don't we are all screwed and we will have no one but ourselves to blame.

October 14, 2013

I went back and looked at some posts from last week and I have to tell you that there were several gurus stating that the RV was going to happen by today.  They all said they had confirmations and that the dinar would change in value no later than today.  Well here it is 5 in the afternoon Monday the 14th and NOTHING!  Who is surprised?  I'm not but then I never expected anything to happen.  I guess its all about expectations.  Personally I don't know what to expect regarding this whole situation, thus I do not ever expect anything at all and that way I am never disappointed.  I wasn't always like this but after spending my first year reading everything every guru said and hanging my hopes on their every word I got tired of the roller coaster ride and I just stopped believing anything I read regarding the dinar and I stopped listening to any guru.  So why do I write this blog?  Because I look at what is said with my logical mind and I try to be objective, as much as possible, so that you if anyone ever reads this, can see logical reviews of what these pumping selling gurus say. 

Look I am not disrespecting all gurus.  I admire some for all their efforts, but there are some who just keep throwing crap against the wall hoping that one of these days they will be right and there are people who believe them and who experience disappointment every time one of these people makes a claim based on nothing and when that claim does not happen those people are disappointed.  I know how they feel because I was one of them for a year.  Now I try to be a voice of reason.  

Anyway, I don't know when or if the dinar is going to do anything more than it has for the past 10 years.  I mean if you bought dinar when it was first devalued at 4000 dinars to 1 US dollar today you could sell and just about quadruple your money.  So it has come up in value since this all began, but not in the way most people are hoping it will.  

I have no idea who is right on the whole float idea.  Will it come out low and float up as market value deems proper?  I don't know.  I can tell you that I have spent in the area of 50 hours researching and reading about currencies and their function in today's world and from what I have read and according to my understanding floating does not do Iraq any good.  Let me just say this.  If, as a good many gurus claim, this dinar is tied into some kind of global reset then coming out on a float accomplishes nothing for the big picture.  Iraq is a very wealthy country with all their oil, natural gas(one of the largest deposits in the world), gold(discovered right under the streets of Baghdad) and agriculture(two of the largest rivers in the entire Middle East runs right through the center of Iraq).  They should have a currency value that is among if not THE highest in the world.  So can they afford an exchange rate of $3 dollars?  Of course.  Can they afford a rate of $10 dollars?  Yep.  Can they afford a rate of $20 plus dollars?  I guess that would depend on the rest of the world.  I think they probably can and I can see advantages to the US government if they do come out that high, but I don't see the whole global picture and perhaps a rate that high would be good for some and bad for others.  In that case this whole thing depends on who will benefit from a high rate, and how much control they have in the world.  I think this whole thing is being controlled by the powerful elite slugs that have all the money and power in the world, and this will be determined by whoever of those powerful slugs is in control of this particular situation and what they want.  If they want the dinar to be high in value then it will come out high.  If they want it low then it will come out low.  It is in the hands of the powerful elite worms that control the world.  The same worms that own the pharmaceutical companies that kill in the range of 200,000 people annually in the US alone with prescription drugs that are supposed to be helping people not kill them.  The same worms that own weapon manufacturing factories and who make huge ridiculous profits from the killing and suffering caused by war.  The same worms who own and control the petroleum of the world and who have killed and stolen new technologies that could have taken the world from a dependency on oil to a society that is free of the burdens of oil based vehicles, and the pollution they cause, and we could have free electricity and cars that run on hydrogen or electricity but these worms are keeping those technologies hidden so that they can continue to profit from oil.  Yeah so don't expect anything wonderful to happen any time soon because those worms are not going to give up their cushy lifestyle just because we are suffering.  Our suffering has not caused them even one second of deliberation in the past and it won't in the future.  

So if you are hoping for some windfall profit with the dinar you might want to reconsider your position.  It may happen.  The problem here is that I truly believe that this is being controlled by the powerful elite jerks that run the world so if you make a windfall profit that is because someone powerful decided they wanted the dinar to come out high for their own selfish purposes.  So if you want to hang your hopes and your emotional well being on one of these jerks who could care less if you are happy or dead that is up to you.  For me I will continue to hold onto my dinars, but as I have said before, I only invested as much as I could completely lose and not be devastated.  If nothing ever happens with it I will be ok with it because I won't lose everything.  I know of at least one person in this who has actually mortgaged his house to purchase dinars.  That in my opinion is absolute foolishness. 

Well that's all I have to say today.  See you next time I have something to say.

October 13, 2013

One of the problems with all these dinar "gurus" is that there is no accountability and they are for the most part anonymous with their screen names and all.  So good old (insert guru name here) can say anything he or she wants to because nobody but perhaps the website administrators of their particular website know who this person is.  It is easy to say anything you want to when you know you will never be held responsible for what you say.  

I was reading the claims made the past week and there are a few gurus who have called the RV daily every day this week.  They are still calling the RV daily even though they have been wrong every single time they have called it so far.  So I ask again.  Why do people keep following these guys?????

October 12, 2013

OK I know I said I was gone forever but I can't hold my piece any longer.  I have to put my thoughts out there because I wonder how many people think like I do.

First I have to say that with everything that has transpired in Iraq I am completely surprised that nothing has happened with the dinar yet.  It honestly leads me to wonder if this truly is the biggest scam perpetrated on mankind in the history of the world.  I see all the...what do I call it...crap written about the global currency reset and how the elite powerful scumbags are going to lose their power and their money.  Sorry if I offend but I don't believe it.  I don't believe that the powerful elite wealthy slugs that run the world are going to give up their money and power without a fight, and by fight I mean a world war because I truly believe that for them to be ousted all the people of the world would have to raise up against them en-mass and fight them until they are all killed or captured and bound in prisons 10 miles below the earth's surface where they can never get out and where their influence cannot corrupt anyone else.  The problem with this scenario is that these powerful scumbags own all the large industries in the world so if the people of the world do this they will do it and lose all pharmaceuticals, all manufacturing, all communication, pretty much everything because all major industries are owned and controlled by the rich powerful slugs that own and control the world.  So unless some benevolent aliens come down and help us get rid of these scumbags I just don't see it happening.  As far as aliens go well, I have read all the reports, seen the videos, and I just don't see that happening.  Oh I believe without any doubt that we are not alone in this universe, I just think the other intelligent life forms out there look at us humans and see how we treat each other and they simply don't want anything to do with us because we are a greedy, selfish and warmongering race and if I were them I would not want anything to do with us humans either. Yes there are good humans, but by our nature of peace and love, we don't stand a chance against those who are of the nature of those who rule the world because they are ruthless and vengeful and full of hate and do not have one little tiny bit of compassion between the whole lot of them.  That means they can exterminate those of us who are not of their nature and not even think twice about it.  They see their selves as above us, they see us as useless air breathing food eating space consuming slugs that are taking up resources meant for them.  Do you really think that if they have that opinion of us they would have any problem at all exterminating us with any means they saw fit?  You can take it to the bank that they would and if you don't believe that I would love to see your face when you realize that they do feel this way as you are dying from their poison or gunshot or bomb or whatever tool they decide to use to exterminate us.  

Now onto the dinar.  What in the hell is going on?  I had a short conversation with Blanche from and I asked her why their RV meter still shows that 79% of the gurus believe that there is more to be done before we see any kind of value increase on the dinar.  She replied that those who are constantly claiming the RV will be any day now are more prolific in their musings and they post constantly.  The gurus who are more grounded and who believe there is still more to do are more quiet and less prolific with their musings and only say something when there is something of value to say.  Thus we see constant posts from those gurus who pump people up constantly telling them what they want to hear based on....nothing more than them telling people what they want to hear but facts are plainly missing.    I have said it before and I will say it again.  Why do people follow these gurus who daily tell them the RV is today, you will see it today, I have confirmations that the RV is today, etc. and yet every day they say this, comes and goes with no RV and yet people keep listening to them and getting excited about what they say.  Are people so desperate that they are willing to put their selves through this constant up and down roller coaster ride just to keep hearing that what they want is coming today while today never comes?  

Look, I am not a guru. I don't have any contacts in Iraq or the UST or the US government or the IMF or the World Bank.  I don't have any contacts anywhere, but I do have the ability to think logically and logic tells me that if someone is telling me something day after day and what they tell me never happens, I need to find a different source of information because this one is obviously either delusional or lying and it doesn't matter which, they are giving me incorrect information consistently and listening to them is simply a waste of my time.  

You won't find any predictions of when the dinar will change value here.  You won't find any predictions on what the initial exchange rate will be if the dinar ever changes value.  What you will find here is logical thinking and opinions on claims made by people giving you information daily that you are basing decisions on or at least hanging your hopes on and that to me is something that needs at least one voice expressing logical reviews of what those others are saying.  That is what I am and what this blog is about.  Yes, I own a few dinar.  Not many because I only invested an amount I was willing to never see again.  Those who have invested thousands or tens of thousands or in a few cases hundreds of thousands in my opinion have invested way to much in speculation.  I guess I will never be super wealthy because I am not that big of a risk taker.  We need risk takers because they are the ones who do amazing things.  I am not one and I am ok with that.  I would be very happy if the value of the Iraqi dinar changed upwards and if it was as high as good old Tony keeps saying I would be even happier.  My problem is that the gurus who keep saying we will see an RV today have been saying that for two years now and for me, if what they say has not happened by now, they are just playing the odds because eventually something may happen and when it does they will immediately claim "see I told you I was right!"  Personally I don't care who is right, I just want someone to be right just ONCE!!!!

July 5, 2013

Well all the gurus who predicted we would have a 4th of July that would go down in history are eating crow today.  Nothing spectacular happened yesterday least of all the change of value of the dinar.  I have to admit I have no clue any longer what the hell is going on with the dinar.  One thing is for absolute certainty, none of the gurus know what the hell is going on any more than you or I.  They have all been wrong with everything they are saying.  Now the guru calling himself Enorste has jumped on the free float bandwagon and to be honest even though I can't see how that will help Iraq, it seems that maybe Iraq doesn't care about the people and will do whatever makes the most money for the leaders of the country and everyone else be damned.  So who knows what those idiot leaders of Iraq are going to do if anything.  It seems they have learned well from the leaders of most other governments and that is do what makes the most money and power for the leaders and screw the rest of the world.

Good old TerryK was saying last week that the cards the people of Iraq hold or are supposed to be issued had been loaded at a rate of $3.44 per dinar, and today he says the cards aren't loaded yet.  Man I can't understand how these gurus keep people following them with all their story changes and failed predictions.

To be honest folks I am ready to get off this roller coaster ride.  Will the Iraqi dinar ever change its value?  Who the hell knows?  China has manipulated its currency to keep it low for many years but that is because being primarily an exporter they benefit from low currency value.  Iraq is a completely different scenario and honestly I don't know what they are doing.  Is this controlled by the UST or the big bankers?  Who knows?  Honestly all the talk about all this is making me tired and I am tired of following it.  I am tired of all the talk about NESARA and fixing our country to make it what it once was.  I don't think that anything is going to happen that is positive.  The people who control this country and the world have too much money and power to ever give it up and I for one am not a hero and not about to risk my life or my family to try to save a world that doesn't want to be saved.  The majority of people go around with their eyes closed to what is really happening and when we fully lose all our rights they will be the first ones to complain but they are not willing to even open their eyes to see the truth about what is happening.  I will just go back to living my life and make the best of what there is.  I will live with the loss of my freedoms because I am not willing to risk everything to try to save them so I am no better than those people who will not see the truth.  As far as the dinar goes, at this point I don't know if anything will ever happen with it, but I can tell you this.  If it goes into a free float forget about making any kind of real profit from holding the dinar because it will be years and maybe decades before the dinar is worth more than toilet paper.  

Not that there are many if any people following my blog, but if there are any I am sorry to say that I am done writing on this crazy currency called the Iraqi dinar.  I am tired of reading all the stupid idiotic posts by gurus who for the most part are just making money by telling people what they want to hear.  None of them know what they are talking about and few if any have any real contacts giving them information.  I am tired of the ups and downs and the plain stupidity of the gurus whose stories change almost daily.  I have never truly believed in any restoration of this great country because those in power have proven that they will never relinquish the money and power they hold to allow a restoration.  I am going to just go live my life with my family and make the best of whatever situation comes from the power grabbing wealthy people who control the world and hope that I can survive long enough to see my grandchildren become adults, but that is a very slim hope because I think the wealthy powerful people who run this screwed up world want to depopulate this earth.  I do firmly believe that the powerful want to do what is written on the Georgia Stones and reduce the population of this earth to 500 million.  That means that I probably will be one of the first to go because of my age and health.  So, this is farewell from me to any who stumble on this blog.  I will go quietly to live whatever is left of my life in as much peace as possible with all the crap going on in this screwed up world.  I wish you all the best of luck and if by some strange twist of fate good things do happen hopefully I will be there to celebrate with you.  Farewell good people of the earth.

July 4, 2013

Happy 4th of July everyone! 

So, here we are and many of the gurus said we would have already seen something regarding the value of the dinar by today.  I haven't heard anything, have you?  All I see are gurus saying it will happen just be patient.  Well I don't know about you but my patience is wearing thin.

I have to say, I have a real problem with Kaperoni and TD whoever they are.  I don't know what their agenda is but I am positive they have one.  They are writing more often these past couple of weeks than I have ever seen them and they are constantly talking about a free float.  I call bullshit on both of them.  I don't believe one word they say and lately I don't even read what they post because to me it is all crap.  I am beginning to think that they are paid by some organization who is telling them what to say.  I know that in other forums there are people who are plants who are paid by certain organizations to stir up trouble and I think that is what is going on with these two.  Do not believe them and do not pay any attention to them because there is no way the dinar is going to come out on a free float.  Listen to good old Poppy3 if you want to listen to someone because he isn't some paid plant like those two are.  Of course, this is my opinion(as all the gurus are so fond of saying).

Well folks nothing is going to happen today so go enjoy your time with your families and lets see what happens, if anything, over the next couple of weeks.

June 30, 2013

So here we are it's Sunday and no word out of Iraq regarding the value of the dinar.  Many gurus are saying we will see it tomorrow.  My guess is that since many of the gurus are saying it will happen tomorrow, and since their track record is terrible, I don't plan on seeing this tomorrow.  Call me a cynic but if the gurus are saying one thing I always go the opposite direction.

One thing I have been seeing a lot of lately is talk of this global reset that is buzzing around.  What global reset would that be?  I don't see any changes in Washington, I don't see any changes in the normal day to day business of our government working for the highest paying corporation looking to have their agenda pushed to the front, I don't see any fear in the eyes of the corrupt senators or anybody else for that matter.  I don't see a global reset until governments are actually working FOR the people not for the corporations who pay the highest price.  Pharmaceutical companies still rule the world pumping drugs into millions of people that are killing them while keeping the natural cures out of reach of normal people.  Oil companies are still ruling the world charging outrageous prices for gas when it is cheaper now and in higher supply than it has ever been running the price of everything up along with the price of gas.  Nothing has changed so why do people believe there is some global reset coming that is going to change the world?  Prosperity packages?  Get real.  Nobody is going to start handing out huge sums of money to normal people.  Hell, normal people can't even live paycheck to paycheck if they even have a job, why would somebody just give out huge sums of money just to be nice?  This world is so screwed up with big corporations running all governments and killing millions of people every day just for higher profits.  That hasn't changed last time I checked and I don't see it changing any time soon.  You can buy just about anything with money and that is exactly what big corporations are doing and have been doing for decades.  Sorry if you are a believer in the whole global reset or prosperity packages but I am a realist and I just don't see any of that happening.  Big corporations and government are just having a hay day getting more power and making more money by the day so why would they give up all that power and money?  

The only reason I think that maybe the dinar will do something and allow a few normal people to prosper from it is because at the same time many big corporations and governments will profit huge by the revalue of the dinar and they just figure that if a few normal people get a lot of money they will just spend it and it will be back in their pockets soon so they are willing to allow that to happen so that they can make even more money.  I hope like hell I am wrong and I guess like the dinar we will just have to wait and see what happens.

June 27, 2013

Today was an historic day for the country of Iraq.  They were officially released from the UN Chapter 7 sanctions with a unanimous vote.  Congratulations Iraq and all of your citizens!!!

Now the big question looms.  Will the dinar change value and when?  I guess technically that is two questions but who's counting. The gurus are coming out of the woodwork today with all their opinions.  The thing you have to keep in mind is that nobody knows when it will happen or what the value will be no matter how much the gurus bluster beating their chests claiming to be right.  One thing I am sure of though is that those gurus who claim to be right because they read the news from the media out of Iraq are dead wrong.  Maybe I am a cynic and I probably am, but I do not trust any mass media I don't care what country it is in.  The mass media is owned by the powers that be and they are told what to say minute by minute.  If these guys like Kaperoni and Doc think they know so much because they read the news out of Iraq, why don't they know this?  Oh, I think they do and yet they continue to spout BS like they know the facts based on the news.  What a joke.

Doc always says at the end of his posts "we report you decide."  Well my decision is that what you are reporting is BS because it is based purely on the crap coming from the mass media in Iraq and I don't believe one word of that garbage.  So Doc, and Kaperoni, I am calling BS on what you are claiming because you base it on what you have read from the mass media out of Iraq and that is no different than the news from the mass media anywhere else.  It's all crap.  So if you want to believe old Doc or Kap, go right ahead but when the dinar finally does change value, and it doesn't change to 1000 dinars to 1 dollar and then go into a float, you can sell me all your dinars at 1000 to 1 and I will go cash them in at the value it comes out at and be rich and you can go complain to Doc and Kap. How's that for a deal?

Well, we continue to play the waiting game.  We got some pretty good news today about Chapter 7, but now we wait to see if Iraq does something with this or if they just sit on their hands and play spin the bottle while they lose the momentum they have from this.

One other thought before I close for today.  TerryK is one guy I just can't figure out.  Today he is claiming the dinar will come out at $4.86 per dinar.  That guy is like a yoyo up and down with his predictions.  He is consistent though in one way.  Every single prediction he has made for the last several months ends in 86 cents. He was claiming 11.86 then 3.86 then 5.86 then 25.86 and now he is back down to 4.86.  I wonder what his fascination is with the number 86?

June 25, 2013

Folks there are still gurus making claims that Sinan al Shabibi is in control of the CBI or that he is still negotiating on behalf of Iraq.  Shabibi had charges leveled against him and those charges have not been dropped to my knowledge.  Whether they were or not does not matter because right now, today, Turki is running the CBI NOT Shabibi and these gurus making statements that Shabibi is negotiating with London or any other country or bank on behalf of the CBI is simply bull pucky.  If you see a guru claiming that Shabibi has anything to do with the dinar just stop reading or listening because they are full of crap. 

Now, if someone can show me that Shabibi is back in power or that he is indeed working on behalf of the CBI or Iraq then I will gladly retract my statement but I don't think I will have to do that.

In other news, I have not seen anything that could possibly say that the lifting of chapter 7 is not a very good possibility of happening this week.  As with all things Iraq, it is not a done deal until Ban Ki Moon announces it or you see it printed on the UN website, but it is looking pretty good for Iraq being finally out from under the chapter 7 sanctions.  As far as if that has anything to do with the dinar I still stand by my thought that since the sanctions are financial in nature and they included the DEvaluation of the dinar, I don't see them changing the value of the dinar until after chapter 7 is lifted.  I have not seen anything in print officially stating that, it is just my opinion.

Interesting things going on at the NESARA blogspot these days.  They are condemning some of the dinar gurus saying they are full of crap and in fact calling some of them outright liars right along with the disinformation slugs out there.  Things that make you go hmmmmm.  

Other than that it is about the same game.  Gurus claiming any second now to gurus giving date ranges of from now to the end of never.  Gurus claiming ten cents per dinar to $25.86 per dinar.  Bet ya can't guess who is claiming 25 bucks per dinar!  Yep, good old TerryK.  As much as I enjoy commenting on all of this and as many good laughs as I get out of it I will be glad when it is all over and I bet you will too.

June 20, 2013

Well I have to say that I don't know what this Kaperoni dude is smokin' but it must be good.  He reads the news, then he claims that the news article he read and is quoting from misprinted, and then he corrects the news article.  I keep saying that if you believe the news coming out of Iraq I have some ocean front property I would like to interest you in out in Wyoming but this guy just keeps reading the news.  Today he says the news is right, because it says the dinar will come out at 1118 and float and since he wants everyone to believe it will float he quotes the article, but then he says the article was wrong and that it shouldn't be 1118 but that it should be 1218 or 1222 or 1230 etc.  What the hell is he talking about?  He says the news article that he is quoting and claiming that is making him right about what he is saying is wrong because it got the numbers wrong. So if the article got the numbers wrong what else did it get wrong and can it even be believed at all?  I say NOT at all!  Besides if the dinar is at 1166 right now, why would they devalue it more by going to 1218 or higher?  That just doesn't make any sense at all and it shows me that Mr. Kaperoni is either full of something smelly or else he is working for someone who wants everyone to sell their dinars and walk away.  Oh well, I guess one of these days we will see who is right and who is wrong in all of this.  

Aside from that joke everything is pretty much the same in the dinar world.  Gurus saying it will happen this week through the 27th when Iraq is supposedly going to be released from the Chapter 7 sanctions.  Others are saying now through August, which of course is just covering their butts because if you know anything about Iraq you know that beginning in July and for one month through August Ramadan runs and that is one big month long party in Iraq and nothing will get done during Ramadan so since they don't know for sure when or if this illusive RV is going to happen they have to hedge their bets by giving a big range for it to happen.  One thing about it though, you only have to wait until next week to see if some of them are right and if the 27th comes and goes with no RV, they will find another date to pin it to.  My bet is that if nothing happens by the 27th the next big date they will all be talking about will be August after Ramadan.  I wish there were someone we could all turn to who really knew what the hell they are talking about because all this guessing is making everyone tired.  Oh well, since that person does not exist I guess we all just continue watching and waiting.

June 18, 2013

Well not much to say about the dinar.  Gurus everywhere calling the RV everyday and yet the days come and go with no RV.  Makes you wonder what is really going on, thus the name of this blog.

I have seen today gurus claiming that Shabibi is still in charge of this.  NOT, he was pushed out of the CBI and has not returned.  As far as I know the charges leveled against him by Maliki are still standing.  As the days go by and Turki does many of the same things Shabibi did he is becoming exonerated by default but Maliki doesn't like him and as long as Maliki is in power Shabibi is out.  Maliki is one I can't figure out.  He is greedy that has been proven.  He is a billionaire with money he has stolen from the people of Iraq but many of his millions and possibly as much as a billion have gone to Iran.  He should be in the government of Iran rather than Iraq because Iran is where his loyalties lie.  But being the greedy thieving slug that he is I am surprised he isn't pushing the RV so that he can have even more money.  That is what I can't figure out.  He seems to be stalling constantly trying to stop this from happening and that is the mystery to me at least.  The only thing I can figure is that he knows Iran is printing counterfeit dinars and he is stalling to let them get as much from that as possible.  Who knows?  Only his hair dresser knows for sure. (Oh no I just dated myself.)

So, just keep watching and waiting is all one can do.  By all means do not make life changing decisions based on what you hear or read from gurus.  This could very well go into 2014 or beyond and if you make life changing decisions based on "intel" from gurus that this is going to happen this month or next you could very well be screwing yourself and your family.  Just sit tight and wait but don't quit your job or go out and buy a Ferari thinking you will be rich this month.  Besides, nobody knows what the dinar will do and if you plan on a high exchange rate and it comes in at ten cents you are still screwed.  The one thing you can count on about this currency exchange is that it is SPECULATIVE and that means you do not know for sure what it will do so don't make any plans until the rate is showing on bank screens and people are exchanging their dinars for dollars.  If you make a move before it is a done deal you are just asking for trouble. 

Oh and by the way, Glenn Beck's world rocking information still hasn't come out and he has moved on just like he never said it.  Sometimes I wonder if he is playing with a full deck.

June 13, 2013

Well I just had to come in and say that Glenn Beck's prediction was BS as I expected.  In fact he didn't even mention it on his show today.  The guy is as bad as TerryK.  How can he expect to make bogus predictions and claims like that and they just don't appear and he pretends like he never said it?  Why do people continue to follow HIM and pay subscriptions for his damn shows?  People WAKE THE HELL UP!!!!!  

Ok I'm off of my soap box now.  As far as the dinar goes it was pretty quiet today, which it usually is on Thursdays.  It is looking like Iraq may finally get out of Chapter 7 this month though.  To be honest this is the first time that I have actually believed that they might make it out this time.  The UN reviews Iraq's Chapter 7 every 6 months on every June and every December.  The gurus have predicted that Iraq would be removed every June and December for the past two or three years and this month, June 2013, is the first time I have actually believed that they might actually make it out.  We won't know until closer to the end of the month though if the UN follows its normal procedure because they review Iraq's progress around the 15th of the month but their report doesn't become public until closer to the end of the month.  Once again time will tell.

Aside from that though the gurus were pretty quiet so I guess we are still waiting and waiting and waiting.  This is worse than the lines at Disneyland!!!

June 12, 2013

There has been a lot of talk in the dinar world today.  Of course, it is all conjecture because nobody knows for sure what is going on.  You still have those gurus reporting what they have read in the news out of Iraq which I still think is a waste of time.  You still have those gurus who supposedly have "feet on the ground" contacts in Iraq, but as far as I'm concerned if they aren't Shabibi or Turki then they don't know any more about when this will happen than we do here in the US.  Although they can give reports about what they are seeing on TV and hearing on the streets which we don't know so that is helpful at times.  

What amazes me though is how guys like this TerryK dude can go along for weeks claiming he knows the rate from his "inside" contact and that it is $11.86 US per dinar then overnight he changes his tune and now he is claiming the rate is somewhere in the $3 dollar range, and when he says that he says it like he has been saying it for a long time.  If you follow the guy you know that he has NOT been saying $3 dollar range for a long time.  Why do people continue to follow and believe guys who change their stories constantly like that?

Then you have the gurus who are a little more level headed like Adam Montana but he is still claiming the dinar will come out at .10 cents to one dinar.  That is just crazy in my opinion.  Iraq might as well give up and let someone else run their country if that is all the value they are going to give their currency.  For a currency that has been close to or above $3 dollars US per dinar since the 1940's to come back after all this at ten cents that is just a slap in the face of the entire country of Iraq.

Of course, that is just my opinion too and I guess time will tell who is right in all of this.  

Glen Beck created quite a stir today with his announcement about something coming out in the next 24 hours that will rock this country and perhaps even split the country.  Of course most of the gurus think he is talking about the dinar but I listened to his show and I don't think it has anything to do with the dinar.  Well we are about half way through his 24 hour prediction so I guess by tomorrow at this time we will all know whether he is completely full of shit or if he really has this whistle blower he is talking about.  His predictions have not been all that accurate so I am not putting a lot of stock into what he said, but it would be interesting.  He says it would bring down the Executive branch of our government and that it would include many in Congress.  I guess once again time will tell only for this we only have to wait until tomorrow.  

If you are waiting for the dinar to RV I would not hold your breath until it does because Friday is their holy day and I really don't think they will do something like this tomorrow or Friday.  Friday for them is like Sunday for us westerners only they are much more serious about their religion than many of us westerners are.  June is promising and there is a lot of progress being made on Chapter 7 and June is typically when the UN reviews the progress for Chapter 7 so that could be something positive on the agenda for this month.  I guess we will all wait and see what happens over the next few days.

June 10, 2013

My condolences go out to South West Florida Guy's family.  What a tragedy to be taken at such a young age.  I always respected his opinions and views and he will be missed in the dinar community.  It is strange that we have lost Poof and SWFG in such a short period of time and both unexpectedly.  The mysteries of life that none can explain.  Why is one person so good at heart taken while another seemingly completely evil remains?  Well my heart goes out to SWFG's family tonight.

I do not want to comment on the dinar tonight because I just want to send my heart to the family and friends of SWFG and let it be with that.  

June 9, 2013

He’s baaaaack!  Yes folks, Kaperoni is back talking BS again.  This guy gets his information from the media in Iraq and then he thinks because it is printed in the media it is fact.  I’m telling ya, this guy is either not very smart or he is a disinformation agent.  He is convinced that the dinar is going to come out on the free market exactly where it is now in value on a free float and then wait for the value to increase as the market “buys them up” like crazy driving the value up.  What a joke!  If the dinar comes out in a free float on the free market at 1166 dinars to 1 US dollar it is going to do exactly what it has been doing in Iraq for the past several months, and that is LOSE value.  If they can’t keep the value on it up now, what makes anyone think the value is going to go up simply because it is now floating freely?  Now at least Iraq has some control over the value of the dinar because it is a pegged rate and it is pegged at 1166 dinars to 1 US dollar.  Even though in the country it has been steadily losing value for months, the official rate is still published at 1166.  If they go to a free float, they lose control of the value and it will plummet like a lead balloon.  Not only do the people of Iraq have no confidence in the dinar, neither does the rest of the world.  If it goes directly into a free float it is going to go down so fast that before you blink it will be at 2000 or 3000 to one and there will be no way to stop it. 

Oh well, if you believe Kaperoni you should sell your dinars right now and be done with this whole thing because if as he keeps saying the dinar goes directly into a free float everyone holding dinars is screwed.  Of course, on the other hand, perhaps that is exactly what he is trying to do, get you to sell your dinars.  Things that make you go, Hmmmmm!”

June 7, 2013

I noticed some interesting things today.  The NESARA website has posted for several days now the same rate that TerryK is saying the dinar will come out at.  Now we know who TerryK's source is lol.

It's interesting that lately there has not been much talk of a free float.  I wonder why?

Today a lot of people were bickering about this toll free number for Wells Fargo that the group rates are associated with.  Why bicker people the RV hasn't happened and when it does you won't care any more?  When it happens, call get your appointment and go there AFTER you have checked with a couple of other banks and see what Wells Fargo is offering.  It is simple.  If WF is offering less than the other banks or about the same but they want you to leave a certain percentage in their bank or if they have unreasonable demands about a nondisclosure agreement then walk away.  Just use your head and watch out for yourself because I guarantee nobody else will.  Stop bickering about something that has not even happened yet!!!

Well that's all I wanted to say today.  Keep your heads and stay cool because the time to get excited is when this happens, not before.

June 6, 2013

Well folks I had to let the water simmer for a while before I came back to give my opinion.  As you can see, May passed us by with no RV and we are well into June.  Those gurus calling for the RV "early June" have just about missed that boat too because we are days away from the MIDDLE of June with no RV yet.  There is talk of civil war in Iraq and of the US sending troops there to keep the peace.  There are gurus saying Iraq will force an exchange rate of 1 US dollar to 1000 dinars.  We are still seeing the full range of crap being put out about the RV but nothing you can really count on because all of it is still just guru's opinions because none of them knows what the hell they are talking about.

TerryK is still calling it every day and at a rate of $11.86 to 1 dinar, and you have him at the high end and the same old jokers calling it at 1000 dinars to 1 dollar.  Who to believe?  NONE of them.  You have the gurus who still spend who knows how much time reading the news out of Iraq trying to figure this out and I still say that is a complete waste of time because Maliki and those in power will only allow the news to print what they want it to print and I don't care which news you are reading.  If the news in the US can't be trusted because it is controlled by the powers that be, then you can bet your bottom dollar that Iraq isn't going to put anything in the news that isn't approved by their powers that be.  Med on the other hand says that a country's currency is only as strong as the government that backs it.  I disagree completely because I don't think it is the government that backs the currency so much as it is the resources that country has to offer the world.

So what is my opinion on the dinar?  I think that Iraq had a currency that has been above $3 dollars per dinar since the 1940's and the only reason it is not there today is because they had a dictator who invaded a weaker country and tried to steal that country's wealth and for that he was killed and the country was punished by DEVALUING their currency to a rate that would not allow them to do the same thing again.  The value of the dinar that you see today is a forced value placed on it by the UN and it does not reflect the country's natural resources in any way.  All this talk about Iraq not being able to afford a rate where it was when it was forced to devalue is bunk.  Iraq can afford for their currency to be where it was from the 1940's until 2003 when it was devalued by the UN and probably much higher than it was back then with all their natural resources and anyone who says they can't afford that rate is either dumb as a rock or working for some three letter agency trying to spread disinformation.  Any time you take a currency that has historically been above $3 dollars per dinar and FORCE it down below 1000 dinars per dollar you are purposely taking away the value of that currency for a reason.  Never mind that by doing so causes the people of that country to suffer in ways that those who forced that devaluation can never imagine.  Never mind that it has caused Iraq to step backwards in progress for over a decade now.  Never mind that it was inhumane to do that to a country for any length of time let alone for over a decade.  What the UN did to Iraq is a crime and the fact that Iraq continues to be forced to live at that level is a worse crime.  Iraq needs to be set free of all the interference of the UN, the US, the IMF, and whatever other powers are continuing this farce on the poor suffering people of Iraq.  Granted the powers that be never expected or wanted the "little" people to catch on to their game of cards and they never expected or wanted the "little" people to purchase dinars to benefit from the revaluation when it is finally allowed to regain its rightful place among the world's top rated currencies.  I think that the reason it has not revalued yet is because the powers that be are trying feverishly to figure out how to stop all the "little" people from benefiting from the revaluation of Iraq's currency and they are forcing the people of Iraq to suffer while they play their little power games.  I think that there will come a point in time when the powers controlling this little game will either figure out how to stop the "little" people from benefiting from this or else they will have to finally give in and allow it to happen or face a worldwide revolt against themselves.  I hope it is the latter because if they decide to stop all the people who have invested in the dinar from benefiting from this I think they will face a revolt anyway and I don't think it will be pretty.

So there you have it.  My opinion for what its worth is that the powerful elite slugs who have been controlling Iraq's currency and forcing the people of Iraq to suffer while they play their little power games trying to figure out how to stop you from benefiting from the dinars that you own are the reason the dinar has not revalued.  When they stop playing their games is when the dinar will revalue and it is anybody's guess when that will be.  When the people of the world finally wake up to what is going on in this screwed up world is when change will take place but as long as we allow the few powerful slugs to continue to control our lives we can expect more of the same bullshit that is dished out to us daily.  Oh and I still think the leaders of Iraq are a bunch of morons who need to get their shit together if they want to run a country, especially a country as rich in natural resources as Iraq.  The people of Iraq deserve better than what they have right now.

May 24, 2013

Ok I'm just gonna say it.  I think this Kaperoni fellow is a government hired misinformation thug.  He keeps saying the dinar will go into a free float.  That makes less sense than anything Iraq could do.  The dinar is worthless and losing value daily.  Not one person in Iraq wants to hold dinars because they are losing value.  So if the people of Iraq don't want them because they are worthless why would anyone else in the world want them even if they become internationally recognized?  At their current value if Iraq suddenly made them internationally recognized and left the value where it is and said ok now we are going to free float the dinar so everyone can start buying them now.  Do you really think the world is going to rush to Iraq's doorstep and start buying them?  Not at 1170 per dollar and certainly not at 1300 per dollar which is where the street value is right now.  The dinar would just flounder and sink like a lead balloon.  No Kaperoni you are not as smart as you try to make people believe you are.  That is not going to do Iraq or the people of Iraq any good and will simply drive the country down the financial toilet.

For the dinar to be used by the world or by the people of Iraq for that matter it has to be assigned a value greater than it is right now.  To just say ok world you can now trade dinars and they are worth 1170 per dollar so lets get this ball rolling.  Everyone in the world and in the country will just look at the CBI and laugh.  For a free float to work there has to be a market demand for the currency and there is no demand for the dinar now and there will NOT be a demand if it simply goes to a free float at its current value.

I am so tired of these yahoos talking through their asses like they know what they are saying when they don't know squat.  By the way Kaperoni can't even spell.  He spelled coincides like this - coindideds .  What the hell is that?  Yeah I would trust a fellow who could spell that good for sure.

One thing about this dinar thing is that it is sometimes hard to know who to believe and who not to believe but one thing for sure is that guys like this Kaperoni are easy to spot as someone putting out misinformation.  Why he spews his gibberish is anyone's guess but my guess is that he is paid by some organization to spew bullshit to discourage dinar holders and try to get them to sell their dinars now before anything happens.  Don't listen to Kaperoni, he does not know what the hell he is talking about or else he does know what he is talking about and he puts the crap out that he does because he is getting paid to talk crap.

There is another self proclaimed guru who calls himself Doc and he is another piece of work.  According to him so far this year nothing will happen with the dinar until months down the road.  At the first of the year it was not until the end of the first quarter, then it was the second quarter not is is the fourth quarter.  He just keeps pushing his dates out by 3 or 4 months and then he always ends with some idiocy like we report you decide like he has the ultimate source for all information Iraqi dinar and it is up to everyone else to decide whether he knows what he is talking about or not.  First off anyone who gives their self a name like "Doc" is way too self important for me.  I don't care if he is a doctor or not the simple fact that he feels the need to call himself that as his "guru name" tells me that he needs to feel important or he needs everyone else to think he is important. That in and of itself is enough for me to dismiss him right off the bat.  I don't know where he gets his information because he never provides a link to this supposedly accurate information he spouts off with so there is never a way to verify what he is saying.  Naw Doc is just another one NOT to believe for sure.

I have tried not to talk about any one guru in particular especially if what I had to say was negative but these guys just piss me off so I had to put it out there.

May 22, 2013

Well this has been an interesting week so far.  There is one guru in particular who has claimed the RV was going to happen every day for the past week and a half at least.  Every day he says today is the day from his "sources".  I guess his plan is to call it every day from now until it happens and then he will say "see I was right".  He's the same guy saying the dinar will be $11 plus when it comes out.  Man, I want some of what he is taking!!!

Then on the other side of the debate are the folks saying it won't happen now until after Ramadan or even not until next year.  The way things are going I hate to say it but I tend to agree with them.  I am leaning towards next year sometime IF the leaders of Iraq can get their acts together, which is a long shot at best.  One thing none of the gurus are telling anyone is that Iraq is on the verge of civil war and if that happens all bets are off.  If that happened my bet would be on the Kurds because they have their act together more than any other group in Iraq.  I wish that Barzani and Talabani would just step up and take Maliki out and force the rest of the country to step in line and get the country together.  The Kurds seem to be organized and have their own army and lots of oil so they don't really need the GOI or Baghdad and I see their point for sure.  The rest of the country and the rest of the leaders are a joke.

Well according to the gurus you can expect the dinar to come out at any where from ten cents for one dinar to $12 dollars per dinar and any time from any second now through next year some time.  They have it pretty well covered and one of these days one of them will be right.

May 18, 2013

Well another week has come and gone and still no revaluation of the Iraqi dinar.  I wonder what is going on with that?

It is interesting to watch the gurus talk back and forth.  Okie Oilman is probably the most interesting of them all though.   About a year and a half ago give or take a few months, I used to frequent a site that was in his name but administered by someone else.  Back when I was going to that site on a regular basis he actually called the RV several times and finally on the last time the person who was administering the site said enough is enough and took the site away from him and gave it a new name.  It didn't take him long to find more people who supported him and soon he had a new site up and running with a whole bunch of new gurus supporting him.  Today if you read Recaps you will see that most of the gurus that are posted on that site support him and all seem like they are going to give him the honor of making the big announcement if this RV ever happens.  It is interesting.  I have noticed that he is much more cautious now though and he doesn't actually state that the RV is happening.  He uses subtle hints that it may happen and has done so on several occasions over the past couple of months but he has not outright claimed the RV will happen on any given day like he did way back when.

A lot of the gurus are still reading the news out of Iraq and giving their opinions on the news, which I think is a waste of time because the only news that is going to be made available for the world to see is the news that the politicians of Iraq, and namely Maliki, want to be seen because Maliki owns or controls most if not all of the major news outlets in Iraq so reading the news and watching for clues to this is in my opinion a waste of time.

The one thing that you can be absolutely certain of is that the Iraqi currency has not gone up in value, because if it had you would not be reading this and I would not be writing it.  Aside from that you can be certain of nothing about this fiasco.  It is interesting that people believe that the Vietnamese dong is going to raise in value at the same time as the Iraqi dinar.  The more currencies that I see gurus trying to push along with the dinar the more I wonder about this whole thing.

Then a lot of the gurus talk like they know some inside information regarding this whole talk about prosperity packages that are supposed to be going out to all people of the world to balance the standard of living for the world.  Come on folks, there isn't that much money in the world to give every single person a huge sum of money.  With over 7 billion people living on this planet the money it would take to give every single person some big lump sum of money would be enormous and that simply isn't going to happen.  It is entertaining to read all the crap put out by all these people though.  Poof is one that is really entertaining.  He talks in riddles and always like he has inside information that only some elite insider would have and he tells the world that everything is going to be good and all people of the world will be saved financially and in every other way with his riddles.  He keeps saying, like the dinar gurus, that it is upon us and will happen any minute now, and has done so for months, and yet, nothing is happening.  How many times do you have to believe a lie before you call a person out as a liar and stop believing them?

These are interesting times though to be sure.  The chief of the IRS fired, and the IRS under investigation.  What do you want to bet that nothing comes of all that hoopla?  It will get swept under the rug just like the big bank bail outs and every other joke the government does.  It seems like something big has to happen pretty soon though because it feels like the world is a pot of boiling water with a lid on it that is about to blow off.  There is so much going on and you can just feel the tension in the air no matter where you live or who you are.  But it has felt like this for a very long time now and just like December 2012 nothing is happening and I think that is by design.  We are all puppets being played by the powerful wealthy people of the world.  They are the few, the wealthy, the powerful, and they are entertaining themselves by playing with our lives, screwing with our lives, while they live a life of leisure with all their money.   It really sucks if you think about it, but don't think about it because it just pisses you off and then you sit in frustration because there isn't a damn thing you or I can do about it.

Well, I'm out for today.  Enjoy the entertainment because for me it is better than any reality TV show available.

May 11, 2013

Well this week was fun.  I have to say that I am really tired of these clowns, I mean gurus, claiming there will be an RV every single week.  The cycle is so predictable now that you can know what you are going to read on these dinar websites before you even go there.  Monday is fairly quiet with a few saying "this week looks good".  Tuesday starts to heat up with more saying it will happen this week.  Wednesday is really hot with all of them claiming that their "sources" are telling them this will for sure go down by Thursday or Friday.  Thursday comes and goes with more hype that it is at our door step.  Friday starts to get quiet because it hasn't happened yet and by Saturday most gurus go into hiding.  You don't hear much of anything on Sunday and Monday it starts all over again.

I am sorry if I offend anyone but I have been watching this for so long that I am becoming cynical.  I did see a few old timer names pop up this week which was entertaining.  I just can't figure out why there is such diversity among the gurus these days.  You basically have two camps.  The first and most prolific camp are the gurus calling for the RV every single week.  The other camp are the gurus saying it won't happen for a while yet because everything is not done, whatever that means.  Both camps have news articles showing why they are saying what they are, and it doesn't matter if they are claiming everything is completed and this should go down any minute now or if they are claiming that everything is NOT done and there are still things that need to be done.  I keep telling them that they can't trust the news but they don't listen lol.

So, the only new thing that has popped up this week is that some are claiming that Talibani gave a speech and said that the dinar was now an internationally traded currency.  Some are claiming this while others are saying that he is not strong enough to speak publicly yet.  Both sides claim to have news articles or eye witnesses who saw it on Iraqi TV but the bottom line is that we still have two completely opposite camps.

It is truly making me tired.  I know I know, if I don't like it I don't have to read it.  Well like I said before, I like to stay informed.  So since it's Saturday night I am sure I won't get ticked off enough to say anything on here until the middle of next week unless we all get surprised and this thing really does happen at which point none of us will care any longer and this blog won't mean a thing to anyone because they will all be out spending their money.

May 7, 2013

OK I know it has only been three days since I posted last but I have to get some things off my chest.

Is anybody else feeling like a yoyo?  You have gurus claiming an RV any minute now, and others claiming not for months if ever.  Up and down we go.  Then you have the gurus claiming a rate of close to $4 dollars while others are claiming one to one and now Mr. Kaperoni is saying it will just be a gradual float up from where it is now.  Are you kidding me?  This from "":  "It takes a stronger system as well as a mature market to maintain a float."  So are you telling us that Iraq has a mature market?  I don't think so Mr. Kaperoni.  A float is market driven which means the exchange rate is set by supply and demand.  So let's just say that Iraq goes with a float right out of the gate.  It starts at 1170 and is out there for the world to buy and sell.  Iraq is just coming out of Chapter 7 of UN sanctions, their government is young and not super stable, and you expect the value of the dinar to gradually float upwards while the world buys and sells the dinar?  How much confidence do you think the world will have in the dinar under these circumstances?  Not much I would venture.  Rather than float upwards I think it would float downwards putting Iraq in a worse situation than it is now.  No, I don't think that is the answer.

I'm no economist but even I can see that would be a bad idea.  I don't have the answer but I think it would be better for Iraq to go with either a fixed rate or a pegged rate pegged to the US dollar.  But hey, nobody really knows what they are going to do, least of all them it appears.  So for now just enjoy being a yoyo because it doesn't look like we will get off of this ride for a while.  Oh I know, many gurus are saying this week, and if you believe that I have some ocean front property I would like to sell you in Wyoming.

May 4, 2013

Well April came and went with no RV is anybody surprised?  All the supposed gurus calling for the RV any day now every weekend through the entire month and they are all eating crow.  I would not even attempt to count the number of times this has happened since this all began but it is getting old at this point.

What is up with those imbeciles running Iraq anyway?  Obviously they don't care about the people of Iraq, all they care about is their petty religious squabbles and that is getting tiring as well.  It makes you wonder if they will ever get their shit together.

So to all the supposed gurus out there, WTF?  Are you guys as dumb as a rock or what?  How can you keep saying the RV is going to happen every damn weekend and watch your predictions come and go and have the nerve to come back the very next week saying the same damn thing?  I for one am getting really tired of it. Oh I know, you will tell me not to read your crap if I don't like it.  Well, I like to be informed so I read it and I laugh out loud every time I do. You people are a joke.

Something else I am tired of is the fact that you have guys like Terryk saying the dinar is going to revalue every damn weekend, but he keeps saying that it will be super high like 7 to 11 dollars and then you have guys like Kaperoni saying it is going to be 1 to 1 or less with a float.  The problem is that the ones claiming that it is going to be at $3 dollars plus keep claiming it and show news articles to prove their claim and the ones claiming 1 to 1 or less do the same thing.  When are you guys going to realize that you can't trust the news outlets?  They are no different than the mass media here in the US and that means that they publish what they are told to publish by the government agency that controls them.  No news is reliable period.  No matter where you live you cannot rely on mass media to tell you the truth.  So give it up already.  If you are talking to someone who lives in Iraq and who has contacts in the government there then publish what they tell you and that is cool even though it won't be much more reliable than the media, but at least it is something rather than relying on the ridiculous mass media.

One thing for sure is that nobody, none of the supposed gurus, none of our mass media publishing false info that this is a scam, NOBODY knows when this will happen or what the value will be if or when it actually happens.  Iraq is a bunch of religious fanatics running around fighting between factions and acting like a bunch of grade school kids.  No, that is an insult to grade school kids.  They are running around like a bunch of out of control monkeys fighting over a banana.  Not one of them has the good sense god gave a penny and there they are trying to run a country worth billions of dollars in natural resources.  That is just sad.

Well folks if you are reading this I am sure I will be back in two weeks, and in a month and in three months talking about the idiocy that is running rampant regarding the Iraqi dinar because it doesn't appear that those imbeciles in Iraq will pull their heads out of the sand long enough to stop acting like monkeys and it appears that they are the ones controlling this currency regardless of what some of the supposed gurus claim that it is the US or the IMF or the UN or whoever they think is controlling the currency of this poor country.  By poor I don't mean poor as in broke with no money, I mean poor as in the poor people of this country are suffering while the leaders act like buffoons.  

April 25, 2013

Ok I can't resist I just have to say something.  Are people really that blind?  I mean last week several gurus were saying the RV was going to happen over the weekend and that everybody would be at the bank by Monday.  Here we are almost Thursday and those same gurus are now saying "it will for sure happen by some time next month".  Give me a friggin' break already!!!  You so called gurus don't have a damn clue what is going on with the dinar any more than the average Joe on the street, and the average Joe on the street doesn't even know what a dinar is.

I am amazed that people keep following these guys.  I used to belong to a religion that is considered by many to be a cult.  I was immersed in the religion completely until my eyes were opened to the fact that it is a fraud and then I got the hell out as fast as I could.  I still look at some of the people in that religion and I wonder how smart successful people can still believe that crap and I wonder how they can't see it.  Well, I couldn't see it either when I was immersed in it so I guess this is similar.  People want so badly to believe what these morons say that they just keep hanging on hoping that one day they will be right.  It kind of ticks me off that they keep leading these poor people on with their crap stories and every damn week its the same thing.  I guess if people don't want to see the truth then they can just stay on the roller coaster ride.  Man it still pisses me off though.

April 20,2013

So some time has gone by since I posted the first part of this and it has been interesting.  If you have been watching the dinar websites you have probably been as entertained as I have.  I guess there are three main types of gurus out there right now.  There are those who constantly say it is going to happen any day now.  They have gone so far as to call the RV by the weekend, every weekend in April so far, and when it doesn't happen on the weekend come Monday morning they always have a convenient excuse.  I have seen some of the old timer names mentioned over the past couple of weeks though, but they haven't posted, just been mentioned by some of the new gurus.  I still think some of the new gurus are some of the old ones with new names and they are probably mentioning their own old names just for the fun of it.

Then there is the group saying that it will probably happen by May 22 when the DFI runs out.  In case you don't know what that is, it is the Development Fund for Iraq and last I heard it was over $63 billion dollars being held in the Federal Reserve Bank in New York and protected by the UN Security Council.  That protection expires on May 22 and word on the street is that if Iraq has not revalued their currency by that date those funds are open game for all those countries who forgave Iraq of debt owed those countries.  The problem is that right now word is that the UN will not extend that date of protection, but as we have seen so many times in the past, that date could be extended at the last minute just like everything else with Iraq.

Then there is the group saying that it may happen this year but could very well go into next year.  They are the real downers of the party.  They talk sense and tell all the things that Iraq needs to still do before they can even think about revaluing their currency.  I guess every party needs a pooper and that is why they got invited to this one.

As I said in the beginning, I am no guru and I have no "people on the ground" in Iraq like some of these gurus claim.  All I do is observe and see who is making fools of their selves and laugh at some of the garbage that is put out on these sites.

The thing that really bugs me though is that most of these gurus who are supposedly so savvy about the dinar can't even spell.  I mean give me a break!  Okie Oil Man is one of the worst in this category.  He is supposedly an older gentleman who has been around the world and worked in very high positions for oil companies overseeing the drilling operations and my 5 year old can spell better than him.  Oh well, they have followers that seem to adore them whether they can spell or not so what ya gonna do?

While I am complaining let me just mouth off about another thing that bugs me.  Some of these people are so wrapped up in their religion that they can't stop talking about it even when in the same breath they are talking about getting rich.  Now I am not a religious person but I used to be and before I had a falling out with god I used to study the bible and other religious texts quite extensively.  I am pretty sure that Jesus was not into money, and He even told His followers to leave their money and follow Him.  But these folks seem to think that Jesus wants them to be rich and they seem to think that Jesus is going to take control of this dinar revaluation just to make them rich.  The Jesus that I knew when I studied religion would do nothing of the sort and it just makes me laugh when these people put prayers out there for all to see, just like the pharisees or sadducees  who prayed on the corners for all to see and were chastised by Jesus.  But for some reason these folks think they are talking to a different Jesus than the one in the Bible I guess.  Anyway, what I am trying to say is that if these folks want to believe in Jesus that is great, but don't publish your prayers on the internet, do them in private like Jesus taught.

Well, I guess I am done for now.  This thing is getting very entertaining for sure.  If the dinar ever does revalue it will be interesting to see if any of these people come out from behind the curtain and let their real identity be known.  Oh wait I forgot one of the things they always talk about is being careful not to let people know you are rich now and keeping your identity secret so you don't get targeted by scammers.  Oh well it will be interesting to see what these gurus do if this ever does revalue.  They will probably disappear never to be heard from again.  I just wish people would stop giving these gurus so much attention.  Maybe if people stopped hanging on their every word some truth might actually be put out but then again maybe not.  Well, enjoy reading the dinar sites and enjoy the entertainment and maybe I will get to say something about all this after it all happens, or maybe I will be back next month with more sarcasm and whit.  Until next time, I'm out.

There is a lot of talk about the Iraqi Dinar or IQD these days.  Estimates of how many US citizens own IQD range from a low of around 30,000 people to a high of 5 to 10 million people here in the US.  One thing you can be certain of is that there are many websites specifically aimed at the people who own the IQD and if you look at the number of visits some of those sites get you can see that there are a lot of people reading about this speculative currency, whether they all own the IQD or not remains to be seen, and some of those websites are making a lot of money either from subscriptions or from the sale of advertising.

The bottom line is this.  Since the UN devalued the Iraqi currency after the US went in and kicked their butts for invading Kuwait the IQD that was at that time valued at around $3.22 dollars per IQD down to at that time 4000 IQD to one USD, people have been purchasing them by the boat loads hoping that some day they would once again regain their former value and they would make a windfall in profits.  Currently you can purchase the IQD at around 1170 IQD for one USD making one million IQD cost around $1170 dollars.  Now, if it does what all the people who own them hope, and it regains the value it had prior to the UN devaluing it as punishment for what they did to Kuwait, then those who own IQD's will certainly make one of those windfall profits that everyone dreams about making.

If you have ever visited one of the Iraqi dinar websites you know that since about 2010 the so called "gurus" have been saying the IQD is going to revalue back up to its previous value any day now.  Yes, for the past three years they have been saying it will happen any day now on a regular basis.  There are always special dates that make it a certainty that this is going to happen, and those special dates come and go and nothing happens with the IQD and those "gurus" keep on going with new excuses about why it didn't happen this time and why it will happen on this new date just a few days or weeks or months ahead.

These "gurus" have been accused of "pumping sales of the IQD, or enticing people to buy more IQD knowing full well that nothing is ever going to happen with the value of that currency.  That would make this one of the biggest ponzi schemes in the history of the world if not the biggest.  Is that what these "gurus" are doing?  I have no idea.  Only time will tell I guess, but one thing you can be certain of is that they are still out there and still vocalizing their opinions daily.

One thing you may have noticed about these "gurus" is that as time goes on new ones pop up and the ones that were most visible disappear.  I started watching this situation about two years ago and I can tell you that the "gurus" that were so popular back when I started watching this have all but disappeared.  Back then there were many "gurus" talking about the IQD and saying it would revalue or reinstate its value any day now.  In the fall of 2011 it was absolutely going to happen by Thanksgiving, then it could not possibly go past Christmas, then it HAD to happen by the New Year, and as the dates came and went with nothing happening new dates were forecast like March when the OPEC meeting was going to be held and Iraq was hosting it, then it was June when the UN reviewed the Chapter 7 sanctions and were going to release Iraq from those sanctions.  Well here we are March of 2013 and Iraq is still under the Chapter 7 sanctions and all those "gurus" have disappeared and you NEVER read or hear from them.  In their places a whole new set of "gurus" have appeared and they are carrying on the old torch of saying the RV or RI(reinstatement) is going to happen any day now.  I sometimes wonder if the new "gurus" are those same "gurus" people were hanging on every word of back in 2011 just with different names.  You see, they never use their real names, they use handles like you would use in a chat room or on a forum.

Now I will admit there are a few, very few, who have been talking about the IQD for a very long time and who are still there talking about it today, but they are not guilty of claiming that the RV or RI is going to happen any moment now.  They have been more conservative and just given their opinions but not made any outlandish claims like the others that I mentioned.

So, what is really happening with the IQD?  Nobody really knows.  Oh perhaps a very select few very high in our government may have an idea, but they are not talking.  I honestly don't know if anybody really knows the truth behind this speculative currency and what is really and truly going on with it.  The government of Iraq or GOI is so screwed up that to me watching their antics is like watching a bunch of grade school children pretending to run a government on the playground.  They are constantly fighting between their religious sects.  They are constantly pulling childlike antics like not showing up at Parliament meetings like children throwing a tantrum.  It is almost comical and would be if the general population of Iraq was not suffering because these jokers can't seem to get their act together.  The people running the government are making plenty of money and have all the necessities and more for their-selves and their families and they make certain that they are not suffering, but they could not care less about the population of their country who are all suffering daily while they throw their tantrums and play their games.  There is one man in particular who is truly a piece of work.  Mr. Maliki, the Prime Minister of Iraq.  This guy is truly a piece of work.  He is at least a multimillionaire and quite possibly a billionaire personally who has made his money from the profits of Iraq while constantly pulling stunts that stop any real progress for the country to happen.  He is guilty of bombings, using the military to scare people into submission to get his way, and because of his money he has bought more people in the government of Iraq than a pharmacist buys pills.  This man is a heartless, selfish, egomaniac who cares about nothing more than power.  He already has more money than any one person can spend in ten lifetimes and the only thing that motivates him is power.  He is a dictator in the making and if the government of Iraq or other powers in the world don't get him out of there soon he may just be the next dictator of Iraq.

So, if you have purchased any IQD hoping for those windfall profits, my advice to you is don't go to the websites and read the unwise words of the so called "gurus" because that will just make you unhappy, especially if you believe anything that they say.  They all claim to have "contacts" in Iraq from within the government to the Central Bank of Iraq and you will find that they will tell you daily that your IQD will be worth millions tomorrow.  Tomorrow becomes today and they are still talking about tomorrow and the cycle continues.  If you follow them long enough you will find that those talking today will quietly disappear and be replaced with new "gurus" who will continue with the gibberish until you will become so frustrated that you will either sell your IQD or go crazy.  Just stay away from those websites with "gurus" telling you what is going to happen on a daily basis because that will lead to nothing but frustration.  I don't want to promote any one person or website here, that is not my purpose but the one person who has been consistent and who has not disappeared over the years calls himself Adam Montana.  That is not his real name, of course, but he is at least consistent and he keeps what he says to facts that he can verify without all the daily predictions of when the IQD will regain its former value.  There are others like him out there but they don't get a lot of "play time" on the dinar websites because they are also conservative and don't give out all the false hope that the other "gurus" dish out on a daily basis.

As far as whether the IQD will someday regain the value it had when the UN devalued it, and consequently a value it maintained from the 1940's through 2003 when the UN devalued the IQD, nobody really knows for sure and if they tell you they do know absolutely for sure, don't listen to them and run in the opposite direction because nobody knows for sure.  That's my take on the Iraqi Dinar for today and if I have any new insights on it I will share them in the future.  For now, my opinion is that if you own IQD, make sure you have only spent as much money on them as you can afford to lose completely, because you may do just that.  If you own them, you might as well hold on to them because selling them back is going to net you a loss, and even though you will not lose everything you have invested, you will take a substantial loss and in my opinion it is worth the risk of losing it all to see if this thing is ever going to do what the "gurus" claim.

"You may reprint any part of this blog as long as you post a link to where it came from with the reprint. Copyright 2013"